Evolution and Intelligent design

Discussion in 'Off Topic Area' started by AuHg, Nov 19, 2005.

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  1. CKava

    CKava Just one more thing... Supporter

    Barmmy, barmmy, barmmy... you tried to suggest that people with Downs syndrome did not pass on the genetic defect to their children. Now that you've found out your wrong your now trying to use the new information to support your idiotic arguments. Your priceless! And now you want to go look for people with Down syndrome in Wal-mart... sorry but aside from it being pointless and proving nothing the whole world doesn't live in America so visitng Wal-Mart is something your going to have to do alone. Oh and by the way evolution has no will and neither does genetic mutation so I don't think any mutation tries to stop itself.

    Anyhow what happened to no members of the same species never having different amounts of chromosomes? Or what happened to your claim that people with Down Syndrome have the exact same DNA as people without the defect?

    You need to wise up sonny jim. You think that you've discovered the only true interpretation of Christianity, good for you but making petty snide remarks just further promotes your status as a fruitloop. I've met alot of Catholics and I can honestly say that despite calling priests Father and going to a mass on a Sunday none of them ever seemed so incredibly ill informed as your posts make you out to be- honestly out of all the religious folk Ive come across you take the prize as being the 'most misled'. If this debate is an example of your level of critical insight then I'm also not holding my breath that you've managed to discover true Christianity. Have a nice day Barmmy.
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2006
  2. Moony

    Moony Angry Womble

    Spot on. You beat me to Barmmy's post.

  3. CKava

    CKava Just one more thing... Supporter

    hehe... This is great! It kinda sounds like a secret briefing for barmmy's club. Makes me wonder if at the end of the day barmmy goes back to daddy barmmy and mummy barmmy and tells them round the dinner table all about the silly close minded people on the internet who keep posting EVIDENCE and using LOGIC to try and argue with him.
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2006
  4. medi

    medi Sadly Passed Away - RIP

  5. Moony

    Moony Angry Womble

    Stop cherry picking. It's pathetic. If you have something proper to say then say it, stop side stepping.

    Yes we have evolved good immune systems Barmmy but did you not read about germs evolving? Virus's and Bacteria have an extreamly short life cycle in comparison to Humans, in just a week they can go through several hundred generations. Plenty of time for evolutionary changes to start kicking in. It's why when people don't take courses of antibiotics to completion you can develope bacteria resistant viruses. But you knew that already didn't you Barmmy??

    To re-iterate wry's point for you. The strength of our immune system causes people problems. Our modern (Westernised) life style has taken away the daily challanges our immune system used to face back in the days when we were muckier. This means that some people develope an autoimmune responce, which I doubt you understand so I'm going to explain it to you.

    Autoimmune means that you are immune to yourself, it may occur randomly or it may be due to an overzealous responce from the immune system following an infection. It's caused by the immune system failing to recognise the marker tags on a group of your cells as 'self'. So it goes on the attack. The person then has to go on some form of medication to remedy the affect of their immune systems rampage, and for some people if they don't take such medicines they will die.

    Autoimuune tendancies are hereditary, so knowing about the evolution of the immune system and using such knowledge to study how such reactions can be prevented is only a good thing. And you had better not cherry pick this post.

  6. medi

    medi Sadly Passed Away - RIP

    Wow I just got to the bit where Hovind says the reason "we were so mean to the Indians [Native Americans]" was that Teddy Roosevelt's belief in Evolution led him to think they were an inferior species.
  7. chasleeuk

    chasleeuk Valued Member

    barmmy is correct, all you people who disagree with intelligent design are misled by the devils work. God made everything and evolution is evil. God have mercy on your souls you dark sided witches.

    God is the alpha and the omega, do not question his authority!
    well done barmmy, you have are a brave spiritual warrior!
  8. Moony

    Moony Angry Womble

    If you liked that you'll love his stuff on his site.


    I'll place the order for a few tankers of salt for you.

  9. Topher

    Topher allo!

