Does anyone know these guys/girls

Discussion in 'Ninjutsu' started by garth, Feb 6, 2012.

  1. garth

    garth Valued Member

    [ame=""]Iranian Ninjas-Iran-01-29-2012 - YouTube[/ame]
  2. Dean Winchester

    Dean Winchester Valued Member

    They could probably fantastic if they dropped the nonsense.
  3. gapjumper

    gapjumper Intentionally left blank

    I wish I could see it from behind this firewall.

    Is it good or bad Garth?
  4. Cable Focus

    Cable Focus Banned Banned

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't he wearing a BJK patch.

    Another thing that I'm wondering about, can men and woman train together - considering Islam and Iran?

    The bo twirling was very classy.
  5. hatsie

    hatsie Active Member Supporter

    Well I'm not Garth but I'll have a go.

    It's very hee-ya' ninjery think 'the master'

    They are very agile, obviously not buj ( no big fatty's) a bit of karate/tqd stuff happening, a lot of gymnastics, some sick shuriken throws, some of the worst Bo work ever captured on film, and maybe a trace of takamatsuden (after a fashion) possibly badly copied from you tube or a h.s.c.

    Entertaining though
  6. newblack

    newblack エピクフェイル

    Just a point that you may be unaware of, but Islam is not a generic 'one size fits all' term. It as at least as many nuances and bizarre interpretations as what is called Christianity.
  7. 6footgeek

    6footgeek Meow

    Very Very Very Very true unfortunately. =(

    Though Islam isn't as extreme in male and female interaction as both Muslims and non muslims believe. If it did, we'd have no people in fields that require substantial people skills and knowledge of the other gender, like medicine.
  8. Count Duckula

    Count Duckula Valued Member

    Probably. It's not like women and men are not allowed to interact.
    There are probably well defined rules in place about what is and is not allowed. These women are fully clothed and wear their head scarf. My guess is that as long as the activities are not lustful or frivolous in nature, noone will object.

    And if they're a bit smart, they will have a respected person acting as a chapperon, or train in a public place, etc, to avoid all possible accusations or misunderstandings.

    As for this video: lots of 'dead foot', nunchucks, punching holes in the air, etc. But at least they're working out and having fun.
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2012
  9. garth

    garth Valued Member

    We seem to be going off track a little as my only reason for posting this was that some were wearing Bujinkan Badges, or at least appear to be.

    Now I know that its quite possible to get these off e bay, but on doing a search yesterday I found that there was a thread from 2006 where it mentioned these guys on RVDs website.

    Just wondered if these guys are still in the Bujinkan because it must make it the largest Bujinkan dojo in the world, and it seems most are female.

    As for quality, I think we have to remember that they were performing for a TV crew and what I saw regarding techniques I would say that I have seen a lot worse and some looked pretty impressive.
  10. gapjumper

    gapjumper Intentionally left blank

    I watched it last night. Firstly it didn't really look much like Bujinkan. Secondly the badge does have the bujin kanji but is not an official bujinkan wappan I believe. It has extra wording around the edge. I'm guessing maybe a ex-bujinkan instructor's group...but then you expect it to look more bujinkan and less...errr...karate/kung fu/RBWI/<insert own idea here>.

    Should we check with HNRT and Ichigun Ichimi to see if they are registered with them?

    On another note:

    I have ordered one of those funky tiger stripe outfits and will wear it at weekends while fighting crime in my local neighbourhood.:D
  11. poryu

    poryu Valued Member


    I loved the bit where they took the hood off and they had a spare on underneath;)
  12. Brixtonbodunwel

    Brixtonbodunwel Valued Member

    What ever it is; for me its great to see so many people training, getting fit , keeping healthy and developing nice mindsets. Also seeing Iranian people in a postive setting. From memory I think their is a Bujinkan group in Iran that has or had a link to an instructor in Eastern Europe. What ever you say 24000 students is a lot of licences! I know Iran has a large and growing drugs problem but it doesnt seem to manifest itself unlike in the west with volumes of street crime.
    Years ago I worked with a persian guy who told me all about the place I have been to a few persian resturants in London and would love to go their one day. if I do I can see me going to that dojo just for the fun of it and to experince a rather unique training environment.

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