Do you/have you smoked tobacco?

Discussion in 'Off Topic Area' started by Judderman, May 7, 2004.


Have you or do you smoke tobbacco?

  1. Never smoked

    398 vote(s)
  2. I quit

    238 vote(s)
  3. I smoke, but only socially

    78 vote(s)
  4. I'm a smoker

    106 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. dustIn credible

    dustIn credible Valued Member

    most of it is in your genes. If you have the cancer gene for say lung cancer, and you introduce a substance that helps cancer along (ie cigarettes do by killing aveloi the air sacs in the lungs and carbomonoxide which bonds to hemogloben better than O2 so you get CO poising your blood with every drag) Bottom line if your prone to get cancer smoking will give you cancer. If your not prone to cancer smoking can still give you cancer but the stats arent as high. 2nd hand smoke is as toxic if not more toxic than 1st hand. Main reason, the CO becomes more revilant in 2nd hand because of all the extra O2 it is able to obtain before entering the lungs. Samething with soot and ash. AMA i believe published and article stating that soot and ash can radically alter the genotypes of some people and at the very least slightly alter the genetic makeup of anyone that comes in contact with it. Scary thought huh. Your kids having a disability because you have a fireplace.

    oh and by the way ima smoker.
  2. Twimyo Jirugi

    Twimyo Jirugi Me, but not

    I actually tried them when I was only 7. But I wasn't too fond of them. Never liked them after. Always bugging my mom about quitting. I also ridicule my friends for it. It's great that we have the new anit smoking laws here. No more smoking in shops, buildings and closed in areas.
  3. jimmytofu

    jimmytofu A majority of one

    Never smoked. My father smoked for years. He stopped the moment he was diagnosed with cancer. He never smoked again - he only lived another 5 months.
  4. renshinkai

    renshinkai New Member

    Never have, never will. But both of parents (and step-parents) smoke. My mom smokes cigars, and so does my uncle, so I get alot of second-hand smoke.
  5. Freeform

    Freeform Fully operational War-Pig Supporter

    I once smoked a kipper, does that count ;)

    I don't/have never smoked and I don't understand how people in the UK can afford too.
  6. Hapkido_NY

    Hapkido_NY New Member

    quit last january, 2004.

    I feel so much better!! :)
  7. TM77

    TM77 Valued Member

    I did try cigarettes a couple of times and nearly choked to death in the process. I never smoked habitually so I checked Never Smoked.
    It's common sense really - how can inhaling smoke directly into your lungs be any good for you????
  8. alex_000

    alex_000 You talking to me?

    I don't but here in Greece is everybody smokes (like 80% or something).Here people smoke so much that you go in a cafe and the non smoking section has 1 table for every 10 smoking ones and of course it doesnt make a difference cause all places are packed with smoke anyway...

    I dont get the hole smoking thing. Killing you slowly, making you weaker and you pay for it??? WTF??
  9. DC_Benny

    DC_Benny New Member

    I won't smoke.I want to preserve my breathing.Even though my grandfather smokes a cigar and drinks whiskey every day,he is in perfect health and he is 85.Multiple people do this and I guess it is how the body deals with it.
  10. JamesD

    JamesD Valued Member

    Unfortunately I started when I was 12. quite when I was 31. stopped for a year and a half and for some reason started back 2 months ago. Plan is to stop again tomorrow.
  11. nunchukpaul

    nunchukpaul Banned Banned

    smokers are weak people, who have no control over them selfs
  12. chrispy

    chrispy The Hunter

    Pretty much what he said, except I borrowed a couple from my grandpa's pak once... that was the end of that
  13. pinkpsycho

    pinkpsycho Valued Member

    Well I started smoking when I was 13 but then I quit a few months ago and came so close to starting back up just a couple of weeks ago :bang: . It affects my health which affects my training because I have asthma. But since I quit my asthma is improving ;)
  14. ninposam

    ninposam hojo man

    I can safely say i have never smoked, all my mates and my wife smoke, but its somthing thats never botherd me.
  15. Kogusoku

    Kogusoku 髭また伸びた! Supporter

    I don't smoke cigarettes (hated the taste of them from the get go) but I am an avid cigar smoker.

    I'll smoke a good ciger maybe once or twice a week with a bottle of Bulmers Vintage Irish Cider or some other top shelf liquor and that's it. The best thing with cigars is that like Bill Clinton, you don't inhale :D
  16. eonwei

    eonwei Banned Banned

    I have never smoked and i never will. Smoking does terrible things to your body in exchange for.....nothing really.
  17. Aldarion

    Aldarion Banned Banned

    never have never will.
  18. rtkd-badger

    rtkd-badger Fundimentaly Manipulated

    I smoke about 25 a day and it really effects my cardio. On top of that I have asthma so I know I have to give it up but it's so hard. Have smoked for about 17 years now so the addiction has a pretty good hold.
  19. MuayKiDo

    MuayKiDo Che!

    I was a smoker for a couple of months when I turned 16. I smoked my first sigarette when I was eight years old, though--> *cough cough, tears in eyes* :cry:
    Here in holland smoking in any public area (shopping mall, at work ect.--everything that's indoor) is prohibited. I like this law. :rolleyes:

    Smoking is a long term suicide attempt, and an expensive one too. :woo:
  20. dfilson

    dfilson New Member

    Sadly I'm a smoker. I know I need to quit, but for those of you who have never smoked you have no idea how hard it is. I've read in several places that giving up smoking is equal to giving up herion. So unless you are a recovering addict or smoker you really have no idea how hard and addiction it is to break and in my opinion really have no place spouting off about giving it up. We all know smoking isn't good for us and I can't actually say I've ever met a smoker that didn't want to quit, but it isn't quite as easy as just saying I'm not going to smoke anymore.

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