    One doesn’t need to be a scientist to have knowledge of science. Evolution has provided knowledge which science uses to study and “fight” various viruses and bacteria. I’m not in a position to start making detailed claims about this so I’ll leave it for people with the appropriate experience. You should take note of this and realise when your not in the position to debate something you have no knowledge of, dont.

    A scientist doesn’t need to study evolution if it is not their field (i guess, at least not in-depth), but that is not the issue. The point is all of science uses the same scientific method. You have rejected the methods used to prove evolution and in doing this you have therefore reject the methods used to study all other branches of science.

    I challenge you to evidence this claim.
  10. Blevunly

    Blevunly Valued Member

    barmmer if your looking for some evidence when the immune system has evolved. Then look back to when the Europeans came to the America's. When they came they brought their diseases along with them and through the time the Europeans lived in Europe they had these diseases and their immune systems had to evolve to protect them from the diseases , but once their immune systems evolved so did the diseases (because if the diseases didn't evolve aswell then people wouldn't get sick) and by the time the Europeans came to America the diseases had evolved way past the Native Americans immune systems and alot of them died as a result.
  11. Strafio

    Strafio Trying again...

    I liked that Rainbow guy.
    Very respectful to both the beliefs and the ideas of the creationist audience.
    "If I saw evolution the way that you did then I'd reject it too. I applaud you for rejecting that model despite popular scientific opinion." and things like that.
    He went to a lot of effort to explain some of the usual creationist complaints in a clear and understandable way.

    He specified small steps making largers steps.
    Hovind seemed to ignore bits like that, saying that only small steps had been witnessed. (because larger steps take longer than a human lifetime - duh!).
    Oh well. :)

    Got to hand it to the guy though, he makes me laugh.
    Just the pure cheek of it!
    Forks and spoons!! :D
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2006
  12. wrydolphin

    wrydolphin Pirates... yaarrrr Supporter

    Do you not read very well or do multisylabic words just through you for a loop, barmmy?

    Drug resistant bacteria evolved in hospitals. Oh, Hell, why do I bother? You obviously don't have the ability to read cohesive posts and respond to the salient points. But hey, kudos to you for finally figuring out the function of the return button.
  13. Blevunly

    Blevunly Valued Member

    Hahahahaha your pretty funny, ever thought about doing stand up?

    but in all seriousness you are kidding right? You didn't just come into this thread to say something that pointless did you? But if you really wanna talk about God we could talk about this in the Biblical Judgement thread.
  14. Strafio

    Strafio Trying again...

    This is in the religion forum you know...
  15. barmmer

    barmmer Banned Banned

    .........silly dolphin, staphylococcus can be found in dirt. Did you quit school in the 3rd grade, put some ice on your head before your brain melts trying to be smart.

    Blevenly: what diseases did the Indians die from brought by the Europians?
    I think you meant they died when white people killed them.. have you ever met an Indian, dont ask them, they'll probably kill you for being that sick.
    and if any disease was attacking humans and we "Had" to evolve immune systems faster??? what the hell are you talking about? evolution is a slow process, not catch a disease cure it in 24 hours.
    If so many Indians died why didnt all our African brothers die when white men went to Africa? Why didnt all our Japanese brothers die when a Russian first went to Japan. Why didnt all our Australian brothers die when people from England went there? You dont make sence, this didnt happen.
    What diseases did the Indians die from again. Elaborate..

