Beware of "GHB" !!

Discussion in 'Women's Self Defence' started by KickChick, May 2, 2004.

  1. KickChick

    KickChick Valued Member

    What is GHB Gamma hydroxybutyrate) ?

    The majority of GHB users are young adults, between ages 18 and 25, and they are now mainly using the drug to produce feelings of euphoria while they are at clubs or raves. GHB, which is usually developed as a liquid or powder, is odorless and colorless, so it is difficult to recognize by sight that it is an illegal substance. A person carrying what looks like a bottle of water into a party may really have GHB in that bottle.

    Also disturbing is the fact that some people are slipping GHB into women’s drinks while they aren’t looking and using the drug’s effects to take advantage of the women sexually, also known as “date rape.” Because GHB can cause the victim to be immobile and to even suffer from amnesia, this drug appeals to many sexual predators. Victims usually don’t even notice when GHB is slipped in their drink since it is both odorless and colorless

    Here are some simple tips to protect you from getting your drink spiked with a sedative. By following these simple guidelines, you could avoid becoming a victim of a drug-induced sexual assault:

    1. Always make sure your cocktail is in front of you, where you can see it. You should even take it with you on trips to the restroom.

    2. Never let a stranger bring you a drink from the bar. Instead, go to the bar with them so that you can see your drink from the time it is made.

    3. If you have any concerns about your cocktail, remember this: when in doubt...pour it out!

    4. Finally, if you think you or a friend might have been drugged, don't wait to get help. Leave for the hospital immediately. GHB doesn't stay in your system long, so you need to get tested for the drug right away.
  2. teacher

    teacher Valued Member

    If a bloke has bought you a drink and is pushy about seeing you drink it right away. Thank him sweetly and tell him you'll drink it later. If he's still pushy spill the drink.
    By the way some blokes in Edinburgh are suspected of having been plied with GBH and they did not have a nice experience.
    A good way to see the drink being poured is to tell him you are not sure what you want and want to go to the bar to see what the choices are.
    Play safe everyone some things are not worth the risk.
  3. Ghost Frog

    Ghost Frog New Member

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