aikido training???

Discussion in 'Aikido' started by ziseez, Jan 23, 2004.

  1. ziseez

    ziseez Valued Member

    anyone can tell me if im fit enough to use aikido's full attacks with the most effective way,i squat 250,bench 170,dead lift 335 and weigh 140 lb tell me if u need anymore infromation
  2. Poop-Loops

    Poop-Loops Banned Banned

    I *heard* that you don't need to be very strong to train Aikido. You use your opponent's force against him/her, and you're just guiding his/her path. Something like that.

    Anyway, yeah, you're fit. Even if you weren't, you'd get stronger as you trained.

  3. TheMasterSword

    TheMasterSword Cunning Linguist

    Well I can honestly tell you I come no where near lifting as much as you but I have found Aikido fits me like a glove...

    Aikido is more about fluidity of movement and precision of technique rather than how much you can lift or bench.... women actually pick up aikido faster than men because men tend to rely too much on their physical strength.. however, i have seen people who loook in great shape can bench their own weight and then some but tire quickly from aikido because they are not used to the "falling down and getting up" because it uses a lot of other muscles

    going back to your question can i do aikido??? aikido is for anybody but not everybody... in order words anyone can do it, its jus some it doesnt fit right and they end up dropping....O'Sensei Ueshiba (founder of Aikido) once said," if you have enough energy to walk, and open a door, then you have enough energy to do Aikido"... so it seems that you CAN do Aikido CONGRATS:D
  4. aikiwolfie

    aikiwolfie ... Supporter

    Anybody can do Aikido regardles of their physical condition. If you like it or not depends on what you're looking for in a martial art.

    If you want to learn how to fight with quick results you'd probably be better off trying something else first.
  5. Amakasashi

    Amakasashi New Member

    you don't need to be real strong for aikido, it depends on what you want in a martial art and what you want to get ouf of it. I am far from fit and can do the techniques what I feel is rather efectively and enjoy it. Not saying its easy, it does take energy and you will probably be sore, but that goes with any martial art. By the way mastersword I love that quote of o'sensei, never heard that one before. Best thing you can do is just give it a shot and look into other martial arts as well to make sure it is what you are looking for. Good luck with your search / decision
  6. ziseez

    ziseez Valued Member

    oh ok i was justwondering about against the big people like sumo size,some of yaw i would wanna talk to some of yaw in aikido stuff so add crazygummybearz too aol instant messenger if you have it
  7. ziseez

    ziseez Valued Member

    im done in aikido i was just wondering like would i have problems useing certain techniques on certain people

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