defending yourself / running away

Discussion in 'Self Defence' started by Solomon, Dec 31, 2004.

  1. Solomon

    Solomon Valued Member

    i'd love to take tai chi when i get the time and money, so maybe there are just somethings i don't know about ma's much, but anyway...

    i'm seeing alot of advice to runaway if possible. And i'm thinkin whaaaaaa?

    why not use the training you've been given? its supposed to work right?

    now i know this much, you don't try to take on a knife/gun/group/much larger oppenent, yeah then you run, but if the guy is your size give or take, than don't you face him? (as long as your defending your self and not the aggressor)

    i was tought never to run from a fight. stay till its over/till the attack is over.
  2. surgingshark

    surgingshark Valued Member

    Because for all you know, the assailant may have a dozen of his buddies (hidden from view) waiting to pounce on you if you stay.
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2004
  3. Timmy Boy

    Timmy Boy Man on a Mission

    Or just better at fighting than you.
  4. surgingshark

    surgingshark Valued Member

    Or concealing a weapon.
  5. Timmy Boy

    Timmy Boy Man on a Mission

    Or a million other reasons :D
  6. surgingshark

    surgingshark Valued Member

    ...and that's why running away is a good idea :D
  7. robertmap

    robertmap Valued Member


    Not getting into trouble - VERY GOOD

    Talking your way out of trouble - GOOD

    Walking away - GOOD

    Running away - GOOD

    Fighting - BAD
    - It's always BAD - no matter what the situation - of course sometimes it may be necessary - but it's still BAD :(

    All the best.


    Robert Agar-Hutton
    Instructor Protectics Karate Jutsu
    Instructor Luton Tai Chi Club
    4th Dan Kyu Shin Ryu Karate
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 31, 2004
  8. Dr.Syn

    Dr.Syn Valued Member

    Defending yourself

    Read ALL of the above posts...Excellent comments...
  9. Thomas

    Thomas Combat Hapkido/Taekwondo

    I agree with all the previous comments... our fighting skills really should only be used when there is no alternative... mainly because "anything that can go wrong could go wrong..."

    Beyoind that, if you do have to fight, finish it as quickly and efficiently as possible and then immediately get out of there.
  10. leeless

    leeless Handshaker extraordinaire

    The most effective way of not getting beaten up is not being there. It's also the easiest.
  11. Solomon

    Solomon Valued Member

    alright, thanx for the help.
  12. kayraku

    kayraku New Member

    lol peopel who run are weak in my opinion, dont run because then the people will rember you by the wussy person who ran, you dont want that you want to be rembered as the guy who beat them up or somthin i dunno. i just think running is bad.and if some on had a gun pointed to your head then u dont really have a choice to run so y not beat him up and take the gun wile your at it, i joined ma to defend my self not to run so i dont knwo y all of you run froma fight but i will allways stay there intill its over, thats wat were taught right?
  13. Gasg

    Gasg Valued Member

    I agree with most of the others, there's a million reason why not to fight. But i want to add about the size of your opponent. Even if he is much smaller than you, really annoying and everything, if you can get out, do it. My kung fu master is really small and thin, yet im 'scared' even just to hold the punch/kick bags when he wants to show something. Now i sure don't judge people by their size. I hope i make sense..

    About looking weak and everything, i prefer to look weak than to look 'cool' or whatever in a hospital bed. And i can't speak for everyone, but at least im taught not to fight.
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2004
  14. Florida Warlock

    Florida Warlock Banned Banned

    There's no chance I'd run from a fight. If the guy is much bigger, I have a knife. If he has a weapon, I'm faster than he is, so that won't help him. Cutting wrists usually disarms well. :)

    If you're against the group, once you take the leader down, they all get scared and back away(usually). If they all come at you at once... that's not good. But I still wouldn't run. I have a knife for that, too. :)

    The common street thug usually isn't a martial artist. the advanced street thug may be an interesting opponent, but still probably an easy k- opponent.

    If they have guns, running most likely won't help. You'll just die tired. :eek: If it's a bank robbery, there's a chance they're professionals, so even I wouldn't try to be the hero. Some people could probably disarm one if they were threatening them at gunpoint, then use the guy's body as a shield; but I wouldn't try it.

    If you're gainst one guy with a gun, disarm him. As a martial artist, you're hands are faster than his.

    Don't take my advice; might get ya killed. That's just what I'd do; I'm psycho in fights. :D

    Never fight for money; always fight for life.
    (and freedom, racism, etc. :))
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2004
  15. E-Rocker

    E-Rocker Valued Member

    My instructor's instructor (Guro Rick Faye) describes self-defense as "safe escape." Nothing more, nothing less. Running away is often a much more efficient and direct route to safe escape than fighting.

    Y'all can stick around & try to bust heads if you want to. I've got a wife to get home alive to. :love:
  16. YODA

    YODA The Woofing Admin Supporter

    When Rick Faye speaks - I'm all ears.
  17. robertmap

    robertmap Valued Member


    "If you're gainst one guy with a gun, disarm him. As a martial artist, you're hands are faster than his"

    Um, why? How do you know that the guy with the gun isn't a better martial artist than you - I was over in Malaysia a few years ago and on the news a housebreaker (thief) had been caught by the police - he had been competing (the month previously) in the South East Asia Games as a Silat competitor - so lets see he would (probably) be damn near world class - good with knives and he's robbing a house - you decide to have a go - and?????

    Yes of course there are all sorts of circumstances in which you have to fight - but if you can avoid fighting - that is the highest art... Why? Because killing and hurting is easy - any punk can do it - preserving and safeguarding life is the way.

    All the best.


    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 1, 2005
  18. Bob1770

    Bob1770 Valued Member

    LOL, my dad always told me, (especially when posting bail that I have a knack for being in the wrong place at the wrong time). I don't seem to have a problem getting beaten, but I sure had a knack for getting arrested, sometimes when I didn't do it! :D
  19. enquirer

    enquirer New Member

    If I run then the average snail will catch me .... from behind. Made me think.
  20. Cosmic Monk

    Cosmic Monk New Member

    Avoid all confrontation if you can is my view, if you cant, do what you need to..... then run :)
    As for guns... it doesn't matter how fast you are! :woo:
    and a good drill for knives... have a mate / student attack you with a red marker pen (as if its a knife) with your shirt off.... then you'll see why knife defense is a risky business as well.

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