    Homerjsimpson.... bad dog! I told you "you dont need an education to understand science" now you tell me what I told you like you originatted the concept of that. Son I understand the scientific method. It has proven many things. One thing it has never never ever never proved and you can quote me on n-e-v-e-r is that evolution is a reality...

    and chemical changes due to the body result in immune system change. you can fix one problem, but suffer long term effects in another. No pill on the market has been proven to be completly safe with no side effects.. you can die from Asprin, tylenol, pennicillin (spelling?) anyway the long term effects of those are just now showing up to be recognized, and not just overdose effects. Unless you have a clone of someone and keep them in the same room from birth till death and replicate this experiment to prove consistance, you cannot tell the total effects of medicines. The problem is we also have different mental process as well as COuNTLESS environmental exposures, radio waves, sunlight, germs, that keep us from knowing why person A gets cancer and person B gets cancer and lives 2 years longer. I never said all medicine is bad, dont misquote me, Im saying no one has FULL knowledge of the long term effects, and certainly some medicines are necessary.

    moony, would you please tell me one disease specifically? and how we keep this disease at bay? I need to know who can get it and who cant so I can prepare myself from recieving or proliferating it. the strength changes in our immune systems are the results from new and frequent medicines put into our bodies as well as man made chemical and biological warfare. Toxins which are man made have stretched around the world. car exhaust is an example. nerve gas is another, nuclear explosion another. our food has chemicals, our toothpaste, our shampoo, our soap, our Pepsi. Planes fly in the sky emitting toxic waste, where does it go? eventually down.

    ckava your "evidence and logic" is far from evidence or logic. logic isnt mankind came from an ape. what did plants come from. other plants frantic about being eaten.. that first plant musta been like.....HELLL NOOo mannnn... I gota evolve into a cactus And by the way many Catholics do believe in God and if they didnt believe God made man and not man evolved from an ape, they dont believe the Bible they hold (and that is the same Bible that tells them to "Remember the Sabbath day" as well as other things) This is like science... Catholics can be good hearted people. Evolutionary scientists can be well educated. Catholic teachers can lead followers astray, all you gotta do silly is read the Bible it plainly tells people what to do and what not. Evolutionary scientists lead people astray, this too was religious to oppose Christianity which Charles Darwin left the religion because he said he thought his own father would be damned by God.

    Ckava I never said they had the exact same dna (down syndrom) I said they had human dna, They dont turn into winged creatures, or into apes. you would call this de-evolution if anything, but some of those people are the best people in the world, being more likely non-judgmenetal. The extra chromozone in an individual is a mutation which does not benefit the individual.evolution is a species becomming a new species survival of the fitist
    Another example is people and animals that are albino, its not to an advantage nor carried in a line within a species.

    I asked you for evidence Homerjsimpson.. dont ask me for evidence, Im not trying to establish evolution. you name the medicine the study of evolution has brought forth for the benefit of mankind. better off saying its a study to enlighten the mind, how about this... If you know so much about evolution what are we evolving into, what does the future hold for the chicken?
  16. Radok

    Radok Love myself better than U

    Popular belief does not produce varacity. And if someone is a Christian, they do not believe in evolution. Christians believe in the Bible, and the Bible does not support evolution.
  17. barmmer

    barmmer Banned Banned

    CKava.. I didnt understand about your brother working at a BP? the fuel company? they used bacteria to filter the waste water to clean it? how is this a gain from evolution? or were you just letting us know what BP has done? If certain bugs eat a farmers crop, does he not try to bring in bugs that eat those bugs? hello? this is early early early science, way before 50 years of evolution belief
  18. tekkengod

    tekkengod the MAP MP





    Which is EXACTLY why i don't condone christianity.
  19. wrydolphin

    wrydolphin Pirates... yaarrrr Supporter

    How much do you even know about the Bible? How much of the history of the actual book do you know? Can you tell me about the J, E, or P passages? Can you expound on how Judah and Isreal's rivalry affected recorded events? Can you talk about the Egyptian influences behind both the creation myth and other stories?

    To say that I or anyone else is not a Christian because they do not fit your narrow veiws insults me and every other Christian that might be reading this.

    And for the love of God, Barmmy, try looking up the term drug resistant and then tell me how evolution hasn't affected medicine as we know it and public health.
  20. barmmer

    barmmer Banned Banned

    I really am sorry I dont know what disease killed the Indians. feel free to laugh but please give the answer too... drug resistant deals with medicine,
    we're talking about mankind evolving from apes
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