Bruce Lee chewing Cannabis.

Discussion in 'General Martial Arts Discussion' started by Ragnarok2005, Jan 29, 2006.

  1. NaughtyKnight

    NaughtyKnight Has yellow fever!

    Er. I didnt say they 12 yr olds were using e to meditate. I said that people use e to mediate. Perhaps your selfexplorationg damaged your ability to read ;).

    Also, you dont go to a crack house to do e ;). Not exactly the best environment for a stimulent.

    When I saw alot of people, I dont mean the 16 yr old kandi ravers that go to get high for hrs. I'm talking about the normal every day people that use ecstasy as a meditation tool. Try looking it up on the internet, there are thousands of forums dedicated to the meditative properties of ecstacy, lsd etc. Same as thoes people that sit outside with a beer or 2 and think about the world. Except in a more extreme sense.

    Eating weed sounds like a serious waste. How much did he chew? a few kgs? :D
  2. TheDarkJester

    TheDarkJester 90% Sarcasm, 10% Mostly Good Advice.

    perhaps we should change his name to Bogart Lee :Angel:

    In reference to those "thousands" of websites...

    Give me 5... And I'll retire from this debate.. which is quite fun if I might add
  3. NaughtyKnight

    NaughtyKnight Has yellow fever!

    I would, but most of them have "online shops" where you can buy research chemicals, so I dont think that would be a good idea. Im not in a hurry to get banned.

    If you are actually intrested...

    Attached Files:

  4. TheDarkJester

    TheDarkJester 90% Sarcasm, 10% Mostly Good Advice.

    Its not my job to verify your statements, its yours. Send me a PM

    Subject: Bruce Toked the Ganj. The Sky has officially fallen.
  5. Topher

    Topher allo!

    Last edited: Jan 30, 2006
  6. watto86

    watto86 Nah brah I'm not gone

    I'm not sure if what you said was aimed at me too. But I wasn't upset that he'd tried it. Just he didn't come across as someone who'd ever even touch anything like that. Hell, I don't care if people do it. I've got friends that do it and I quit only a month ago.
    Thats why I was on about. Hash brownies and what not.
  7. Banpen Fugyo

    Banpen Fugyo 10000 Changes No Surprise

    Ok.. so......... what are we talking about again? Nobody cares, thats the overall view, right?
  8. kmguy8

    kmguy8 Not Sin Binned

    not that i'm advocating drugs...

    however, for many adults no big deal...
    it can derail kids studies..
    but these kids are rarley serious students anyway
    herb is used as a scapgoat for them cuz it's easy to focus on...

    to the point: considering how cool bruse was in his time.. and the social scene at the time.. i'd be seriously DISAPPOINTED if I heard bruce didn't use... i do not know anyone that cool and philisophical who doesn't... just the truth
    no offense to all the straight-edges in the world, but when your world is that black and white.. it can only get SO interesting...

    thats my two cents
  9. NaughtyKnight

    NaughtyKnight Has yellow fever!

    Its not my job to educate you if you cannot use google. However, for the sole purpose of pwning you, I have pm'd you several links. No buying research chemicals now ;).
  10. Legless_Marine

    Legless_Marine Banned Banned

    I don't really buy this. Weed is an intoxicant, and has no more value to self-discovery than does alcohol.

    OTOH, I do believe that some psychedelics (Which weed isn't), have legitimate value as tools of self-discovery, if used responsibly.

    I totally agree with what you said about the abuse of prescription drugs.
  11. RAGINGbuddha

    RAGINGbuddha Valued Member

    No..oh no.....Bruce smokes?.....I'm gonna kill myself...this can't be...!!

    Seriously, I don't think it's much of a big deal for a martial artist to smoke weed. Doing Steroids...not good but weed, so? I mean if Bruce did weed and still have that kind of motivation and discipline to keep that kind of physique and accomplishing those superhuman feats instead of sitting down and eating munchies, then we should give him extra admiration.

