Adrenal Rush At Will?

Discussion in 'General Martial Arts Discussion' started by Psychi, Jan 15, 2009.

  1. Psychi

    Psychi New Member

    No it doesn't require touching. I believe I have a high self-discipline due to the struggles I have had in life. When I focus my energy (Self-Hypnosis) I feel the energy rise not relax. Like I am pushing myself (mentally), A strive.
  2. TheCount

    TheCount Happiness is a mindset

    This sounds just like I suspect - you are just hyping yourself up in your mind and gain a temporary high. Nothing special.
  3. Psychi

    Psychi New Member

    Its more then a high, I shake violently, my whole body.
  4. Dehitay

    Dehitay Valued Member

    Hyping oneself up to a temporary high is actually a fair way to phrase it. However, I'm rather confident it releases some adrenaline.

    At first I thought Psychi was doing something I used to do and just making a bigger deal out of it than I took it to be. But there's a few differences. 5 minutes seems excessive to me; I can do it in about 1 minute even now. However, that's still plausible since I probly have a higher susceptibility to hypnosis and my opinion might be biased. However, the idea that your veins start popping and you start convulsing seems a bit weird to me. I admit that I never really checked to see what my veins looked like when I'm pumping more adrenaline than usual, but I know that I never started convulsing. When I did use self-hypnosis to pump myself up, the result was usually my muscles contracting some and a high desire to move around.

    Actually, now that I think about it, I can probly guess what you're doing if this really happens. During this whole process of concentrating, are you continually contracting and releasing your muscles? Combined with changing your bodies mood, stress level, and chemicals, doing that for 5 or 10 minutes could easily make your muscles feel uncomfortable to where they twitch.
  5. Psychi

    Psychi New Member

    Thanks for the post. The "Twitch" is more of a shock feeling, my head nods, teeth teeth clinch together tight. As well as breathing tight as well. Convulsing is closer to it then twitch and I don't tighten my muscles until I begin to feel the convulsing.
  6. Fish Of Doom

    Fish Of Doom Will : Mind : Motion Supporter

    “ The first warp-spasm seized Cúchulainn, and made him into a monstrous thing, hideous and shapeless, unheard of. His shanks and his joints, every knuckle and angle and organ from head to foot, shook like a tree in the flood or a reed in the stream. His body made a furious twist inside his skin, so that his feet and shins switched to the rear and his heels and calves switched to the front... On his head the temple-sinews stretched to the nape of his neck, each mighty, immense, measureless **** as big as the head of a month-old child... he sucked one eye so deep into his head that a wild crane couldn't probe it onto his cheek out of the depths of his skull; the other eye fell out along his cheek. His mouth weirdly distorted: his cheek peeled back from his jaws until the gullet appeared, his lungs and his liver flapped in his mouth and throat, his lower jaw struck the upper a lion-killing blow, and fiery flakes large as a ram's fleece reached his mouth from his throat... The hair of his head twisted like the tange of a red thornbush stuck in a gap; if a royal apple tree with all its kingly fruit were shaken above him, scarce an apple would reach the ground but each would be spiked on a bristle of his hair as it stood up on his scalp with rage. ”
    —Thomas Kinsella (translator), The Táin, Oxford University Press, 1969, pp. 150-153

    is it like that? :D

    seriously though, i agree with thecount, you're more than likely just hyping yourself up a lot.
  7. Custom Volusia

    Custom Volusia Valued Member

  8. axelb

    axelb Master of Office Chair Fu

    as much as it sounds weird, (and as much as I don't want to encourage what sounds a bit fishy) I can give myself and adrenalin rush, and I in my case from what the OP has described it isn't veins popping out or such.

    I have been able to do it from a young age, and probably is related to my hyperactive behavior as a kid.

    I haven't ever bothered to time it though, because I feel sick from doing it after a few seconds. Externally the only way I have been able to show it to people is I twitch a bit and my pupils dilate.

    I don't see why you would want to relate this to MA at all though, if anything you want to be able to keep your adrenalin down, not bring on more.
  9. TheCount

    TheCount Happiness is a mindset

    I will be completely honest - I think whatever you are doing is purely psychological, you are just making your body go mental and you aliken it to adrenaline... I think there is absolutely no physical basis for what you are doing either.

    EVEN if you are getting an adrenaline rush there is absolutely no good reason you would want to, if there was martial arts/military/police and business people wouldn't spend lots of time and effort on disciplining themselves to deal with adrenaline based situations.
  10. koyo

    koyo Passed away, but always remembered. RIP.

    Is it like THIS. DON'T dis the ponytail!!!!!!

