Bruce Lee chewing Cannabis.

Discussion in 'General Martial Arts Discussion' started by Ragnarok2005, Jan 29, 2006.

  1. uki

    uki Banned Banned

    i think the whole chunk norris thing is part of americas grand scheme of controlling every aspect of it's citizens lives thru the use of scare and fear tatics. he is the "face of america" in the sense that you can be sure the government corporations are endorsing his image because of his effect on dealing with young childern and dumb adults. this does not say that i approve the use of man-made drugs; man seems to have an ill-effect when it comes to creating naturally occuring things in nature... kinda like the monster frankenstein... wowowoooohahaheulll!!! :Alien:
  2. Bil Gee

    Bil Gee Thug

    OK, then I'll point out again (because I never get tired of doing it)

    If anybody regularly watches reality TV shows they'll be familiar with the kind of person who appears on them. Absolutely desperate for celebrity status and willing to do anything to achieve it.

    Looking at Bruce Lee's life story (the few bits that can be substantiated that is, not all the wild rumours), we've got somebody who first pursued fame through dance and after he won the Hong Kong Cha Cha dancing title, and tasted minor celebrity there was no stopping him.

    He studied Wing Chun and took acting lessons, because the route to fame at that time was through kung fu movies. If there had been a quicker route, he may never have taken an interest in martial arts.

    He got a few breaks, made some movies and moved to America. He got a bit part role in a popular TV series.

    He just happened to be doing all this at the time that Chinese Martial Arts were becoming popular in the West.

    People believed all sorts of rubbish back then about mysterious powers and warrior monks. Bruce Lee was one of a handful of professional celebrities who knew anything about kung fu, and he milked it like a true professional.

    He wrote books full of cliches, made movies and made television appearances at every opportunity. He became the Western Worlds only recognised authority on kung fu. Naturally he started up his own school and martial art, and the place to be seen for celebrities was coming out of Bruce Lee's school.

    I'm not saying he was a bad guy, just that he's really not that significant and a quote from Bruce Lee does not have any kind of automatic credibility. He was just a martial arts actor who happened to be in the right place at the right time.
  3. Bil Gee

    Bil Gee Thug

    People now regularly live to more than a hundred years. Not very long ago people were lucky if they made it through childhood. A lot of this improvement in our life expectancy is as a result of man made drugs. If I get knocked over by a bus or have a heart attack I won't be screaming for a herbalist, I'll want a modern doctor with a bucketfull of drugs. What about you?
  4. uki

    uki Banned Banned

    wow one hundred years!! i guess you could call it progress.
  5. Gary

    Gary Vs The Irresistible Farce Supporter

    The only difference between pharmaceuticals and herbal remedies is the level of refinement.

    And scientific proof.
  6. uki

    uki Banned Banned

    hahahahahaha!!!! hohohohohohoooooooo!!!! waaaaaaHAAAAAAAAA!!! please... please... you are killing me.
  7. Gary

    Gary Vs The Irresistible Farce Supporter

    Sorry, i couldn't quite understand your reply. I'm sure you have a very well educated and concise response to make though.
  8. Kea

    Kea New Member

    I think the ooooohhh etc was supposed to represent belly deep laughter.

    Bruce Lee only chewed on this stuff am I right? Well, what ever the answer may be, I'm sure he wasn't abusing it. Some people have a blunt at the odd moment, maybe once a month, once a year, hell once a week. This doesn't mean they're abusing it. Some people smoke many during the space of the afternoon, everyday... Dr. Dre S.W.E.D. Or Smoke weed everyday. That, if true, is something that would cause significant changes, especially in a Martial Artist. With today's societal trends and stuff too, I don't think many people go without the curiousity of Canabis, nevermind the advantages and disadvantages.
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2006
  9. Judge

