Battojutsu/iai in Bujinkan/Genbukan/Other?

Discussion in 'Ninjutsu' started by ScottUK, Apr 24, 2011.

  1. Kogusoku

    Kogusoku 髭また伸びた! Supporter

    Really classy post that.

    It really shows how low you will go.

    Enough from all of you or I close the muffer-humpin' thread.

    Oh BTW, greetings from Japan! :love:

    Last edited: Jun 25, 2011
  2. Fu_Bag

    Fu_Bag Valued Member

    I've read Mr. Wideman's post containing the nuclear plant situation by itself and in context to RP's posts. I don't see the malicious intent other people seem to be seeing. Has he communicated he meant it as a dig? It looks more like it's a sensitive issue that people are unnecessarily reading hostile intent into. Is it possible he simply knew RP was in Japan and was asking how he was doing in an attempt to diffuse some of the tension between them?

    If you read his post again, he says there's no risk of radiation where he's at and invites RP up to see him. He then asks how RP is doing and closes the post with "Kind Regards." Where's the malice?
  3. EWBell

    EWBell Valued Member

    No kidding!
  4. markspada

    markspada Banned Banned

    Why are you calling him "Wideman Sensei"?

    Is he your sensei?

    - Mark Spada
  5. bujingodai

    bujingodai Retired Supporter

    He is a Sensei, I am being respectful Mark. I could have used San yes as well. You're going to pick on me for semantics? At least I put the Sensei at the end in stead of most doing the Sensei Troy or Shihan Richard.

    It was just being respectful Mark. Something lacking here most times.
  6. bujingodai

    bujingodai Retired Supporter

    I have on multiple occasions considered his tutelage and other of the Genbukan in the area actually.
  7. markspada

    markspada Banned Banned

    Oh, please. If there was no malice intended, then why did Troy mention a nuclear plant in the first place?

    You Genbukan girls sure stick together.


    - Mark Spada
  8. bujingodai

    bujingodai Retired Supporter

    Enough Mark, you're being a wang.
  9. Troy Wideman

    Troy Wideman Valued Member


    First off it was not a dig! My best friend lives in Saitama and my teacher. I meant that I would not want to go there right now with the radiation issues. I feel extremely bad about what happened in Japan. Why is it wrong for me to mention it about the issue's. I asked him how he was making out with the Nuclear Plant because Koshigaya is closer to the plant then Matsubushi.

    Japan currently is in a really bad state. I have two very close friends that live in the area and I am constantly calling them to make sure they are okay. The nuclear situation is getting worse not better.

    This affects both the Genbukan and the Bujinkan and Jinenkan. If it gets to the water supply, which from my reports it has, the country is fubarred.

    If anyone thought that was a dig about the situation, I apologize because it wasn't.

    I would help anyone out, now matter what organization, as long as they were decent guys.


    Troy Wideman
  10. Troy Wideman

    Troy Wideman Valued Member


    First off, I will personally say sorry to you if you felt I was digging you about the Japan situation. I was not! So please accept my apology if thats how it came across!

    In regards to you not mentioning who your teacher is, I don't get it. You have in a few posts talked down my teacher and when I ask you who yours is, you won't tell me.

    I feel this is a huge problem with the internet, people hide behind false names and identiities.

    As I said, you are welcome to come to my dojo and train, or for a visit. Maybe we can change your personal view of the Genbukan.
    If I was in Japan I would have no problem coming to visit you and view your training that you speak so highly off and your teacher.

    Kind Regards,

    Troy Wideman
  11. Troy Wideman

    Troy Wideman Valued Member

    Another note,

    As Mr. Gibb will attest to. I have a very good relationship with the Bujinkan in Canada. Most of the main guys in Ontario know me and know the type of guy that I am.

    We have a working relationship here. We might be in seperate organization's but we can remain friendly.

    I have allowed a few students in other organizations come view and take part in the training because both organizations approach it differently.

    I have had bujinkan students move my area and switch to the Genbukan. However, I do not take them as students until I phone and speak with their teachers and get permission. This is proper ettiqute and manners.

    Kind Regards,

    Troy Wideman
  12. bujingodai

    bujingodai Retired Supporter

    Thank you again for your level head Wideman Sensei, San, Sama, Troy.:D
  13. Fu_Bag

    Fu_Bag Valued Member

    Sounds like a compliment to me, thanks. And any girl who knows True Ninpo would be a keeper! :D
  14. Fudo-shin

    Fudo-shin Valued Member

    Oh I don't know mark.......if you ever did kata-keiko with Troy Kyoshi....I doubt you would use the word "weak".....matter of fact you would probably offer to wear a dress when he was finished
  15. bujingodai

    bujingodai Retired Supporter

    I guess the fact you stick together would be more a compliment considering the amount of back biting within the same orgs these days.
  16. Please reality

    Please reality Back to basics

    No problem, it's cool. I see you weren't making light of the situation now so no biggie. Anonymity on MAP isn't something that one must understand, just live with. All I will say is that people with little imagination like to beat a dead horse instead of looking for another one to ride. I already said that I think Tanemura sensei is good at what he does. Just that it is different.

    In martial arts you need both in and yo. People whose move movement demonstrate an abundance of one with the lack of the other are out of balance. When I look at the students of the Genbukan I witness this trait in general. If it is fair for people to discuss the Bujinkan and it's problems, I don't see why the Genbukan has some special protected status. BTW, Tanemura sensei allows you guys to visit Bujinkan dojos in Japan?

  17. gor

    gor Valued Member

  18. Dunc

    Dunc Well-Known Member Moderator Supporter

    My notes from the Kukshin Biken have the following (haven't looked at the others yet):

    Order and names identical to Mark Brown's site & I've copied his translation here:
    附込 Tsukikomi – attach and hold
    突掛 Tsukigake – thrust and trap
    斬上 Kiriage – rising cut
    斬下 Kirisage – dropping cut
    鎹止 Kasugaidome – bind and stop
    小蝶返 Kochogaeshi – small butterfly counter
    四方斬 Shiho Giri – cutting in four directions
    八方斬 Happo Giri – cutting in eight/all directions
    月之輪 Tsuki no Wa – full moon

    In addition each of the above have:
    - Sayu Gyaku (sp?)
    - Henka

    I'm not sure how much of these are specified, but the way I received/understood it was as 3-4 patterns in each of the Sayu Gyaku (sp?) & Henka

    Also the (old/orginal) shihan/menkyo kaiden holder's copy of the densho had 3 more formal waza at the end (presumably kuden):
    - Fudo Ken
    - Engeki Ken
    - Himyo Ken
    Note: The spelling etc is probably awful - my apologies

    However, these were not described beyond their names and had not been passed on

    I'd love to hear if: a) this chimes with others' understanding (these notes are really old) and b) anyone here had trained in these last 3

    I hope that no one would post details on a public forum like this (although I'm keen to train in them one day). However, it'd be an interesting back drop to the discussions around full transmission and practise of "holding back information to protect the tradition"
  19. jameswhelan

    jameswhelan Valued Member

  20. Kogusoku

    Kogusoku 髭また伸びた! Supporter


    Tsukekomi つけこみ 附込 

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