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  11. Ad McG

    Ad McG Troll-killer Supporter

    Wow, words can't describe the insanity of this thread.

    A few more questions for you:

    1. What is the point? Increased muscle mass due to oxygen? LMAO, you have to be kidding. Seriously, what is the actual point?
    2. Do you enjoy this? It seems to me like that is your main goal here aside from anything else you have mentioned.
    3. From what you have described you are basically standing there and fully tensing up your entire body while concentrating fully on this tension and feeling like you are going to explode, is that correct?

    If you are getting a big adrenaline dump for some reason (I am skeptical and personally think it's just psychological) then that is not actually good for you. Stressing your adrenals on a regular basis (such as through sleep deprivation, overuse of caffeine, stressful jobs etc.) can cause adrenal fatigue which can lead on to a number of other problems such as real overtraining, persistant fatigue and depression. I think all you are feeling is the feeling of relaxation after you have finished this act. A common method of relaxing is to tense up the various body parts really hard then relaxing them one after the other, often used to help people sleep after a stressful day.

    To be completely honest I think you are just trolling but I'm humouring you for now.
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2009
  12. Genkuro

    Genkuro Valued Member

  13. Fire-quan

    Fire-quan Banned Banned

    OK - slightly different perspective - Yiquan uses visualisation a great deal, which can involve artificially generating feelings, including, what from personal experience I believe to be, stimulation of adrenelin.

    Most peoploe know that feeling where their aggression kicks in - it can happen suddenly while you're sparring or wrestling, or when someone is winding you up, and all of a sudden, you get that buzz all over, and you just want to fight.

    I do an exercise -and it doesn't take ten minutes, I can generate it in seconds - where, usually during zhan zhuang (standing isometric exercise) I visualize a snorting bull, scraping his foot on the floor, glaring at me and preparing to charge and kill me; and I generate a feeling like, this is my last moment on Earth, and I have to stop this bull, even though I'm going to die - and that make my adrenelin rush.

    To me, that's useful because I'm so calm, I've had and lost fights by not being aggressive enough, so I specifically wanted to work on the idea of being able to generate that mental state more easily - in fact, see if it can be done at will. Unfortunately, unless I'm attacked by a bull... heh...

    A lot of the Yiquan zhan zhuangs have visualizations like that - for example, the famous taming the tiger posture - you imagine you are holding down a mad tiger, which, if it escapes, will kill lots of people,so you have yo hold it.

    My experience lasts pretty much as long as I visualise the bull, and it comes in waves that are definitely physical responses to mental visualisation - though not specifically meditation.

    Also, during training, I often use what I call 'artificial aggression' - thinking about the people, say, in the martial arts world who I don't like, and thinking 'I'm training to kill them' and letting that fire me up - again, often with a physical reaction that makes me put more effort in to training. But, it'sonly an artificial game - the feelings are left at the training hall door - I'm not planning to kill anyone, lol - only bulls!

    Why bulls, specifically, most powerfully cause that reaction in me, I don't know. Maybe it's beause I come out with so much bull!
  14. lostboy888

    lostboy888 Valued Member

    when I completely focus my mind on upcoming university deadlines I am able to achieve intense feelings of anxiety and boredom
  15. Semper Fi

    Semper Fi Valued Member

    Someone needs to stop smokin that boat..
  16. koyo

    koyo Passed away, but always remembered. RIP.

    Looking at a picture of Angelina Jolie.Well I THINK it is an adrenalin rush.

    regards koyo
  17. Banpen Fugyo

    Banpen Fugyo 10000 Changes No Surprise

    Everyone sit calmly as youre reading this... right now.


    Now, squeeze your bum like you're finishing off a poo and hold it for as long as you can.

    Tadddaaaaaa!!!! Blurry vision! Shaking muscles! Feeling of real ultimate power!!!!111

    You can thank me later.
  18. Banpen Fugyo

    Banpen Fugyo 10000 Changes No Surprise


    Did you just thank yourself for a post?

    I mean... you ARE Dehitay, right? Two usernames is against TOS you know.
  19. StudentOfTao

