Bruce Lee chewing Cannabis.

Discussion in 'General Martial Arts Discussion' started by Ragnarok2005, Jan 29, 2006.

  1. NaughtyKnight

    NaughtyKnight Has yellow fever!

    You sure it was weed? I've never seen someone roll their eyes up into the back of their heads from ganja.
  2. drunken_master

    drunken_master Valued Member

    Um... just to reiterate what everyone else already said, you cannot overdose from eating marijuana. Its impossible, you'll puke it up first. Trust me. ;)

    It's about as likely as his being killed with some five finger pressure points of death touch. Not every documentary on Bruce Lee is fully accurate.
  3. They said it was anyway. I wouldn't know.
  4. CKava

    CKava Just one more thing... Supporter

    So essentially what your suggesting NaughtyKnight is that taking a drug changes your perception... and that ecstasy can increase your self-awareness in the right setting. I agree with that just don't agree that the state it induces is any way similiar to self contemplation in a standard non-chemical induced state (i.e. what I consider meditation to mean).

    So I dont think we disagree on the effect a drug CAN have. I just don't see ecstasy used in that way very often nor for that matter do I see drugs as anything but an artificial change in perception that fades as the chemical balance returns to normal. Some people believe they gain insight into things when taking drugs and indeed many noteable literature and music has been written with the aid of drugs but personally I think any such insight tends to be fairly unapplicable outside of the experience itself.

    Regardless I think I took you up wrong so apologies and as for my experience with drugs I think Id prefer to not discuss that over the internet or on this site.

    *Sorry for going off topic*
  5. NaughtyKnight

    NaughtyKnight Has yellow fever!

    No worries mate.

    Dont think the admins would want us talking about illict drug use anyway. :p
  6. watto86

    watto86 Nah brah I'm not gone

    Here here. I've been around some serious bong heads, and for arguments sake, i'll admit that I was hitting the bongs kinda hard for a while, but i've never seen anyone do that from weed. Even when one of my friends friends was drunk and stoned and was tricked into taking a sleeping pill (ironically, someone told him that it was a pill). I've just never seen it happen.
  7. kmguy8

    kmguy8 Not Sin Binned

    most sensible part of this post.....
    that it was made by the thread starter....
  8. NaughtyKnight

    NaughtyKnight Has yellow fever!

    Using drugs isnt the problem. Abusing drugs is. All drugs had their legitamate purposes. Ecstasy and speed were used as appetite supressents, ecstasy was used to treat depression and help phsyicatrists talk with their patients more openly etc.

    By the way. Bruce Lee was probably into "lean juice". Codeine crushed up into booze. It supposidly makes you "lean". Doesnt work though, all it ends up doing is shutting down your liver.
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2006
  9. Bil Gee

    Bil Gee Thug

    I bet the pounds drop off once you're in the advanced stages of cirrhosis.
  10. NaughtyKnight

    NaughtyKnight Has yellow fever!

    LOL exactly. Damn liver, making me fat!!! Must destroy it! :woo: :D
  11. Yohan

    Yohan In the Spirit of Yohan Supporter

    I would also like to point out that eating "weed" raw will not intoxicate you. It has to be cooked or smoked.
  12. inthespirit

    inthespirit ignant

    Are you sure about that?

    I've had friends that have eaten hashish raw, and they we're not making much sense for a while after. I think that you can eat it raw, except you would probably have to eat a whole load of it in plant form to get a buzz. But the active ingredient does not change in from form to form, i.e. solid, liquid or natural. The only thing is, that if you go to cook it, it will only dissolve in to either oils or alcohol.
  13. Johnno

    Johnno Valued Member

    I assume that Yohan is referring to the leaves of the plant, since he said 'weed'. Hashish is made from the resin of the plant, and will have an intoxicating effect if eaten in sufficient quantity. It doesn't have to be cooked. Whether cooking it will increase the effects, I have no idea.
  14. Gary

    Gary Vs The Irresistible Farce Supporter

    It was in the 1960/70's. Cannabis is very different now to what was availiable then. Cross polinations of the Indica and Sativa strains, as well as selective breeding methods, GM crops, and hydroponic growing methods mean that the cannabis availiable now is a very different drug, by many estimates around 5 times more potent.

    That's like the difference between drinking a pint of strong beer, to a pint of spirits.

    If he did chew it, I doubt the effects would have been strong enough to affect his reactions in any easily observable manner, and these may well have been outweighed by the advantages he gained.

    Cannabis is both nontoxic and non addictive in a physical sense, addiction normally coming from a psychological dependance or to the nicotine in the tobacco it is mixed with.
  15. I'm shocked again at everyones knowledge of drugs. :eek:

    Am I the only one? Heh.
  16. Johnno

    Johnno Valued Member

    There is growing evidence linking heavy use of 'skunk' to psychosis and mental breakdown. It's nasty stuff, and bears little resemblance to cannabis in it's natural state.
  17. Gary

    Gary Vs The Irresistible Farce Supporter


    That's right kids, because knowing is half the battle!
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2006
  18. inthespirit

    inthespirit ignant

    that one kid has his head on upside down.. is that what drugs do to you? :eek:
  19. Davey Bones

    Davey Bones New Member

    Nope. Most of my knowledge comes from clinical studies and observations of the effects of drugs since most of client base has drug and alcohol probhlems. Amazing what you can learn when you're trying to effectively represent a 14 year old crack addict.

    And I can also respect where you're coming from about your feelings concerning the fact that an idol of yours does something you don't agree with. We can't all be jaded, and it's refreshing to see someone actually have some sort of feeling about it. Hell, if more people felt that way I think I'd have fewer clients...
  20. TheDarkJester

    TheDarkJester 90% Sarcasm, 10% Mostly Good Advice.

    I dunnow man... Pure landrace strains were pretty potent then. you'd be surprised how many people nowadays are in search of those big 20 foot Thai/Vietnamese strains.. or the authentic Medocino/Acapulco/Mexican strains.. (I'm a good boy I freakin swear)

    My guess is people just got ahold of crap then just like they can get ahold of crap nowadays.

    And anyone that says it is impossible to OD on cannabis is actually incorrect. It is possible, but in order to do so you'd have to smoke 2 or 3 times your body weight in about an hour. So in actuality, it is possible, but you'd probably pass out or die from hunger if you actually tried. :eek:

    Oh.. and Naughty K man.. Those links = fail. I didn't want to learn how to make crack yesterday, but I learned both ways thanks to you... ;)
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2006

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