back for good

Discussion in 'General Martial Arts Discussion' started by d0ugbug, May 5, 2011.

  1. Mitch

    Mitch Lord Mitch of MAP Admin

    Hush now Kowloonboy, the grown ups are talking.

  2. Fish Of Doom

    Fish Of Doom Will : Mind : Motion Supporter

    well, not knowing what's in your area i couldn't possibly comment on that, but generally most tai chi classes, proper or not, will be mostly health-oriented simply by virtue of that being the biggest customer-base, but if the instructor is willing to teach "martial" tai chi, he'll probably say it right away if asked. that said, a possible sign of non-martial training (although not necessarily so) is if they refer to it simply as tai chi and never once mention tai chi chuan (or taijiquan, depending on how they romanize the chinese characters), which is the part that means "fist". even so, even if the class is not martially inclined, it's still a VERY useful pursuit as it will improve most if not all areas of physical movement, it will help with breathing, muscle tension, etc, as well as being generally relaxing, even though it's not easy at all (if you get bored, you're doing it wrong, so to speak, and it's the proper training which brings the best benefits :p).

    FWIW, also see if they mention which style of tai chi it is (chen, yang, wu, sun, etc), as that will at least indicate if they're serious about tai chi itself. yang is the archetypal slow style, while chen still keeps the original, more athletic movements and explosive techniques in the forms (although eventually they're developed in all TCC styles). dunno much about the other styles, except that sun apparently has influence from the other "internal" kung fu styles.

    hope that helps :)
  3. d0ugbug

    d0ugbug learning to smile

  4. Fish Of Doom

    Fish Of Doom Will : Mind : Motion Supporter

    hmmm, from what i can see, the lee family, sung taiji qigong and lotus neigong places all appear to recognize and train the martial side (plus the lee family school teaches bagua and xing yi, which are the other two "main" internal KF styles, so you can always go with xing yi for the 'KILL, MAIM, BURN!' stuff), so you appear to have three good options, from what i can see. if you're interested, i'd recommend posting in the tai chi subforum and letting more experienced guys like dan bian or el medico give you an expert opinion :).
  5. Moi

    Moi Warriors live forever x

    Could be worse :rolleyes:

    Watch this guy 'dougbug' folks. He's a bad influence on people! Thinking about it he might be the messiah, he does a good trick of turning fresh air into lager :)
    So can he have a name change to flipper? Seems appropriate :)
  6. d0ugbug

    d0ugbug learning to smile

    That is one skill that has taken many years to master ;)
  7. Moi

    Moi Warriors live forever x

    I still can't believe I thought I was doing well only having drunk 5 pints then all the wailing & knashing of teeth started. Happy days:)
  8. d0ugbug

    d0ugbug learning to smile

    LOL! When is the next show should do it again and rally more people off here to come along ;)
  9. bassai

    bassai onwards and upwards ! Moderator Supporter

    Welcome back mate , glad to hear you feel a bit better.
  10. Moi

    Moi Warriors live forever x

    There's a couple that go I think, one for sure. The management of the club now warn their staff about me now :rolleyes:
    It was a good show last one, June the next. Our Jac now outdrinks me and leaves in a better state, not even old enough to get in yet :bang:
  11. Southpaw535

    Southpaw535 Well-Known Member Moderator Supporter

    Welcome back man
  12. Simon

    Simon Administrator Admin Supporter MAP 2017 Koyo Award

    I don't know, been back five minutes and already causing trouble.

    Good to have you back. I'll ask some questions of my instructor and check our websites in regard to some decent Tai Chi classes.

    Tai Chi is a very slowly rewarded art. Lots of effort in, with the rewards coming fairly slowly. Worth the investment in the end. Definately the grandfather of all the arts.
  13. Frodocious

    Frodocious She who MUST be obeyed! Moderator Supporter

    Waves at Dougboug...

    Welcome back mate, good to see you! :D
  14. Blade96

    Blade96 shotokan karateka

    Indeed, that wass rude.

    btw wb, i havent spoken to ya much, but i've seen ya around in some other posts. You seem like a good fellow and I hope you and your family are feeling better! :)
  15. Doublejab

    Doublejab formally Snoop

    Can we ban this idiot for good please mods? Deliberate, argumentative, provoking and continued trolling on threads which are totally unsuitable for trolling. God I really really hate condecending people.

    Anywho welcome back d0ugbug :)
  16. righty

    righty Valued Member

    Saw some other posts but saw this one so I'll use it to officially welcome you back.

    Have fun.
  17. Moi

    Moi Warriors live forever x

    So are we getting the band back together? I know the thread title was a hint :)
  18. SpikeD

    SpikeD At the Frankenstein Place

    As you are all Martial Artists perhaps you should be called 'Stitch That'.
  19. embra

    embra Valued Member

    The San Shou (Kickboxing with takedowns) will be a riot for someone like you - if you can find Teachers and students that you can train with you in this way.

    Understanding how TCC principles can impact into San Shou will probably take a lifetime.
  20. Moi

    Moi Warriors live forever x

    Coming to an X-Factor audition near you!

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