beer-hall brawling techniques

Discussion in 'Self Defence' started by d33pthought, Jun 29, 2004.

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  1. d33pthought

    d33pthought New Member

    The other day we were doing some one-steps, and then my instructor started us doing strictly self-defense moves. What was wierd (and nifty) was that we were practicing counters against bearhugs, and even getting lifted up into the air or held against a wall. Now all I need is a good bar fight to practice in :)
  2. Tika

    Tika New Member

    Come on over here Im sure I can find ya one easy :D
  3. Nrv4evr

    Nrv4evr New Member

    best thing to remember:

    in a lock, spit. anything to loosen the grip so you can escape. and if you do get in a fight in a beer-hall, more often than not all you need to do is duck if the other guy's drunk.
  4. JKogas

    JKogas Valued Member

    So what were those self defense moves?
  5. Nevada_MO_Guy

    Nevada_MO_Guy Missouri_Karate_Guy

    Real applications are eye-opening. Thinking outside the box. :)

    Practicing against front and rear good.
    Practicing against someone grabbing your good.

    I have learned (so far) six techniques against bearhugs....hello Tika ;) ..... both from the front and behind with the arms free and pinned.

    Working on getting out of full nelsons is another eye-opener...for me anyway....
  6. oldshadow

    oldshadow Valued Member

    Here are a few self-defense situation to work up your defense for a bar fight.
    -If you have long hair the grab from behind punch you in the face fast and repeatedly.
    -The sucker punch with the beer glass. The attacker performs this by having his hand wrapped around the glass palming it. Then with a fast slapping movement comes around to the face.
    -The double team one attacker goes low from behind and grabs the legs trapping your legs the other attacker goes high punching.
    -The “we all fall down drill” put 5 or 6 people on the ground in a random pile, lay a few chairs on them maybe a tablecloth also. You can add some plastic bottles thrown in also (the real glass ones are a bit much for this drill). You can divide up attackers and defenders.
    -The, I can’t see drill pull the defenders shirt inside out over his head leaving his arms trapped with the attacker holding the shirt closed and punching.
    OK I don’t mean to sound sarcastic (well maybe a very little) but a bar fight can and often does very quickly become total mayhem. Hopefully the floor mangers (bouncers) will get there before it gets totally out of control. That’s if the owner isn’t to cheep to hire the needed people.
    The thing is in any self-defense situation really think out side of the box in both attacks and defenses.
    By the way if a real full nelson is applied correctly it is very hard to get out of. Apply it by putting your hands overlapped on the base of the skull not the neck. Keep your elbows down and try to push their chin through their chest. It hurts, then to stabilize you position kick their leg out and drop to a back mount. The key to defending for this do not let them get it locked on you same as a arm bar.
  7. RichieRich

    RichieRich Valued Member


    All good barfights need at least one!
  8. Nrv4evr

    Nrv4evr New Member

    i use headbutts anyway. another thing, avoid getting bitten. it happens a lot, and you don't want some drunk's saliva (you don't wanna know his diseases either) getting into your bloodstream. ehhh..... :eek:
  9. RichieRich

    RichieRich Valued Member

    Headbutts are great if you're shortet than your attacker. If you're tall, its harder - because they drop their head then *ouch*. Me, I'm 6'2, so I can't use it that often..
  10. acrawford

    acrawford Ki-Ken-Tai no Ichi

    Easy swing bottle then run. :D
  11. Jame$

    Jame$ New Member

    Barfights? Do anything and everything. You can bet your attackers will!
  12. d33pthought

    d33pthought New Member

    now, when I said 'all I needed was a barfight', I didn't really mean I was gonna go pick a fight in a for what those techniques were, there was the one where you get lifted up in the air. It really works from either front or behind, so all you do is hook one leg around the opponents leg (behind the knee or upper calf, if you can reach) which you kick the crap out of the guy's knees. This is assuming your arms are pinned to your sides.

    The one against a front bearhug *might* work against a rear bearhug: You do a quick inside-out sweep of one leg to kill his balance, then an outside-in sweep of the other leg to take him down. Incidentally, one of the common outcomes is to end up falling on the attacker, which may or may not be a good idea.

    Being held up against a wall, this defense is as inelegant as it is painful: you swing your leg out and behind the opponents leg (same side) and kick him really hard in the upper calf with your heel. Hurts like a motherf***er.

    We did another one against being grabbed, but I didn't quite get it right away..something about grabbing the guys arm (that's grabbing yours), yank him toward you so he's off-balance, then run under his arm and get him in an armbar of sorts. I dunno. I find it simpler to escape a grab like that by twisting my wrist through where his thumb and first finger meets.
  13. oldshadow

    oldshadow Valued Member

    The one thing about any self-defense as far as being picked up. If it’s a “bar fight type situation then what ever you do has to be done very fast and I mean very fast. The person picking you up is not doing so to carry you around. They are picking you up to slam you. About the only time you will have time to do anything once you are in the air is if they are trying to take you someplace. This will happen usually only with a female or a child. If it’s a guy they will slam you down as fast or faster then they picked you up. The key is do not let them get you up you need to counter with your feet on the ground.
  14. d33pthought

    d33pthought New Member

    I hear the ole 'nutbuster' still works against that..They lift you up/knee comes up/knee meets testicles/tesicles atomized (well, at least as far as their owner is concerned)
  15. Ghost Frog

    Ghost Frog New Member

    Interesting drills to try are:
    1) Stand with your back against a wall while your partner attacks.
    2) Practise working in an enclosed space, e.g. a phone box sized space. Use a corner if you're in a big room.
    3) Roll up and down the room 20 times until you're dizzy then try your techniques when you're struggling to stand straight.
    4) Switch off/ dim the lights to reduce your vision.

    Obviously, to avoid injuries, make sure you're with a partner who's used to what you're likely to do and don't go mad or you'll have somebody's eye out. </mum>
  16. Nrv4evr

    Nrv4evr New Member

    a big advantage you get is your opponents slowed reaction time, but a big disadvantage you get is that the influence of ridiculous amounts of alcohol increases one's tolerance of pain, so your best bet is to immobilize, not KO.
  17. marcusknight

    marcusknight Valued Member

    hand him another pint to drink and run :D
  18. Jut

    Jut New Member

    ewww that sounds evil. nothings more likely to make me feel sick than dizzyness. tis why i NEVER do the spinny spinny rides at fairgrounds (double never if its one of the traveling fairs).
    heh suppose could always try doing it using the proper chemical substance:p
  19. Trent Tiemeyer

    Trent Tiemeyer Valued Member

    1. DO NOT use the pool sticks. They are the first things the police see.

    2. DO use the pool balls. Concealable and deadly when palmed, thrown, or wrapped in a shirt or bar towel.

    3. NEVER let a guy put you on the bar. He will try to slide you all the way down.:D

    4. Do your business, AND GET OUT.

    5. Stay away from that bar for a few weeks.
  20. slapjitsu

    slapjitsu Banned Banned

    this is blatant thread necromancy.
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