    Judge Valued Member

    Just because he is a martial artist does not mean he is a picture of health, and even if he is he is simply an anomoly in the system. An example would be: When asked about his diet in an interview Jackie Chan replied: "I eat everything. Most important is training." I mean obviously it's not illegal or morally wrong to eat whatever you want but it just shows you that not everyone in the martial arts 'buisiness' is as concerned with the image they are ment to be portraying.
  10. uki

    uki Banned Banned

    not really, save i do not buy your or bil's line of reasoning about the benefits of man-made drugs. true... they can save you from dying of a heart attack, only you might then die of a stroke or some other horrible side effect later. man made drugs are the sword of destruction that has cut into the very lifeforce of this planet... the pursuit of "medicines" has erased vast expanses of rainforest, destroyed "primitive" cultures, it's polluted byproducts from it's manufacturing plants destroy our water, in turn the whole ecosytem of life, they have been related in the cause of death, suffering, and illnesses plaguing the human race more today than all the diseases they are trying to cure. and i wouldn't be throwing the ball out of the court by saying they even create a disease, just so they can market a cure. :Angel:
  11. Kea

    Kea New Member

    I agree, the state of Bruce Lee too. He was a training obsessed man, everything he did was training. I don't think that a lil' bit of weed would take too much affect on his system in the long term.
  12. NaughtyKnight

    NaughtyKnight Has yellow fever!

    Uki. Do us a favour and go juggling off into the wilderness. People like you are the reason this world is so backward.

    If fell down and cracked your skull open when juggling in your boulder field, your going to be thankful for the morphine that will stop you going into shock and dying.

    If your apendix should explode, you will be thankful for the drugs that will put you to sleep while the doctor fixes you up.

    If your children should develope asthma, then you will be very very thankful for the medication that stop them from dying.

    If you get an infection, you will be damn thankful for the antibiotics that will save your life.

    If you are depressed, you will be thankful for the anti depresents that stop you from leaping off a bridge.

    As usual, you show your complete ignorence for how the world works, and what it is making it a better and safer place.
  13. Gary

    Gary Vs The Irresistible Farce Supporter

    OK, suppose when investigated, a herbal remedy does prove to have a positive property, say cannabis as an anaesthetic (on topic :) ). Usually the pharmaceutical company will extract the useful elements (THC/CBD in this case), combine them with a non-reactive base material, and package it in either pill form or an appropriate delivery system for it's use. The shelf life is increased, dosage is accurate and all the ingredients can be easily seen by a doctor in the case of any adverse effects. Rolling a joint before an operation would be a careless and inaccurate way to administer the required dosage.

    I'm going to need some proof of the sword of destruction cutting into the lifeforce of the planet, I haven't seen it yet.

    The pursuit of 'medicines' is one of the bigger arguements for not destroying rainforest, as many people believe they hold the answers to many of mankinds illnesses. The real culprits of rainforest destruction are a combination of logging, strip mining and cattle land.

    As for manufacturing, this isn't exclusive to pharmaceutical. I'd be willing to bet not every product you own or use comes for a clean manufacturing plant, whether it's the power in your home, the rubber on your bicyle's wheels or the metal bars you juggle.
  14. Judge

    Judge Valued Member

    Ya except that in his last few months of life Bruce Lee was thought to have had an eating disorder according to doctors and his leading pupil Dan ( his last name escapes me ) stated he was eating very rarely. . .Connected maybe?
  15. NaughtyKnight

    NaughtyKnight Has yellow fever!

    Smoking the ganja doesnt make you stop eating. In fact it reduces your blood sugar, hence why people get the munchies.

    Stimulents, such as speed, coke, ecstasy will cause you to not eat.
  16. uki

    uki Banned Banned

    no, i understand how the world works. yes all those drugs do help us in the time of need in this day and age, all i am saying is that it wasn't always like this. earth was pure before, mankind has polluted it with hatred and fear, so now, as a broken and beaten down as the human race is, yes, we have a use for the drugs that man makes. people lived hundreds of years in the ages long passed, so to think that we are living in some kind of super-improved life is a bit far fetched.
  17. NaughtyKnight

    NaughtyKnight Has yellow fever!

    What is your definition of pure?
  18. Gary

    Gary Vs The Irresistible Farce Supporter

    There goes that last bit of hope that you might actually make sense one day.

    How was the earth pure? And when? Before life? How can hatred and fear pollute a planet? What ages long passed did people live for hundreds of years? No-one's said anything about super-improved lives, just that they offer an advantage.
  19. uki

    uki Banned Banned

    and the goal is to be conscious of this fact and do your best to limit the amount of it into your life. i mean admit some people splurge on this worlds consumerism in complete oblvion. there are much more harminous approaches to these matters as opposed to the ones at work in this age.
  20. uki

    uki Banned Banned

    you like me, will have to answer all those questions yourself.

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