Can U Hit Someone Who Dosnt Know How To Defend Themsleves

Discussion in 'General Martial Arts Discussion' started by tai-gip, Sep 23, 2003.

  1. tai-gip

    tai-gip New Member

    Well here we are the gifted imortals full of potentialy devestatingly destructive knowledge and powers ... and here comes ..??
    Bob Bob woulnt know how to punch straight but his big and hits hard and decides our face would look a lot better with his ham sized fist in it what do you do..... what do you think is fair to do :confused:
  2. 47Ronin

    47Ronin New Member

    Defend yourself. simple.
  3. Kat

    Kat Valued Member

    I think you clearly underestimate the Average Joe,your question denotes superiority reliant on the fact that you train and others don't!!!I think you said it in jest, but do you beleive yourself to be a gifted immortal?
    Anyhoo, people trained or untrained will lean towards self preservation/survival.
  4. thiaboxr2

    thiaboxr2 New Member

    You really will not know if he does not know how to defend himself until it happens. He might actually be a good fighter.

    Never the less, I might put him in some kind of exruciating joint lock for the sake of inducing pain. Or one well placed thia roundouse to his thigh just to give him an idea of what I am capable of, providing I am not the one being pummeled!

    Usually if the person REALLY does not know how to punch, defend or fight, shows alot of hesitation or off balance alot with every attempted punch, I will not try to bloody him or cause serious bodily harm. But I will show him that I am in control of the situation and I will do what I have to, to end it. A few thia kicks to the legs should be enough to deter most. Once they start limping, they walk slower and cannot run and makes it harder for them to get you.

    My opinion.
  5. tai-gip

    tai-gip New Member

    Kat im suggesting that there are people who train a lot and pay attention to deatils a lot to who bob would be nothing more than a mere bump in the road if you train a lot i dont imagine you would have a problem what im asking for is an actual description of how you would handle bob physicaly because a physical response is what is required

    Fair point Thaiboxr2
  6. 47Ronin

    47Ronin New Member

    Id take out their knees with a round house then if they still went after me Id just knock the wind out of them (punch or kick).
    I must sleep, night all.
  7. judojedi

    judojedi Officer of the Crown

    introducing bob to the floor once or twice (in a controled manner) would probably deter him from persuing his his quest to thump me. as Thaiboxr2 said, joint locks work wonders in persuding an aggressor to desist.

    on a seperate issue, how many words have i just mis-splet? damn my public school education.
  8. Combatant

    Combatant Monsiour Fitness himself.

    I think that it is very fair to do everything to put him on the floor. He might not have been to any classes but the majority of people have a big brother, close friend or something that they grew up fighting when they were younger and learned there skills like that. When you see a nature programme with a pack of lions, the younger members are all doing the same. Anyone can throw a lucky punch. And if you are on the recieving end of a quick one to the chin......nuff said.

    I hold kick boxercise classes at my gym and so regularly hold focus mitts for untrained people with whom you would never dream of having any aggression and yet they can throw damn good hard punches. Never underestimate anyone.

    After all, most of us started martial arts to be able to defend ourselves from punks like this. Violence is a part of life, and always will be. Even when you choose to avoid it it will still come after you in some form or another. By giving your self a better chance, like the lions- you are putting yourselve higher up in the food chain.


    Round kick to thigh
    Jab to nose
    Right cross to chin
    :cool: ;)
  9. Sonshu

    Sonshu Buzz me on facebook


    Go through him!


    Get him to the floor and kick the crap outa him - in a SD manner of course ! :D
  10. LilBunnyRabbit

    LilBunnyRabbit Old One

    Well, he believes he can punch faster than light, so...

    However with the 'Bob' scenario I'd treat him exactly the same way as anyone else who attacks me, and go all out until I got a chance to run, or he stopped.
  11. johndoch

    johndoch upurs

    Quote Sonshu "Go through him!"

    Like a bad curry:D

    If you treat an aggressor lightly you'll go down.
  12. hongkongfuey

    hongkongfuey Kung Fu Geek

    It is impossible to be able to read any situation 100%.

