Do you/have you smoked tobacco?

Discussion in 'Off Topic Area' started by Judderman, May 7, 2004.


Have you or do you smoke tobbacco?

  1. Never smoked

    398 vote(s)
  2. I quit

    238 vote(s)
  3. I smoke, but only socially

    78 vote(s)
  4. I'm a smoker

    106 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Kinjiro Tsukasa

    Kinjiro Tsukasa I'm hungry; got troll? Supporter

    I smoked briefly at university -- never more than half a pack a day. I quit way back then, and haven't had a cigarette since. Now, I can't even be around someone who is smoking, because I get this uncontrollable, hacking cough just breathing the second-hand smoke.
  2. wayofthedragon

    wayofthedragon The Defender

    I never smoked :Angel:
    never even thought about it :)
    although when I was much younger an older cousin tried to get me to try
    but I just couldn't, and I hope to never start :cool:
  3. Din

    Din 3rd dan

    never smoked. i dont see the point in killing myself.
    i probably get enough from second hand smoke since quite a number of my friends smoke. haha
  4. Anth

    Anth Daft. Supporter

    dont smoke now, wont ever smoke (I hope). my lungs are already nackered from my dad smoking all of my life :mad:
  5. chungmoomonkey

    chungmoomonkey Just a few more months...

    no way dude i have alot of friends that smoke cigs and pot and they think there so cool but my ma is to important to me.

    i think it is funny when in elementry school they beat into ur brain ways to say no and they tell u it will be hard not to sucome to pear pressure but that is so untrues fr me like i see people smoken i i wanna barf and when they offer i dont feel unconfterable im normally just like no im not a dumb ass like u. I beat a friend once fr bringing weed into my house lol
    Last edited: May 7, 2004
  6. Leksikon

    Leksikon New Member

    Started smoking at 14, been pretty much a pack a day smoker from the time I was 16 until about last weekend (am 25 now). Never had much luck with quitting cold turkey but I'm smoking 5 cigs a day now max since Sunday. Should be able to kick it once and for all very soon I hope. Feels good to breathe a little better and feel a bit more energetic lately :)
  7. FireMedic

    FireMedic New Member

    Oh ya, started when I was 17.....the whole army image ya know......quit 5 yr ago this Aug so I could play with my daughter and not feel like I was going to have to call work to pick me up after my MI. As Kick Chick, I have just now let my self puff a cigar again very ocasionally.....hey goes good with red wine. I do have to agree that 2nd hand cig smoke is prob the most disgusting thing I have ever smelled. And I saw someone the other day inhale cigar smoke!!!!....... :eek: :cry: :confused: gotta have a set for that let me tell ya.
    Last edited: May 8, 2004
  8. Paratus

    Paratus aka Mr. Rue

    Don't smoke, never will. Its bad enough for me with the occasional asthma attack, I'd be dying during training too, so....nah, smoking is definitely not for me

    Plus I never got how smoking started, doesn't it go against common sense to breath in smoke? Ah well, I guess people like the feeling
  9. YounGrasshopper

    YounGrasshopper New Member

    Nope, Never smoked and never will, dont you know what those cancer sticks will do to you? (opinion)
  10. bcullen

    bcullen They are all perfect.

    I smoked for 18 years. I decided to quit April 7, 2001 at 8:30 p.m. MST I extinguished my final cigarette. That was also my first week of looking into martial art schools in my area. My decision to quit turned into the catalyst that would reshape my life. Now, I can play with my children for I am no longer too tired. I have the energy to go out and do things and the confidence to step outside my comfort zone to try something new. I never realized how much control of my life was lost to the addiction. Sometimes the addiction that appears least harmful can have the greatest overall impact on your life. It's the thing that you don't see that trips you up.
  11. LeadLegger

    LeadLegger New Member

    I have a question. Is second hand smoke worse than smoking itself? I heard it was because you don't have the filter when you're breathing in second hand.
  12. Tika

    Tika New Member

    you dont take in as much smoke when you dont actually do the people who are smoking smoke through a filter...and their bodies serve as a thats just silly....
  13. Tika

    Tika New Member

    I tried cutting down then quitting and had trouble... may I recommend those nicotine free cigs....they knock the physical craving so its a little easier to knock the rest of it....
  14. Infesticon #1

    Infesticon #1 Majesticon

    Believe it or not, some people enjoy it.

    I personally enjoyed smoking. I still smoke, normally when I'm drinking, it just seems to go. A beer and a cigarette.

    Rarely smoke sober.
  15. Kenpo Kicker

    Kenpo Kicker New Member

    Ugh, I love smoking. I'm gonna have such a hard time quiting.
  16. jroe52

    jroe52 Valued Member

    what about the catagory where you smoke 1 cig a year lol
  17. Darkflames21

    Darkflames21 New Member

    Don't need it, don't want it, never going to.
  18. iain radford

    iain radford taekwondododo

  19. jokerlaughsatu

    jokerlaughsatu New Member

    I didnt think you were actually supposed to smoke those. where I'm from they are only for blunts
  20. shootodog

    shootodog restless native

    smoking kills my cardio. it changed my game entirely! if i can't get a sub within 3 minutes, i know i'm done for.

    i have to try to quit soon. but it's so hard! i'm going to miss the cohiba cigarettes, the kamels, the camel (turkish blend), the davidoffs**sigh**

    i love cigars though! the philippines have some of the best too (don juan urquijo, 1881, tabacalera, fighhtingcock, double happiness, etc). and it isn't hard to come by the cuban ones either (cohiba, ryj, and macanudos are my favorites).

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