Counter & Combinations

Discussion in 'Aikido' started by Shinkei, Jan 11, 2008.

  1. Shinkei

    Shinkei Valued Member

    As a Tomiki Aikidoka I practice counters, combinations & continuations for Randori kyogi.

    Randori Kyogi training uses the priciples of go-no-sen and in a higher state sen-sen-no-sen. with the aim of being in mushin (no mind).

    Although most styles don't practice competitive aikido. I am sure that some coounters and combinations are taught for when uke resists.
  2. Panzerhaust

    Panzerhaust Banned Banned

    The idea is to progress your skill to that point naturally.

    In Yoshinkan aikido we don't do competition but in jiyu-waza we do our best to hit the other person as hard and realistically as possible so that they can do technique realistically against realistic force, which is basically a combination of improving technique and learning not to panic.

    Even when we practice technique normally we don't fold until the technique forces us to, of course this is done in relation to shte's (sorry it won't let me spell it properly) skill level otherwise you'd be standing there while the newer students tried to do nikajo on you.
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2008

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