    Also in a interview with Chan Wai-man(a personal friend and well-known Hk fighter/actor), the only time he ever saw him relax was when he blazes(so he also smokes it besides chewing). So yeah Bruce does weed, but so what?

    the quote and interview can be found here:

    pretty interesting this guy


    Ahh yes Siphus more boyscouting on the message board?
  13. bassai

    bassai onwards and upwards ! Moderator Supporter

    Actualy the bruce thomas book suggests the weed is what killed him!
    They claim the painkiller story was made up because cannabis isn't socialy acceptable in hong kong where as opium is.
  14. NaughtyKnight

    NaughtyKnight Has yellow fever!

    LOL. People just eat up conspiracy theories.

    Chewing on mary jane = death? LOL! Do you realise how much you would have to chew on to even get high, let alone cause yourself damage.

    If he smoked ounces of it every day, then I'd be more likely to believe, even though there is no way he could of trained smoking the ganger.
  15. Bil Gee

    Bil Gee Thug

    It's physically impossible to overdose on cannabis. The only long term physical side effects are related to the tobacco that it's normally smoked with. It's actually one of the safest drugs known to man, and a lot safer than any prescription medicines. Not that I'm advocating it, because it destroys motivation, induces psychosis in vulnerable people etc. But the idea that it killed Bruce Lee is more than a bit silly.

    Just about every story that has been published about Bruce Lee is full of similar poorly researched speculation. This is primarily because that he was just one of those people who pursue celebrity, first of all doing Cha Cha dancing and then martial arts and acting lessons. This is the boring reality of it, he was nothing special, but that doesn't make for an interesting read.
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2006
  16. I'll re-iterate. Other people are making a bigger deal out of my post than I was about Bruce.

    "No..oh no.....Bruce smokes?.....I'm gonna kill myself...this can't be...!!"

    Thanks yes. I appreciate being mocked. I've never been against any drugs other than alcohol. I live in Britain, go figure. My brother wastes his life, my dad's in poor health, I broke up with my ex-girlfriend over her binge drinking and a guy I know hits his girlfriend coz he drinks a lot, I've been attacked by 3 different guys because they were drunk. And it's LEGAL. ¬_¬ I've never seen anyone on Weed do that.

    But I still feel like I don't need to touch anything illegal. Regardless of whether it has it's place, or whether it can have positive impacts, or indeed if my [and he still is!] Idol, Bruce Lee, does it.

    But that's just the way I am. I've seen people fall over and sit there looking dazed. I've also seen guys try it for the first time and their eyes have gone white. I've seen my friends waste their money and shuffle around, and be bored on any weekend where they can't get hold of something.

    I'm sure anyone here who has the balls to openly admit it and laugh about it are the people who use drugs responsibly. And I commend you.

    It's just never gonna be me. :D
  17. inthespirit

    inthespirit ignant

    Do you not mean that their face went white, as in pale, or maybe their eyes went red? I dont see how someones eyes can go white.. :confused:
  18. As in, the non-white part of their eyes went up into their skull somewhere. ;)
  19. CKava

    CKava Just one more thing... Supporter

    Thats so silly... I don't care if people SAY that they use it to help meditate because the fact is that what it does to your body is hardly likely to 'aid meditation'. I'm guessing you've seen folks on E's right NaughtyKnight? Any of them look particularly tranquil or able to focus better than usual? I did google it and I just found some silly New Age folks/ravers saying silly things and then making silly statements like 'a rave can be meditation'.
  20. NaughtyKnight

    NaughtyKnight Has yellow fever!

    You ever done E? Or are you basing your argument on what you've seen others experience. I have done e, I know what im talking about.

    No a rave cannot be meditation. Thats not what I meant when I said "meditation". Dumping an e and then going in the bath with a glass of red wine, and self reflecting is "meditation". Im not talking about the chinese "sit in a field and work out the sound of one hand".

    It depends on how you use it. Doing 3 pills and then going into an atmosphere where your surrounded by flashing lights, more drug users, and VERY loud and fast music is of course going to pump you up.

    Ecstacy effects vary GREATLY on the atmosphere. Calming classical music for example would have a much more different effect to the peak than say happy hardcore.

    Dont think I will go into anymore detail. Hardly the kind of topic for a family martial art site.

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