Alcohol and Martial Arts

Discussion in 'General Martial Arts Discussion' started by 47MartialMan, Mar 28, 2010.

  1. 47MartialMan

    47MartialMan Valued Member

    Alcohol and Martial Arts

    The consumption of alcoholic beverages has been around for ages. With such consumption, becoming superfluous, were cavorting mannerisms. And from these mannerisms, created such a fracas. It is from this chain reaction, that one may be in desideratum to study defense/fighting methods.

    Alcohol negatively effects performance 25 to 48 hours after the last drink.
    The reduction in quality of training and sleep in the period after its consumption, may cause a reduction in performance over the days following this period.
    Interferes with the loading of carbohydrates in muscles (muscle glycogen synthesis),
    Lengthens the recovery and rehabilitation from injury.
    The liver treats alcohol like a poison.
    Drinkers throw up to prevent death by alcohol toxicity
    Alcohol is a solvent that adversely affects every human cell except fat
    Alcohol is a depressant (blocks acetylcholine = decreased serotonin)
    Alcohol leads to decreased GABA, leading to anxiety and depression symptoms long after drinking
    Moderate use (2-3 drinks)…
    Reduces motor coordination for up to 12 to 18 hours after drinking.
    Results in decreased aerobic capacity and negative impact on endurance for up to 48 hours after the last drink has been consumed.
    Can cut supplies of vitamins to below normal levels.
    The body excretes calcium at twice the normal rate.

    With so many bad effects from alcohol consumption, should a martial arts practitioner or instructor consume?
  2. Dizzyj

    Dizzyj Valued Member

    Most of those are not martial arts specific issues though, they are issues no matter what you do in your spare time. It is risky, and it is harmful, and if done close to training can harm your performance. But, at the end of the day, you have to do your own risk assessment to see if you think it is worth it.

    Afterall, we wouldn't be doing a combat sport/martial hobby if we didn't think potential risks of damage to ourselves were sometimes worth taking. :)
  3. Rhizome

    Rhizome Super Valued Member

    ive been and on and off alcoholic for a while now and im definitley not touching another drop this year till im fit.

    horrid stuff, my livers ruined hopefully not irrepairable but it has massive knock on effects to endocrine health.
  4. Llamageddon

    Llamageddon MAP's weird cousin Supporter

    I think it's like everything - in moderation it's fine. When you go a bit mental, it's not so fine. Almost everything has negative side effects unfortunately - right down to the air we breathe.
  5. Otataral

    Otataral Sapientes Gladio

    I couldnt agree more with you Llamageddon. It is all about moderation.
  6. Draven Azropht

    Draven Azropht Valued Member

    I am a huge fan of free will, so I say as long as the individual doesn't effect another's free choice. Its all fine...

    Personally, I drink much of the time (almost every weekend) & suggest that people actually train while intoxicated if they are drinkers. Thus, forcing them to exercise control within a altered state and become desensitized to the effects of alcohol. They won't be 100% immune to the effects but they should to the point where they can maintain control their reactions.
  7. Van Zandt

    Van Zandt Mr. High Kick

    If we avoid alcohol completely we might end up taking ourselves too seriously.
  8. Blade96

    Blade96 shotokan karateka

    I'm very fond of hanging out with my dojo buddies for drinks at the bar =]
  9. Anth

    Anth Daft. Supporter

    Alcohol is an integral part of martial arts - how many of us have said "its for medicinal purposes" when drinking after training? :p
  10. Softhand

    Softhand Valued Member

    I've given alcohol up. I have found that it's just too detrimental to my training. I've used meditation to observe my attachment to alcohol to let it go. I used to smoke cigarettes and weed too, and I understood quickly that I would have to give that up because of the effect on your lungs.

    The way I see it is; you perform better in MA without alcohol right? if it negatively effects your performance 25-48 hours than it's not worth it.

    It's like eating. If you eat to much because you want to comfort yourself you'll be too full when you're training. If you eat to little you don't get the energy you need.

    it's like this equation I just made;

    MA performance = better w/o alcohol/drugs
    ------------------------------------------ = overcome desire = better MA
    desire to drink
  11. illegalusername

    illegalusername Second Angriest Mapper

    While the occasional pint or two after training is all good and well i must say you should avoid a binge right after a fight.

    I'm pretty sure pee is not supposed to be black
  12. Van Zandt

    Van Zandt Mr. High Kick

    Not sure I agree with the "better at MA without alcohol" sentiment.

    I enjoy liberal amounts of Guinness at the weekend and still manage to train 3-4 hours a day, six days a week. See, the key is the planning; my rest day is Sunday, so I do my drinking on the Saturday. I think if I didn't let loose and enjoy the pleasurable company of Ireland's finest export then I would go completely insane.
  13. Softhand

    Softhand Valued Member

    Guiness is good <stuff>. See, I'm young and have no self control. I'll be hitting the Guinness and then my friends will bring out the Jameson.

    I've just had to find other ways of relaxing (Meditation). I have no way of differiating drinking, and drinking lifestyle. That's probably a handicap in my regard. Haha.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 29, 2010
  14. rivend

    rivend Valued Member

    The jackie chan drunken style fighter movie was funny . But it might not work in real life if your that stoned. :)
  15. shuyun3

    shuyun3 Shugyosha

    Beer has vitamin b, fiber and a quick infusion of carbs.

    When I feel wiped out having used up glycogen stores on a really intense training night, coupled with rest and a good meal sometimes i add one beer, and it makes a difference in the morning
  16. Mushroom

    Mushroom De-powered to come back better than before.

    I've had many a colleague come in with hangovers (its what happens when you train on Sunday noon...theres usually a Saturday night before it)

    Sometimes they're fine, other times I let them sleep on the mats.
  17. 47MartialMan

    47MartialMan Valued Member

    If a martial artist is to consume alcohol, no matter in moderation or not, does this seem to contradict certain virtues and disciplines?
  18. Van Zandt

    Van Zandt Mr. High Kick

    It is important for instructors not to force their beliefs on the students. If an instructor does not drink or thinks alcohol is evil, fine. But he/she should not give a lecture to students on the "evils of alcohol" if the students enjoy the stuff. Seen this happen too many times.

    We're martial arts instructors, not priests.
  19. Draven Azropht

    Draven Azropht Valued Member

    How so? MAs have different values and like people (being a product of people) tend rationalize those options accordingly. I think that while many aspects of budo teach to show discipline and restraint it doesn't prevent us from indulging just over indulging ourselves.
  20. Dizzyj

    Dizzyj Valued Member

    I can't speak for most martial arts, but since the head of my style can drink most people under the table (before being drunk under by his own wife, the second highest in the system), I'd imagine it's not really one of the virtues at the core of Rapid Arnis. :)

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