Am i talented?

Discussion in 'Aikido' started by ziseez, Jan 28, 2004.

  1. ziseez

    ziseez Valued Member

    when i went in the first day i got down the first 3 techniques and got them fine with a 1 try basis and i was next working on the grapples falls and the last 2 moves,the 4thve which you meet there hand just like the 3rd one and use your body and your hand too push them over while ur leg is behind them,that took me 5 trys and i was kinda hard on myself inside myslef (hich my sensei saw by my exspressions)and at the end of class ive done got all 4 moves and all the grappling hand techniques(exscuse me i dont have the names)and iive learned all that on my second class my sensei said that was great and i was the fastest learner he has had,is that good in someones else point of view also??
  2. aikiwolfie

    aikiwolfie ... Supporter

    If you're learning fast that's great. Don't be discouraged by mistakes. You always learn more from the things you do wrong than from the things you do right. Apart from that, everybody makes mistakes. It's apart of life.
  3. hwardo

    hwardo Drunken Monkey

    The less you worry about how talented you are, and the more you focus on your techniques, the better your martial arts will be.
  4. Amakasashi

    Amakasashi New Member

    its good that you are a fast learner, but don't worry about how talented you are at the are like hwardo stated, the better your martial art will be. From what we have talked outside of the forum is that you do seem to have something with martial arts in my opinion with picking them up, but seem to overlook the spiritual and phylosophical aspects of the art, once you can use all three as one then you marital art will grow even further. Man I sound corny saying some of these things lol.
  5. Poop-Loops

    Poop-Loops Banned Banned

    I'm like you, I learn really fast. The thing is, because you know how to do a technique in a controlled dojo, doens't mean you'll be able to do it during the extreme stress of a fight. What you have is testing skill, that's not enough to defend yourself in a fight with.

    Besides, I can guarantee it gets harder, especially when you get to 30+ techniques. :)

  6. Dave Humm

    Dave Humm Serving Queen and Country

    The learning curve you are on now is the steepist, It will continue like this depending upon a number of factors

    a) How often you practice per week
    b) How quickly you pick up the basics
    c) How long you commit yourslf to study

    Everyone learns at differing paces so, don't be alarmed if you see others picking up on things you don't and vis-versa.

    Your main consideration in these early days is to get a very good grip on the basic techniques and the likewise basic 'attacks'

    In conjunction with the above, practice your Ukemi - breakfalls, these must be done all the time otherwise you risk injury from techniques applied on you. (not so much now as a beginner)

    I am always pleased to learn when someone starts Aikido.. Keep up the hard work !

  7. Dave Humm

    Dave Humm Serving Queen and Country

    As a matter of interest.. What style of Aikido do you practice ?

  8. ziseez

    ziseez Valued Member

  9. ziseez

    ziseez Valued Member

    i agree with amakasashi about the spiritual part of aikido because i see in my dojo alot of people dont put that into a big roll of aikido which o sensei said you need your body,mind,and spirit too breath as one or something of that sort.
  10. Kof_Andy

    Kof_Andy New Member

    Regardless of talent, unless there is desire they cannot be excpetiona. <--- Bruce Lee
    Martial Art was builded upon on combat, through that you gain proper kokoro (heart). In discipline, physcal aspect, and spirituality. In martial art you compete with yourself and no other. Don't let talent stand in your way.
  11. Budd

    Budd Valued Member

    Maybe . . .

    Just don't listen to drunken monkeys.
  12. Poop-Loops

    Poop-Loops Banned Banned

    Whatever. I was just pointing out that it gets harder as you learn more.

  13. Tintin

    Tintin Cats: All your base...


    Don't worry about that 4th one, gedan ate takes years to come naturally.

    What I would say though is don't get too overconfident. There is a difference between being able to go through the moves and understanding WHY we do those moves. I've been doing the same syllabus as you are learning for 14 years now and I'm still being taught plenty of ways to improve (hopefully :D ) the basic techniques.

    Cliche alert!!!
    Don't rest on your laurels. The results of realising that you can always improve, and so continually trying to improve are hugely rewarding
  14. aikiwolfie

    aikiwolfie ... Supporter

    where exactly are your laurels anyway?
  15. Tintin

    Tintin Cats: All your base...

    Next to your Hardy's!

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