Cross MA training, beneficial or harmful?

Discussion in 'General Martial Arts Discussion' started by Mafibre, Jul 13, 2015.

  1. Mafibre

    Mafibre New Member

    Chadderz, I have found that I can incorporate some methods from the sanda into my WC training, the odd slip from a punch to get closer and throw them off. If anything I find it useful in this aspect already. This is partially why it bothers me that I don't see the same opportunities the other way round.
  2. David Harrison

    David Harrison MAPper without portfolio

    Then you've got the perfect laboratory to work all this out!

    Everyone is different, and different approaches will work for different people.

    You are your best teacher. I feel instructors should guide growth, not dictate it.
  3. Mafibre

    Mafibre New Member

  4. David Harrison

    David Harrison MAPper without portfolio

    You are very welcome :)

    What I train in is a little contentious around here, but if you click the link in my signature, it will take you to the website for our central organisation.
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2015
  5. Mafibre

    Mafibre New Member

    That looks very interesting, almost like a chi combat system?
  6. David Harrison

    David Harrison MAPper without portfolio


    No, there is no chi, energy, feelings or trying to emulate animals.

    It's all very logical and down-to-earth.

    If I were to give a basic description I would say it looks a bit like original Jeet Kun Do mixed with WWII combatives.

    Actually, a few people have spotted us in the park and asked if we were doing Wing Chun, probably because of the parrying/trapping and vertical fist straight punches - although the way we parry and trap is not all that similar to WC.
  7. zombiekicker

    zombiekicker bagpuss

    I've trained a few different things and unless you doing your style 8 hours a day, it's #ult, boxing and judo maybe Bjj and being ruthless, that's it as far as I'm concerned!!
  8. Mafibre

    Mafibre New Member

    That sounds very interesting, and I'm sure very effective also! I didn't mean so much the chi side of the systems, but more in terms of the techniques used against specific attacks, and the straight forwArd defence side of it.
  9. Mafibre

    Mafibre New Member

    My job restricts such training haha. However I would say that per week I get roughly 14 hours a week training in.
  10. David Harrison

    David Harrison MAPper without portfolio

    I'd say that's a good amount, seeing as the majority of people attending martial arts classes probably average 1 or 2 hours a week.
  11. zombiekicker

    zombiekicker bagpuss

    Yeah training at home is a must I reckon, I sometimes move away from the sink while washing up and do a block or throw a few kicks before going to hang washing out, I've also got a full standing Punchbag that I use for cardio and just bashing, maybe I'm weird or just pro protection
  12. David Harrison

    David Harrison MAPper without portfolio

    I totally agree. You will never get very far if you don't practice outside of class.
  13. zombiekicker

    zombiekicker bagpuss

    Yeah when I was doing ninjutsu I did sanshin and kihon happo every day, not sure of validity of it but I've got excellent balance and back and forward movement
  14. Mafibre

    Mafibre New Member

    Unfortunately I don't have a punch bag, however I do have a wooden dummy, I could also shadow box I guess?

    I would say that roughly 6 or 7 hours of that training is in class, and one on one.

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