bare knuckle punching for self DEfence

Discussion in 'Self Defence' started by karl52, May 26, 2011.

  1. liero

    liero Valued Member

    MAP periodically removes videos from posts.

    Some call it a bug- I assume it's just the admin team trying to get us to use our imagination...
  2. Putrid

    Putrid Moved on

    Interesting that you should say that as Dennis Jones was a kyokushinkai practioner for many years and fought in the knock down.I believe he also finished in third place in the European Championships.He found his Kyokushinkai training to be inadequate for the street,hence the modified form that Karl practices.If he found the Kyokushinkai worked I am sure he would have stuck with it as the street is hardly the place where you have the luxury of worrying about styles.I see this modified "style" as karate stripped down to its bare essentials.Its hardly any different to what Motobu did,a brutal method that was designed to do one thing and that was to end a street fight as quickly as possible.

    What Karl was covering on the clip was only one part of what Dennis teaches,ie,pre-emptive strikes.The person who is about to be hit isn't fully aware of the fact and might even be talking to someone else.So speed isn't really a major factor as it would be in a boxing match.Far better that know you have hands that will stand up to full impact on the human head rather than worrying about telegraphing blows.I would suggest anyone who wants to test themselves takes a trip to Karl's garage and try hitting some of that stuff.Its not like the bags in your ordinary gym as they tend to be soft by comparsion.I think a lot of people are looking at this from a sporting context and that is a mistake.Think devious and dirty and you will get it.It was developed through doing bad things to bad people rather than in the safety of a gym or dojo.
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2011
  3. John R. Gambit

    John R. Gambit The 'Rona Wrangler

    I too am just a girl with small arms. Girl power ho! :fight1:
  4. Atre

    Atre Valued Member

    Can we forward this to Coronavirus? Please :p?
  5. Kuma

    Kuma Lurking about

    Sorry to hear that he did not find it up to his standards. I, however, would disagree strongly as it is primarily my Kyokushin training that I have used time and time again in my many incidents as a LEO. Different strokes for different folks. Personally I think overly telegraphing and swinging for the bleachers is risky, but if it works for him more power to him. Most untrained fighters will probably be caught by what he's doing, and if that's what he's going for then he's doing it right. I like to plan for the worst case scenario though.
  6. Putrid

    Putrid Moved on

    This was back in the seventes.I should imagine training methods have evolved since then and anything useful has been taken onboard.Geoff Thompson who was working the doors during the same period had the same problem with his karate and adapted it to the street.Both these men found the reverse punch to be lacking and it evolved into something closer to the boxing cross.
  7. Kuma

    Kuma Lurking about

    The reverse punch is essentially a boxing rear straight. All of the elements remain the same, there are just very slight differences. That is why you will see many knockdown fighters using punches that resemble boxing strikes yet they are all in the traditional syllabus. Coming from a Shotokan background, it's no wonder why he found the boxing version better, but all of the same principles still remain.

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