    StudentOfTao Valued Member

    Funny. I can make myself have an adrenaline rush but it feels different to what your discribing. as a matter of fact I just made myself do it so I could explain it better. I feel a cooling/heating sensation that starts at the center of my head and just flows down my body. I dont get a shaking or cumbulsive feeling even though I do feel hyped up. Now when I meditate and get what I believe to be my energy moving through my body I get a tingly feeling that goes from the pit of my stomach to he outer parts of my body like if I was water and someone dropped a pebble in my tan tien and the ripples just waved through my body. If your tensing up your body you might be cutting off oxigen to your muscles and when they get oxygen they tremble. That happens when ever I do dynamic tension or Di Ma Bu (lower horse stance) for a long time and then I get up. you might be doing what is called bone washing. your tensing your muscles and your energy flows through your bones instead of your muscles and that feeling combined with you muscles starving for oxygen will cause what your getting. As far as health goes, any type of meditative technique that helps your mind and body unite will increase your health drastically so that could be it. Honestly im not you so I couldnt tell you what is happening but this are some theories.
  20. ilsu333

    ilsu333 New Member

    1st im new here and im going to try to explain my point of view about adrenaline rush,you may belive it or you may not,if you think im wrong try to test activating it but please read first :) ,if it doesen't work or the things i say'd are lies then that means im stupid

    "Psyching up"...Dude do you evin know what adrenaline rush is?I don't wanna be rude but of you are not making fun in this thread then you are either stupid either you need attention...Adrenaline rush has nothing to do with meditation or anything like that you don't have to concentrate or anything to do it,adrenaline rush is human body protection,only few people can control this and if you really are able to control it 100% then you are the second Bruce Lee but not evin him menaged how to control it 100 percent...Okay so im going to explain how to do it rite and im going to tell you the effects of it,first adrenaline rush has few states and it only activates when your emotions surpass your brain like when your life is at risk or when you meet some of your fears,for exemple few states of adrenaline rush "shame","pain","emotion" or "life at risk",sry i don't got better names for it :)) so im going to start with the first one,
    "Shame" - when you are ashamed of something,getting rejected by a girl or lats say you have a crack in your pants and you don't know about it and you walk on the street and for example somebody tells you and you feel ashamed,your heart is starting to beat a bit faster and you are going to find a way to escape the situation but it happend and you can't do anything and you feel somehow bad,well that feeling its affected by adrenaline,but thats not a big deal...
    "pain" - lats say you cut yourself by mistake and you feel the pain but before you look at the wound you get a freaky feeling,your heart starts to beat faster and you get a special sensation,yes,its affected by adrenaline aswell,long time ago few asian warriors use'd "adrenaline pain" when they were affraid and because of the fear (fear is an adrenaline effect aswell) they got stunned and in order to escape that sensation they used pain to get to there senses...
    "emotion" - this one is the most common adrenaline sense,it usualy happends when you are happy like you won something or when lats say when a girl says she likes you or stuff like that,same as in all cases the adrenaline in your body makes your heart beat faster and some peole don't know how to act in this case but don't worry its normal :)
    "life at risk" - this one is the most powerfull adrenaline state,lats say you fall from a building or few guys wanna beat you up or any other thing that makes you think your life is threatened,your brain makes your heart beat faster as in all cases but this time the sensation is diffrent,you start to see things like they happen in slowmotion,you try to find a solution to escape and then the best part happends you will be able to think with both of your brains,its maybe the coolest sensation ever,its like you are dreaming and you get the guts to try to do things that are possible only in movies,if you can control this then its almost like you get super powers,Bruce Lee has masterd this feeling,he was able to use it alot of times,i dunno if this is true but if read in a magazine that this "ability" has shorted Bruce Lee's life...

    Okay how to use adrenaline rush?You don't have to meditate or something all you have to do is imagine your life is at risk and try to make your brain think is for real (okay that involves a bit of meditation but whatever),its like when somebody lies about something and he goes so far with the lie that he will think it really happend :)))) ,okay if you foul your brain you will think for real that you are going to die,it may cause paranoia,you will get in a state where you really think you are going to die,you will sense your heart beating faster like its going to break your chest and run away :)) then you will be able to see images in front of your eyes (what to do to "save yourself and not get killed")your speed will increase,you will not get tired or anything untill the effect is over,you will have the feeling the world is yours :D but the worst part is that after is over you will remember that like it was some sort of a dream or i dunno how to explain and secondary effects may ocure like a bad headache of your muscles will hurt (if you abused the speed thing) or evin your heart may hurt...First time it happend to me was when i felt from a tree,the adrenaline rush saved me somehow i dont remember how but i got stuck to a branch,i was wondering how did i do that because the tree was tall and i was a kid that time,then i figured out a way to get down safe,now i can activate adrenaline rush by thinking that is someone behind me and it tryes to stab me with a kninfe and most of the times i get that cool feeling but it lasts only for few seconds...

    Result: Adrenaline rush is not an superpower or an ability,its just an human instinct ;) ,you don't have to be trained to do it,afcurse people like Bruce Lee exploid this thing and makes them hit harder or faster but i don't sugest it because as i say'd before you have to foul your brain and that may affect your health evin make you nuts :p "life at risk" adrenaline rush has to be used only in special cases when is really needed
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2009

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