anyone here play magic the gathering?

Discussion in 'Off Topic Area' started by yangtaichi, Nov 3, 2003.


play magice the gathering?

Poll closed Jan 2, 2004.
  1. YES

    4 vote(s)
  2. NO

    4 vote(s)
  1. yangtaichi

    yangtaichi New Member

    just a wondering

    does anyone on this forum other than me play Magic the gathering?

    card game,... published by wizards of the coast,... been around 10 years,... on ESPN every year for 4 years for the world champs,...

    ok if you don't know what im talking about by now then you should answer the poll as 'NO'

    thanks all
  2. Kinjiro Tsukasa

    Kinjiro Tsukasa I'm hungry; got troll? Supporter

    I'll be the first person (other than you) to vote in your poll (I read about it in your journal!), but I'm afraid I've never heard of this game. It's really on ESPN?
  3. LilBunnyRabbit

    LilBunnyRabbit Old One

    Used to play it, realised that it was a huge ripoff and actually a fairly dull game compared to genuine role-playing or something like Lunch Money, and wisely escaped before the latest edition of cards came out.
  4. Adam

    Adam New Member

    Played it some five or six years ago when I was a kid, then stopped. I still like the game though.

    Anybody want to buy a bagful of Magic cards? :D
  5. kobudo_tob

    kobudo_tob Valued Member

    I like MTG, but it got all very confusing when I left it for a year and came back only to find that 5,000 more expansion packs had been released.

    But, with my "8/8 Force of Nature, Llanowar Elf deck" I ruled the UNIVERSE.....I mean England.......I mean Yorkshire....I mean Leeds......I mean Roundhay.....OK OK I own up, I mean my own bedroom :(

    But that was a long time ago......
  6. yangtaichi

    yangtaichi New Member

    yeah every year the DCI will hold the world championship of magic. people compete in tournaments all year long to get the best rating and then get invited to the worlds. And once a year for the past 4 years i think espn will air live and repeated coverage of the game. Its really funny hearing those sports commentators talking about a game that they would have picked on someone for playing back in high school. haha these guys are making thousands and some are making millions of dollars playing that 'nerdy' game. oh yeah tanks for reading the journal

    yeah i was playing pretty heavily for a bit and then realised the same thing and got out for 2 years. but then i realised that the only person ripping me off is my self. i dont have to buy pack after pack after pack to get 'X' card, i can just buy that card. or trade for it, which rarely happens but does. so now i own about 200 cards in all, but 75 of those are my deck the rest are going to be traded away or sold soon. playing this way, im not broke, i dont have a million cards ill never use and my record is about 30-10 ish. not bad for a guy like me.

    thanks for posting
  7. KenpoDavid

    KenpoDavid Working Title

    I played for a couple of years, keeping up wit the latest expansions and innovations. I had some pretty fun and unusual decks.

    But after while the relentless changing of the rules forces too much habitual card purchasing. I still have my old decks but they are a few years out of date so I don't have any idea how much of what is in them is still currently "allowed".
  8. Terry Matthes

    Terry Matthes New Member

    I don't play much anymore but I used to. I have a couple decks I like to keep around. If anyone would like to know what kind of decks just PM me, as I think I would just confuse outsiders explaining it in this thread :D
  9. xplasma

    xplasma Banned Banned

    I played in High School, I still have my hand destruction and burn decks laying around
  10. djhallib

    djhallib Guest

    Ahhh, I had a black sacrifice deck a couple of years ago, with the derelict I think he was called, and a sacrifice pinger (forgotten the name) that owned ass. I still got the deck intact and in plastic, and I still own all my cards.

    But I would love to go booster-drafting some day. Its relatively cheap and everyone has an equal chance since there won't be any "two turn kill decks" involved.
  11. Terry Matthes

    Terry Matthes New Member

    I hate booster draft :p I much prefer good ol type one with the good ol power nine. I play a discard deck with:
    chains of mephistopheles
    underworld dreams
    anvil of bogardan

    There are more cards , but that should give you guys a good idea of the play mechanics.
  12. yangtaichi

    yangtaichi New Member

    wow seems like there are more mtg players on here than i originally thought. there is a shop in my town that has booster drafts everyweek, sometimes twice a week. i never play though. seems pointless to me. but i do plan on participating in a type 2 coming up on tuesday. really tough players. hope my army men can handle it
  13. Terry Matthes

    Terry Matthes New Member

    I don't like type two. I mean new sets are always good, but it seems like there is one coming out everymonth. I stared playing when ice age came. The new card designs are UGLY! I think I wanna play magic now. I'm gonna call up my friend and have a whirl. Mind listing your deck so I can take a look at it yangtaichi?
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2003
  14. Adam

    Adam New Member

    Mixed Magic the Gathering is way superior to Traditional Magic the Gathering.
  15. Terry Matthes

    Terry Matthes New Member

  16. Yama Tombo

    Yama Tombo Valued Member

    I played it, but figured why waste dollars on a deck of cards when no one hardly plays for the fun of it. And they really had no magic effects at all...... :D
  17. yangtaichi

    yangtaichi New Member

    Most of this deck is from the newest set 'mirrodin', so if you have any questions about mechanics or use in this deck, post me back. if you wanna know what the card does go to sitemagic the gathering.

    Type II Army men

    4 auriok steelshapers
    4 leonin skyguard
    4 white knite
    4 silver knight
    4 leonin den-guard

    4 raise the alarm
    4 bonesplitter
    4 leonin scimitar
    2 emyrical armor
    2 luxodon warhammer
    2 fireshrieker
    2 extraplaner lens
    2 story circle

    18 plains

    i think thats it, i dont have the deck onhand and i havent played in a week.

    ok thanks and keep posting

    also if any of you have a type 2 deck post it, i need help to win games!!


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