Board breaking techniques

Discussion in 'Kenpo' started by JTiedes, Sep 25, 2004.

  1. JTiedes

    JTiedes Wielder of the Wiffle.

    Hi, I am a orange belt in kenpo. last night at my school, we did some board breaking for sheer entertainments sake. i really enjoyed it but had a few questions. i preformed 3 types of breaks. one with my palm, a speed break, and a thumb break. the last two i think succeeded out of dumb luck. i was wondering if any one could give me a quick few pointers on those techniques. i tried to speed break for an hour today, but to no sucess, and i was a little aprehensive to thumb break again, simply becuase of the pain that i experienced the first time. i know that u dont hold ur thumb like a thumbs up, rather its tight to ur fist, but ne other advice would be appreciated.

    oh yeah has any one ever heard of rick or jeff iannuzo (spling?) jeff iannuzo is the owner of my school, and i was wondering about his history, but not in a paranoid way, i trust the guy. just want to know a little about him

    thnx for the time
  2. davefly76

    davefly76 Valued Member

    correct if i'm wrong but i'm assuming that, as you have an orange belt, you haven't been training for very long.

    if so i'm suprised that you attempted a thumb break. i've never been asked to perform one and i have been training in KSW for almost 6 years.

    in fact the only person i have seen do it is my UK chief master who is 6th dan
  3. NRees

    NRees Taekwon-Do II Degree

    Thumb Break, how would this technique be executed, may I ask??(just curious :p).
  4. JTiedes

    JTiedes Wielder of the Wiffle.

    ok for starters at our school board breaking is not required in the slightest. this happened at an extra class that i was attending, set up specifically for board breaking. and yes ur assumption is correct i have only been training for 9 months. i did this on a whim after one of my classmates jokingly suggested it. it was alot easier than i thought it would be, my only suggestion is that you tape you thumb nail before attempting it. i didnt and my nail cracked and my finger bled, but other than that no real damage.

    thumb breaking is sort of like hitting a boad with a thumbs up, but sideways. and you want to have your thumb in the "hitchhiker thumb" position. ( last segment extended as far back as possible. then lay your thumb across your index finger. its throw just like a ridge hand. ( reverse chop). this is how i did it neways, i was writing this to see if thats really how its done or not. that and to try and get some advice on the speed break b/c those are incredible, and i think when i did it , it was just by dumb luck
  5. Kempo Fighter

    Kempo Fighter New Member

    A good solid breaking technique would be the palm strike, im suprised it didnt work, but its always helped me. Also, a speed break is fairly reliable.

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