Cross posting?

Discussion in 'Suggestions, Problems and Tests' started by slb, Mar 27, 2013.

  1. slb

    slb New Member

    I made an introduction in the introduction section, then I made an introduction in the book section trying to explain a bit more about my books. Then I get a message stating that this is cross posting and against the rules. Okay, but the last few times I've tried to introduce myself, the postings have been removed and I don't understand why.

    I even tried to ask a question in the fitness section and that post was removed.

    Maybe the moderator thinks I'm advertising, but I don't think I did anything more than what I've seen others do in the book section and I didn't think I was advertising or promoting any particular fitness program. I was only asking if anybody else had used it and what they thought of it.

    I guess I'm not understanding what is allowed and what is not even by reading the rules. Especially in the book section. It specifically states we're allowed to talk about our books, but apparently not based on the removal of my recent posts.

    Any assistance would be helpful. Thanks.
  2. Princess Haru

    Princess Haru Valued Member

    when I was 14 I bought a copy of 'Man of Contrasts' by Hee Il Cho which was my introduction to TKD but only got a chance to train with a club 5-6 years later. It was still useful as I took the descriptions on how to do a lot of the kicks we didn't do in karate against a punchbag. as someone who started in Karate with the KUGB I had some Nakayama and Enoeda kata books. I've still not bought any books on Judo

    i think you are allowed to talk about your books, just not ones you have authored
  3. Ben Gash CLF

    Ben Gash CLF Valued Member

    The spam filter is quite sensitive. Try engaging in a few of the ongoing discussions and once it recognises you as part of the community this problem will probably stop.
  4. Simon

    Simon Administrator Admin Supporter MAP 2017 Koyo Award

    slb, this is something I can sort for you.

    I'll get it sorted later today.

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