awesome video

Discussion in 'Tae Kwon Do' started by Bruce Lee II, Jun 12, 2005.

  1. neryo_tkd

    neryo_tkd Valued Member

    so it's not about the noise, it's that you wanted to tell us about your title, right? :D :D :D
  2. Bruce Lee II

    Bruce Lee II Banned Banned

    meh... both lol.
  3. neryo_tkd

    neryo_tkd Valued Member

    there is also a noise when you hit someone's hand. does that count as a point too? :D
  4. narcsarge

    narcsarge Masticated Whey

    Good one! I have been trained that in order for a punch to score, the punch has to do as neryo says: Visibly stop your opponent or, better yet, visibly move your opponent. Sorry, had no good videos to demonstrate what I am talking about! :D
  5. neryo_tkd

    neryo_tkd Valued Member

    and when you punch like that you WILL get a point. no doubt about it. people complain about punches not being scored. they have to ask themselves if they have punched properly.

    a friend of mine has a strong punch and in one round (not one fight) he got 5 points for 5 punches. i think his opponent wished that my friend used his legs hehehehe
  6. narcsarge

    narcsarge Masticated Whey

    A well timed punch or double fisted punch, from up close, using your full body weight is so pretty! Love to use them as a set up for a turning back kick as my opponent stumbles backward. Hopefully I knock him down for 3 quick points.
  7. Bruce Lee II

    Bruce Lee II Banned Banned

    no when you kick the hand its no supposed to be a point. but sometimes they make a mistake because the kick looks butiful and strong and make s a smack. so yes and no

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