
Discussion in 'Off Topic Area' started by wrydolphin, Aug 12, 2007.

  1. wrydolphin

    wrydolphin Pirates... yaarrrr Supporter

    Well, this year brings a bunch of changes for me. My senior year of nursing school (ok, with a previous degree, doesn't that make all subsequent years "senior years"?), my first roommate in almost a decade, and I am entering discernment and starting Education for Ministry- a sort of condensed seminary course that lasts four years.

    Discernment starts next week when the father gets back from his Mexican family vacation (must be nice, all I get to go to is Midland, Texas :p) and I apparently already have the vestry lining up to interview me and put me through the wringer. Some parishes actually make you write faith essays.

    What am I getting myself into?

    Ok, I feel better. :rolleyes:
  2. ember

    ember Valued Member

    Best of luck. I hope you find the answer that's right for you. Ministry can be a huge commitment, but I also hear that it can be very rewarding.
  3. Moosey

    Moosey invariably, a moose Supporter

    What's an "education for ministry" course all about? Will you be a nurse? A preacher? A nun? None of the above?
  4. slipthejab

    slipthejab Hark, a vagrant! Supporter

    Wow. Good luck Wry.

    Ok... so how hot is your new roommate? :D
  5. CanuckMA

    CanuckMA Valued Member

    So a MA trained nurse preacher. If they don't listen to the sermon you beat thr c**p out of them and then fix them up?

    Best of luck wry!
  6. wrydolphin

    wrydolphin Pirates... yaarrrr Supporter

    Makes everything selfcontained that way, Canuck. ;)

    I'll be a deacon rather then a priest. Basically it means that I will be able to use my position within the church to start a community clinic that is partially funded by the church itself. So, no real preaching duties (other then those in the liturgy) and no major obligations to anything other then my parish community.
  7. CanuckMA

    CanuckMA Valued Member

    Sounds great!

    As long as it leaves you enough time to hang around here :)

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