[Capoeira] Capoeira While Pregnant?

Discussion in 'Other Styles' started by dormindo, Jun 19, 2006.

  1. dormindo

    dormindo Active Member Supporter

    I'm jumping a bit ahead of myself as I've only just recently gotten engaged, but I'd like a little feedback, as my fiancee practices Capoeira Angola and is pretty serious about it. I seem to recall that at one workshop, a mestre mentioned that his wife played some while pregnant. It was just an offhanded comment during the course of the workshop, not sure if I caught it correctly.

    Entao, my question is: Have any you here experienced firsthand or witnessed a woman or women playing while pregnant? How late into the pregnancy did they continue? Did they exclude certain movements (i.e., role, queda de rin, bananeira, role de banco/ponte)? If you know, were there any complications with the pregnancy?

    I will, of course, ask my own teacher and my circle of camaras about this tonight; I just thought I'd cast my net wide.

    Thanks in advance for your responses.


  2. slipthejab

    slipthejab Hark, a vagrant! Supporter

    You really want to be asking you doctor about this.

    Women these days have come full circle in some respects... in poor countries it's not like they ever stopped working hard labor while they were pregnant. Now many industrialized nations are starting to realize that it's good for a woman to be active while pregnant not just sitting around stuffing herself with bon-bons.

    Yoga and Pilates can both be practiced to some extent while pregnant... but it will vary for each individual as well. Some pregnancies are massive in size and weight and others less so... so some of your answer is going to be very pregnant person specific/dependant.

    At one point you will reach the commonality of all pregnancies... in that chances are at some point during the pregnancy you'll have to calm down a bit... no triple back flips if your worried it might cause your water to break. Lets face it... spraying everyone in your circle would not be a good thing. :p

    So while you may get some answers here - ask you doctor - they are going to be the most qualified to answer the question. And even among docotrs you are going to have some variation... some will recommend what others won't.
  3. firecoins

    firecoins Armchair General

    I have done capoeira pregant and its fantastic.
  4. dormindo

    dormindo Active Member Supporter

    I appreciate the feedback. Obviously, medical guidance trumps all here. And there would definitely be a problem if the water broke in the Roda (another obstacle--along with glass and lava--for arts that do things on or near the ground such as Angola and BJJ ;) ). I'm just looking for a little experience based advice on the subject in the spirit of the fact that things such as yoga and hard work are done by pregnant women all the time. My own mother worked as a custodian, pushing buffers until the eighth month of her pregnancies with my two youngest sisters (she didn't have to do it upside down, though).

    As for the acrobatics, upside down is about as crazy as my lineage of Angola (Pastinha lineage) gets. Won't see any triple flips from me, let alone a possibly future pregnant fiancee/wife.

    Thanks again, Slip.


  5. dormindo

    dormindo Active Member Supporter

    Sooo.....Which intrepid MAPper is the father? ;)


  6. prowla

    prowla Valued Member

    There was a lady doing karate at one of our clubs whilst pregnant.
    She was pretty careful about what she was doing.
    But imagine if there was an accident! :confused:
  7. KickChick

    KickChick Valued Member

    I think my kids were practising capoeira in utero :D

    There's alot of threads here in the forum if you Search "pregnancy" .... but as slip suggested..... I always warn women to first check with their doctor regarding whether they can still continue martial arts (and be sure to tell them exactly what your style involves) and for just how long.
  8. dormindo

    dormindo Active Member Supporter

    Thanks, KC. I had actually seen a couple of the threads, but posted this as I felt that Capoeira Angola--as I train it--didn't have one of the main concerns voiced: all out sparring (sure, there are hard games, but those are usually between the more advanced, or the more hotheaded), and that it has it's own unique concerns: being inverted and (at times) very low to the ground. Now, I am familiar with seeing photos of pregnant models in various yoga postures that somewhat resemble movements of Angola--including inverted ones. I also, of course, would take the necessary medical precautions. What I would really like to know, though, are the experiences of those who have been pregnant and played, or those who have seen it happen.

    Oh, and KC, as to your kids' jogando in utero: I never considered myself to be a man with any type of envy about pregnancy, but your comment has made me--for the first ever in my recollection--wonder what the movement of another being inside one must feel like. Then, a few seconds later I creeped myself out by remembering the parasitic spider creature from Alien. Well, it was an interesting moment while it lasted.

    Muito obrigado,

    Last edited: Jun 20, 2006
  9. voodue

    voodue Valued Member

    While I was in Brazil I met a woman who played capoeira up to the day she gave birth. Every time her son heard capoeira music, after he was born, he fell asleep.

    My wife trained a little when she was pregnant but stopped because she had no time. Instead she played the berimbau every day so my son could hear the music. I think you should be okay as long as your partners understand your pregnant.

    I would say you really have nothing to worry about especially if you are doing capoeira Angola. Good luck and check back with us if you do get pregnant.
  10. Martial_Mathers

    Martial_Mathers Capoeirista


    I've witnessed many pregnant women playing Capoeira until they were physically unable to (...fatigue, pain, etc.), and when that threshold was reached, they diverted their energy towards instruments. Most stayed relatively slim except for the added baby weight.
  11. KickChick

    KickChick Valued Member

    Yeah I would really want to find that out myself ... (dormindo is a guy... he was asking for his fiancee ;) )

    I personally disagree with playing up until the point of fatigue or even pain! It just isn't advisable.

    Put the needs of your baby first and get the ok from a physician.
  12. Martial_Mathers

    Martial_Mathers Capoeirista

    I didn't intend to imply that they were actively playing Capoeira at the time that they experienced fatigue or pain. My comment revolved around the fact that they played Capoeira until they began to experience discomfort within their pregnancy. In other words, they may have played Capoeira during the first 3 or 4 months of their term, for example, but began experiencing back pain due to the weight of the baby, so they stopped contributing physically to Capoeira, and instead focused on the music. Understand now?
  13. dormindo

    dormindo Active Member Supporter

    Thanks, KC, for noticing. Believe you me, if I became pregnant, you'd know about it. Just listen for the scream coming from the direction of Texas. But, hey, if it can happen to Firecoins, it could happen to me :eek: .

    Thanks, all, for your answers, keep them coming! And Voodue, you do have something of a point about playing Angola--though I wouldn't put it past some of the malandros in my group to kick a pregnant woman, child, small dog, etc. ;) .


  14. voodue

    voodue Valued Member

    Hahaha :Angel:

    I guess I will read more carefully next time I open my mouth. :D

    When my wife was pregnant it sure felt like I was pregnant too! When she felt bad...she made sure I felt bad. When her feet hurt I was there to rub those feet. When she was hungry I had to cook/fetch the food. Yup! It sure felt like I was pregnant too!

    I'm just glad she didn't make me feel the pain too! :love:
  15. FightingMonk2k3

    FightingMonk2k3 Valued Member

    i've had an instructor teach classes while she was pregnant w/ both of her kids (pregnancy = 2 times if you cant figure out what i just said).

    she seemed to just do what she could while she was pregnant. she didnt do strenuous material, but simply, enough to allow what she was able to do with her pregnancy. i dont remember exactly if she was teaching up until like, her last day, but i do know she was doing what she could to instruct classes and keeping active as best she could while being pregnant.
  16. fogo

    fogo Valued Member

    i have also done capoeira pregnant and it was fantastic, man kids grow up so fast :p

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