Bullet Proof Abs- Pavel Tsatsouline

Discussion in 'Off Topic Area' started by TkdWarrior, Oct 18, 2004.

  1. TkdWarrior

    TkdWarrior Valued Member

    Ok I just completed this Book By pavel Tsatsouline... it's Called Bullet proof Abs. I thought I put my review on this site...

    Bullet Proof ABs

    This Review is divided into 4 Sections.
    How to Use this Product:

    Oh No, not another products promising me six pack washboard abs. I should Run away from here :D

    Ok, First I took a fast glance at the book, and I knew I have to read a lot in this one... So it's good for info junkie kinds of peoples.
    As Usual expected from any AB Product, he started with bashing Normal crunches. But this time around you don't find same old Rehashed material "Crunches works your psoas muscles too much that's why it's harmful", he gives you proper reasons how this works and what needed to be done(good solid 7-8 pages).

    So far so good, now comes the Advertisement for AB pavelizer... anyways but this stuff is not neccessary for his excercises he gives good options.
    after this he introduced you to Janda Sit ups and other form of situps(the Right Way, see he doesn't loosely debunks those crunches theory, he builds on it.).

    If you are familiar with Yoga or practiced Martial arts then you find next couple of exercises very familiar but that's not it.. he gives some pretty painful exercises(calls himself ministry of pain :D)

    Some more crazy exercises. if you can build up to this much, you'll surely have powerful midsection. Lots of exercises follows, I like the variations he is giving, I think after exposing to some of the very populars Abs books, this book is bit of relief.

    I think I have done almost Every Exercise that exists on abs, but this gave me lots of ideas. It's worth every penny.
    He also have lots of QnA sections which deals with reality in Ab Routines, I found them to be very informative and scientific.

    In the End I find more advertisements on his other products... which I do find irritating... may be cuz I have most of his stuff...
    If you like Informative and Good Exercise Programs then this book is best for you.
    The only problem I found with all of these books in this category, is that these books doesn't contain much info on Routines properly,

    I mean New Exercises are good but If I cant' write a routine for myself with all those information then It's not much good.

    Though I found him talking about routines in his other books and moreover his idea of working without too much exhaustion is good for lots of people... I specially have used some of his materials(which I could find on articles on other sites) months ago and got good results.

    On the scale of 1 to 10(1 being the worst and 10 being the best).
    I'd give this book solid 8(I deduct points because I got irritated by ads). But with other stuff, I can see why He converted some of Matt Furey's Cult fans.

    Now let's see if that was any of help to you.

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