Fighting with friends.

Discussion in 'Self Defence' started by NaughtyKnight, Jan 18, 2005.

  1. NaughtyKnight

    NaughtyKnight Has yellow fever!

    Great friend you are :rolleyes:. Sending your friends to hospital will not get you many friends. Im glad Im not your friend.

    Black Thistle I would like to apologise for being judgemental also. After your background info I think I would of probably done something alot more violent.
  2. OneArmedBandit

    OneArmedBandit Types with one hand...

    The funny thing is, we're like best friends now, guess he learnt its better to be with a MAist than against one. :)
  3. semphoon

    semphoon walk idiot, walk.

    Yeah because all us MAists are rock hard and can kick the crap out of all non-MAists :rolleyes:
  4. Sgt_Major

    Sgt_Major Ex Global Mod Supporter

  5. AndyMac

    AndyMac New Member

    Haha, i know the experience of fighting people i knew and liked, hell, me sparring partener was my little brother who i could sparr better than, although he was more flexbile. (by far)

    We've never actually fought, ever, though, it's odd. We only ever argue because we kno what we could do if the time came to comming to blows, so i guess that's a good thing. :)

    Although there was this kid that was about 17 who came up into my face when i was 13. He grabed my shirt, slammed me against the fence (of my back garden, leaning up against my shed) i tried to think "Ok, i know i could smack this idiot, but i don't want to" but he swung for my face so i ducked, sat on the floor and kicked my footstraight into his gut with everything i could muster. he soon started swearing and getting mad, but the winding was all he needed before he started with the "lucky little ****" comments.

    So yeah, i'd go for the winding idea, friend or not, if someone gets physically abusive towards you, it's best to immobilise them rather than hurt them. A controlled kick to their solar plexis (not strong by any means, you just want to wind them!) if they are of the same size as you, and maybe with a little force if you're quite smaller and possibly elss physically powerful.

    Then again, if you CAN, submissions top that, nothing goes better than a wrist lock, taking them down like a hot knife flies through butter. Gives you time to reason with them also. :D

    Maybe trying to luer them off to somewhere that you can take them down without embarrassment would work also, but usually these things happen in an instand, so i wouldn't worry too much abuot where and when, as long as you're prepared to take the proper messaures.
  6. Black Thistle

    Black Thistle New Member

    No problem guys, it's difficult at times to get the full story down in posts as you tend to just give snippets which can sometimes give the wrong impression. I would never hurt anybody without good cause although I did have little self control at one time where I got into quite a few scrapes. I addressed this a while back where I'm much more mellowed now. Better that way me thinks.

    Semphoon, I hear you, but I guess theres always gonna be someone who's excempt from this. An example to the rule kind of thing?

    P.S Good roll last night.
  7. NaughtyKnight

    NaughtyKnight Has yellow fever!

    LOL, yeah this grandma looked at me today in a way I didnt like. She will never walk again. ;)

    OneArmedBandit, you gonna get a very nasty wake up call 1 day.
  8. semphoon

    semphoon walk idiot, walk.

    And that tourist who asked for directions...I hope they make liquid haggis as that is all he'll get to taste in Scotland :D

    On topic. When Im drunk I usually mess about with my friends. Its much more a joke though than anything serious though. Sometimes they will start messing with/niggling at me just to see what I do. :D
  9. NaughtyKnight

    NaughtyKnight Has yellow fever!

    Damn Scotish :D . Liquid Haggis, didnt think it was possible for Haggis to sound more disqusting.
  10. OneArmedBandit

    OneArmedBandit Types with one hand...

    You got me all wrong, thats not what i was trying to say, i'll say it another way, given the choice, in a fight where avoiding confrontation was impossible would you rather have your martial arts knowledge or not?

    And you did ask for experiences with fighting with friends, and apart from sparring thats the ONLY fight i've had with friends, and that was years ago, before I got into MA, I am now much more composed.
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2005
  11. NaughtyKnight

    NaughtyKnight Has yellow fever!

    Im glad to hear that.

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