    What if 'Bob Bob' has a concealed weapon, or friends nearby?

    What if 'Bob Bob' is an expert martial artist faking inadequacy? Pretending to be drunk?

    What starts out as a simple 'expert' vs 'begginner' quickly becomes something else, perhaps at the point where it is too late to do anything about it.

    There are no easy fights, no fair fights. Treat every situation as 110% dangerous - walk away or run if you can. Talk your way out of the situation. If you must fight, don't hold anything back.

    Ask any of the 'immortals' on this forum - I am certainly not one of them - and I'm sure there are not many (if any) that would hold back anything if they were forced into a fight.
  13. Andy Murray

    Andy Murray Sadly passed away. Rest In Peace.

    I'd leg it personally. :D

    I can run faster than my opponents shadow. ;)
  14. Sonshu

    Sonshu Buzz me on facebook

    If you have to fight

    Go through the target - this is only if you have to!

    But be aware of the other problems - weapons and people as others have said. If you put your chin in and get stuck in most trained MA people should be able to take a bigger person down. WORKS FOR ME BABY!

  15. Saz

    Saz Nerd Admin

    Punch his lights out and run like mad. If he's going to attack you, trained or not, he's a threat.
  16. freespirit

    freespirit spirit of the free

    wait till he trys and then guide his hands away and just do that everytime he trys to hit you , you remain in control, he is astounded that he cant hurt you without you hitting him and i bet your bottom dollar that most trained artists are fast enough to keep up with ordinary mr joe bloggs (bob)
  17. Thomas

    Thomas Combat Hapkido/Taekwondo

    I agree with Sonshu and the others who said (my paraphrase) "Take care of him quick and simply if you can't get away without fighting."

    In my opinion, if a situation has progressed to the point of someone taking a shot at me I will defend it hard and follow up if needed.

    "Taking it easy" on someone because because you don't think s/he is trained is called "under-estimating the opponent" and can be very dangerous. I've seen (and occassionally tangled) with the 'untrained masses' a few times and seen what some of them bring to the table. Many 'untrained' people bring a dangerous combination of stregnth, skill and experience in grappling and striking that they have learned on the streets, at school, and at home. If they open up on you and you don't take them seriously, your next stop may the hospital.

    My vote: take care of them quickly and efficiently and get the heck out of there.
  18. juramentado

    juramentado lean, mean eating machine

    if the question is merely about whether I'd hit a untrained attacker, the answer is pretty obvious:

    You neutralize the threat with appropriate response until the threat no longer exists.

    It doesn't matter if he's trained or not. Getting hit in the face will still hurt, regardless is the attacker is trained or not.

    Frankly, I don't understand the point of the question. Are we MA people training to fight only fellow trained individuals? Of course not. I trained to defend myself from ANY and ALL threats, regardless if it's from a hysterical woman with a knife, a man with a metal pipe or a teenager with a bad attitude. It doesn't matter to me who's attacking. What matters is that I survive the encounter, and if that means I will have to kick, punch, throw, slap, strangle, slash, stab, bludgeon or dislocate or break one of the atatcker's limbs to survive, then I will not hesitate to do so.
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2003
  19. tai-gip

    tai-gip New Member

    The point of the question is to see how people think.....

    I like Andy and Freespirits answer best
    ...... why resort to violence i never mentioned taking it easy or underestimating i just mentioned bob and how you would handle him

    Smaking him downis the easy way out, here we are dedicating a lot of time to training and from the look of most replys it just seems to be so we can break others more easily..

    Personaly i dedicate so much time to training so that i can defend myself without having to resort to violence,,, how hard is it to hurt someone ? pretty damn easy or why would you worry about what an untrained person can do to you here we are with all this training and rather than rising above the general masses are we just aiming at making ourselves better at hurting and attacking ....

    that isnt what martial arts are about .....

    well at least i dont think so ..what do you think
  20. LilBunnyRabbit

    LilBunnyRabbit Old One

    I'm no better morally than the average person, I'm just more capable of preventing myself being hurt, which is why I do martial arts.

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