
Discussion in 'General Martial Arts Discussion' started by London, Feb 12, 2006.

  1. London

    London New Member

    I sorry to bring this up, is dimmak real, because I know many people say yes, others say no.
    I saw these clips, about pressure points fighting, it seems real?
    I know of Chi, I how it works, according to my interpretation, being a Muslim, I know how people can do this, for example by watching the last part of this clip, it seems impossible to put someone down, without NO contact!

    Here it is:
    http://www.umam.org/Fun Stuff/dimmak.rm

    Again sorry if the topic as being discussed before
  2. Tri

    Tri New Member

    40% of of people are susceptible to this "touch" and his own students can't hold him off?
  3. Alansmurf

    Alansmurf Aspire to Inspire before you Expire Supporter

    The class consists of the "40 percenters"!!! according to the news report .

    As they said at the end "come on down and try for yourself"

    Any Chicago based MAP ers out there willing to do some investigative reporting ?

    If not I would love to undertake the assignment and take a MAP funded expedition to Chicago !!!!

    :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
  4. Jesh

    Jesh Dutch Side Of The Force

    Maybe you want to try the "search" function, there are many topics on this subject.
  5. Psywire

    Psywire New Member

    Of course Dim Mak is real. The whole idea of the "death touch" does appear to be far-fetched, but all it does is stop the blood from flowing through the meridians around the body. It does take a great deal of accuracy to hit the pressure points spot on, but with practice, anything is possible.
  6. Sandus

    Sandus Moved Himself On

    Dim Mak is not real.
  7. TheSwazi2000

    TheSwazi2000 New Member

    Yeah, it's real. It's really not that hard to kill someone. I don't know why people think it's some difficult thing to do. People die by accidents all the time from getting hit in different spots of the body. If you have ever taken Anatomy and Physiology then you would be quite aware of how frail the human body just really is. Now all you have to do is look at these weak points of the body, hit them hard and at different angles, and there you go. Instant corpse.....lol. I guess you people never here of anyone dieing of internal bleeding. I see it all the time in the E.R. Accidents happen. Abdominal Aorta ruptures. Quite frequent. I could go on and on, but I won't because all it really comes down to is if you want to believe me or not. I really don't care. I'd rather the world not know this dark art. Peace out.
  8. Banpen Fugyo

    Banpen Fugyo 10000 Changes No Surprise

    Meh.... Pressure points, yes, Dim mak, maybe.

    Even if Dim mak was real, it would take too long to practice and too long to master and IMO wouldnt be worth it. But whatever.
  9. Bil Gee

    Bil Gee Thug

    There's lots of vulnerable points all over the body that have a variety of different effects. Everybody knows the difference between being hit in the solar plexus and slightly to the side of it, press on somebody's kneck properly and they'll pass out, press on their eyeballs and the heart will slow down, kick a man between the legs and get his full and undivided attention etc.

    It would be ridiculous not to assume that within all martial systems these vulnerable points in the human body and their effects have been incorporated to some extent.

    The manner and direction in which a blow is delivered can be as important as the place it lands. Again this knowledge has been incorporated to some extent into all martial arts.

    In that respect there is a body of knowledge that fits the general heading of Dim Mak, but it's not limited to Chinese Martial Arts.

    However, the hocus pocus we're seeing on these videos that pop up regularly is simply an adaptation of the induced hysteria that evangelists tend to specialise in.

    There are a lot of people selling these "secrets" and have been for over twenty years now. Despite this, despite the fact that tens of thousands of people have probably gone through the various training programs, I'm not aware of one case that could be confirmed by any reliable source where this skill has been used on anything other than a group of "believers".
  10. Pacer_3

    Pacer_3 New Member

    Stephan Bonner was in that news cast...it didn't seem to work on him or impress him much. I understand how the strikes to the neck would distort the bloodflow to the brain. The other part about throwing energy seems a lot more like hypnosis than anything else. They are weak minded and easily fooled into thinking a shock is going to hit them.
  11. brahman

    brahman Banned Banned

    the name dim mak= death touch, the system of techniques does exist, it is just hard to find because when someone learns them they think they have something special and need to keep them secret, and 95% of the time the moves that peolpe are told are dim mak is fake.

    i think the real question wether the moves are effective. and by the way, dim mak is not some mystical points on the body that when touched make you die immediately or days later mysteriously. it is the what you strike with and how you strike which does the damage.


    This looks like a job for slipthejab.
  13. pgm316

    pgm316 lifting metal

    Theres no real evidence of them being effective, other than a teacher demonstrating on his willing students. But what use is this? You could argue its mind over matter when the student lets themself fall to the attack.

    If Dim Mak is real, then why has there been little evidence in pro fight contests. This argument never comes to any conclusions because without evidence how can it?

    And even if it is real, it'd be harder to pull off than a eye jab....
  14. brahman

    brahman Banned Banned

    this is why i say the system exists, and the real arguement is whether it is effective or not.
  15. Banpen Fugyo

    Banpen Fugyo 10000 Changes No Surprise

    lol... how does that have anything to do with dim mak
  16. Yohan

    Yohan In the Spirit of Yohan Supporter

    First off - I don't think "dim mak" is a system of techniques. I think it is a generic term that refers to a phenomenon in chinese martial arts training.

    Second - I didn't watch those videos, nor do I have to. Those guys are fakers.

    Knowing where and how to hit, and being able to do it are important skills within any MA.
  17. TheSwazi2000

    TheSwazi2000 New Member

    well that's an easy one, in pro fights you have gloves that cover a larger surface area. This doesn't leave room for knuckle strikes and penetrating finger strikes.
  18. medi

    medi Sadly Passed Away - RIP

    *strips naked*

    Where's my streaking partner?


  19. brahman

    brahman Banned Banned

    generic? you would be part of the 95% part who have seen made up, "okay" when i touch him with my pinky he will die" techniqes. this is assuming you have seen more than one system of supposed dim mak. or any suppossed system of dim mak to begin with.

    most people still seem to believe in the mystical stuff. and the actual term "dim mak" is somewhat of a generic name, because it has been called so many things most people only know of the one term.
  20. Bil Gee

    Bil Gee Thug

    So what exactly do you base your belief on, personal experience or credible sources that you can cite?

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