Competition Fighting

Discussion in 'General Martial Arts Discussion' started by Grifter, Jul 10, 2003.

  1. Grifter

    Grifter Edited by White Wizard

    For anyone who does Tournament type fights,ecspecially the guy that said he fight k1, how did you get started in them.
  2. Yin and Yang

    Yin and Yang Valued Member

    My teacher told me about them, however if there is a YMCA or other organization, or martial art club somewhere nearby, you could always ask. There has got to be a tournament near you. You could find out if you have to be in a club to fight. Maybe your friends studio would let you go with them. Didnt you say your friend helped teach you some stuff??
  3. Grifter

    Grifter Edited by White Wizard

    yea but they dont take MA anymore. one used to take it when he live in china. The other took it when he was younger. and the last one quite when he got married because he has to take care of his family now. but anyway i dont think im anywhere near ready to fight in tournament. I was just wondering how others got into it.
  4. Saz

    Saz Nerd Admin

    If your style competes, then there should be tournaments annually at the very least. Other than that, look around for Open tournaments that let any style compete.
  5. Rob_InDaUk

    Rob_InDaUk Grandmaster Sandwich

    There are competitions that let any style compete? I bet they are very hard to compete in. You must have to be very well rounded to do well in those surely?


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