Atheist objections to stem cell research

Discussion in 'Off Topic Area' started by Sub zero, Apr 17, 2008.

  1. Sub zero

    Sub zero Valued Member

    Hi. Just interested does anybody who doesn't believe there is a soul or spirit some sort form conception think there are any problems with the morality of stem cell research?

  2. Tartovski

    Tartovski Valued Member

    Nope. It's brilliant - ROCK ON!
  3. Bigshot

    Bigshot And im all outta gum!

    No, all its going to do is possibly help someone, as an atheist i can look at it logically and make up my own decision instead of making up some rediculous argument "cus the big man said so"
  4. Yohan

    Yohan In the Spirit of Yohan Supporter

    I'm not an atheist and I say GO STEM CELL RESEARCH!!
  5. Gary

    Gary Vs The Irresistible Farce Supporter

    Nope, looks fine. same goes for any embryo hybrid work while I'm at it.
  6. EmptyHandGuy

    EmptyHandGuy Valued Member

    I am not an athiest but even if I was I would be against stem cell research.
  7. Gary

    Gary Vs The Irresistible Farce Supporter

    What particular non-religious problems do you have with it?
  8. wrydolphin

    wrydolphin Pirates... yaarrrr Supporter

    Not an athiest, however I don't have any real negative arguments against stem cell research. Basically, there is (as with all things) a chance that we can really screw things up, but the potential for good is larger then that risk, I think.

    So, in all- go stem cell research!

    On a side note- there are a lot of people who have a problem with GM, especially in the food industry, I wonder if there are deviding lines along religion in that issue....
  9. Oversoul

    Oversoul Valued Member

    It's good that you're not an athiest, whatever that is. But are you an atheist?
  10. tomass911

    tomass911 Valued Member

    what does somebody's religious views have to do with their opinion. If somebody has a mindset that they wont like something because of their religion then they are purely narrow minded.
  11. Nii

    Nii Valued Member

    ^Then there are many many narrow minded people in the world.
  12. Duality

    Duality Valued Member

    As somebody else mentioned in reality this happens a hell of a lot anyway.

    I'm an atheist or agnostic, I'm not particularly sure. I guess I'm starting to have a hard time identifying myself as atheist as a lot of atheists these days are becoming very outspoken and outright offensive sometimes.

    That's a seperate issue though!

    I'm all for stem cell research. The issues raised are/were valid on some levels and I'm glad they've been noted as it keeps people's eyes on the subject and stops dangerous or unethical behaviour. That said though I think we've established ethical ways of doing it and the potential for helping people with the technology is absolutely mind boggling.
  13. Slindsay

    Slindsay All violence is necessary

    Stem cell research is a pretty good idea in my books, even if I was Christian I like to think that I would still be in favour of stem cell research because hopefully I'd bother myself to look at the facts about how it works rather than listen to some muppet with a bible and no clue bout modern science.

    And that would be why I'm an atheist.
  14. boards

    boards Its all in the reflexes!

    Not atheist (i'm agnostic), but as far as I'm concerned its all good on the stem cell research. If they start building clones to harvest organs ala "the Island" I may start having issues.

    Depends on how rich I am:woo:
  15. Tartovski

    Tartovski Valued Member

    You do know you are allowed to be an athiest AND disagree with other outspoken athiests, right?
    In fact, not being subject to organised dogma is pretty much the entire point of being an athiest!!
  16. Oversoul

    Oversoul Valued Member

    Nope. No one is allowed to be an athiest, because it's not even a real word.
  17. Gufbal1981

    Gufbal1981 waiting to train...

    I have no arguments against it. I'm Roman Catholic and I'm supposed to believe it's evil, but how can something that will save someone's life in the future be so evil?
  18. Duality

    Duality Valued Member

    I realise that but they're starting to give atheists a bit of a 'bad name' and stereotype, so if you say "I'm Atheist!" it instantly triggers in others a certain viewpoint about you.

    I'm sure if they talked to me further they'd realise I'm not like that, but in many cases people make up their minds and walk away or stop listening to you from first impressions.

    You've got a point though.
  19. Tartovski

    Tartovski Valued Member

    TBH I could care less what other people think. My favourite one is that atheists are "arrogant" as they claim to "know there isn't a god". It's just an amazing fail of logic. So I'm arrogant for saying "There's no evidence, so i'm going to live my life like there isn't a higher power" but they are all humble for saying "right, of the infinite choice of meta-physical entities out there - my choice is RIGHT".

    As for Dawkins et al being offensive, are they? Exactly what causes offense? Where does this offense come from?
    As i've said earlier if they were speaking about fascism would people be attacking them for denouncing it, i seriously doubt it. Why suddenly if you point out fatal flaws in religion are you suddenly offensive?
    Religion is just an idea, nothing more, nothing less. If people can't cope with their idea's being critised they need to grow up.
    I think Dawkins et al do a great job of standing up and saying "hey. We've had enough, we want OUR say for once. Your idea's aren't privaledge, you can't hide behind that to defend them, you have to approach them like any other idea and see if they hold water"
  20. Talyn

    Talyn Reality Hacker

    As long as they don't use it to make people live longer just yet. Ideally we'd need to be a Kardashev 1.4 or above (as a rough measure), otherwise resources would become yet more strained.

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