A & E's Biography: Steven Seagal

Discussion in 'Aikido' started by Kwajman, Dec 23, 2004.

  1. Kwajman

    Kwajman Penguin in paradise....

    There was a really good show on last night. If you don't know A & E, its a cable show that does a lot of documentary type shows. One is called "Biography" where they take a celebrity and tell us a bit more in depth about him/her. Last nights show was about Steven Seagal and was pretty good.

    It had a lot of very early pictures of him, he had a squint even as a small child. He was a MA demo in his early teens and decided that was the way for him to go. He moved to Japan at age 17 on his own to live and work at a dojo (correct for aikido?). Not speaking any Japanese at the time either.

    The interview with his master was fascinating. There was video of Seagal training in his early 20's and they were saying how the other students would gang up on him during sparring. No holds barred, no pads. As big as Seagal was he broke a lot of peoples fingers, toes, noses, a few arms/legs. The master said he was trying to get him to leave as were the other students. But he also said that Seagal was the hardest working student he ever had. Working on his own for hours after training and work was finished.

    A lot of the other students resented the American being there but ended up appreciating his skill. I'll skip the movie parts. The show also mentioned the dark side of him, spousal abuse, mafia blackmailing, etc... so I was impressed that it didn't just show the good side of him.

    Regarding his rank, 7th Dan in Aikido. Seagal himself said that rank can be bestowed for any reason. His master said that his 5th Dan was earned, his 6th Dan was given for his charity work in a Thai orphanage and his promotion of aikido through his movies. His 7th Dan was given for fundraising for his buddhist temple and some behind the scenes work with other Aikido masters. They didn't say what it was though. I found the show really interesting, though I wish he hadn't gained so much weight or dye his hair. He is BIG.

    If any one else saw it, I'd like to hear their opinion of the show.
  2. Dave Humm

    Dave Humm Serving Queen and Country

    Perhaps the $six figure donation he gave to hombu dojo 10 months prior to his promotion to 7th Dan had something to do with it ? </Sarcasm mode off>
  3. mike-IHF

    mike-IHF Valued Member


    That sounds great and all but there is alot of crap that Seagal has done in is life that makes me not to respectfull of him. One the true story behind how he became the first american to have a Dojo in Japan is this. He purposely married the daughter of his instructor so later he would take over the school because his instructor did not have any sons. He has two children by his Japanese wife. Then as he was discoverd by some film directors while in Japan, at one of Seagal's demo's. He then gets the opportunity to come to america. With no hesitation for is family he leaves his wife and kids in Japan. Then while working on the movie "marked for death" he meetshis co-star and wants to marry her, all along he his still married to his Japanese wife. To this day she still runs the school in Japan. Also not to mention his cocky attitude on a movie set once when he got choked out by Gene Labelle, all because Seagal thaught he was a bad ass. Now I'm not disrespecting his martial arts skills, but as a person he has alot of issuses. He is not as good of a person as most ppl think, and as far as I'm concerned does not follow the Bhuddist path that he so much plays his life on. Just my opinion.
  4. aikiMac

    aikiMac aikido + boxing = very good Moderator Supporter

    Any chance of getting that show taped, K-Man? I don't have cable.
  5. MarioBro

    MarioBro Banned Banned

    Well, you can be sarcastic all you want, but 5th dan is no small accomplishment and anything after that is really just gravy. He is one of those guys that either you like him or you do not, but I respect him for his accomplishments and I actually enjoyed watching many of his moves as cheesy as they were. He brought an entertaining style to the movies and you can't ask for for more than that...
  6. MarioBro

    MarioBro Banned Banned

    Everyone has some skeletons in their closet, and we never hear the full story, so I will not judge by these stories. Many people come across as arrogant who do not intend to be, as well as many other personality failures so that is also irrelevant to me.

    He should be respected for that which we do know as far as his MA is concerned, and let his personal life be his and yours be yours. Unless of course you wish to post any personal failings you have for us to judge you by?
  7. Florida Warlock

    Florida Warlock Banned Banned

    Mike, you don't know the whole story, so you really have no right to judge Steven Seagal and say he 'has issues as a person'. You've never met him, and you don't know the full story.

    The A&E biography was cool; Steven's my idol, anyway as a martial artist. A lot of it was stuff I already knew, though. I've always wanted to go to Japan; and I'd **** myself if I had the chance to study martial arts there at seventeen. I dunno about the other students ganging up on me, though. :eek: In the footage they showed it didn't look like they were actually tring to do anything the first time. they charged in a line (not a straight line pointing at him, but like a wave coming at him) so that he only made contact with two of them, then they came back and he kicked their *sses. :)

    Are there any other actors that use aikido in movies? I can't think of any, isn't he the only one?
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2004
  8. mike-IHF

    mike-IHF Valued Member


    Florida Warlock, so your saying that you know the whole story? give me a break, and I did meet him and I know plenty of ppl that trained with him. I don't make stories up. Especially the one about him being cocky and getting choked out by a 6o year old Judo guy. That picture of Seagal sleeping in a chair was posted on the internet and many ppl have seen and know what I'm talking about.

    Mariobro: Your right everyone has personal things in their life that they regret, however If you claim to live a certain life and then make others believe the same, and then you do something the complete opposite is that not a reason to not trust that certain person. What if the Dali Lama, someone who is much respected amoung Bhuddist was found in a hotel room with some prostitutes, and a bag of heroin. Don't you think ppl would loose their faith, and trust in him. I do have things in my past that I'm not proud of ofcourse, but this is the difference. I don't claim one thing and then do another. If I say my faith is with something and I abide by the message, and foundamentals of it, you can be damm sure thats what I do. Like I said before, as far as martial arts he is very skilled, and I respect him in that aspect of his accomplishments. However being a person who does have idles, especially kids that maybe because of him started martial arts, and then to go out and do things to the contrary is wrong. plain and simple.
  9. MarioBro

    MarioBro Banned Banned

    We all have ideals, and we all try to stick to them. Sometimes things happen that force us/cause us to do things we would not normally do.

    All I am saying is that when someone is in the media all the time, they are bound to get caught doing what the rest of us usually get away with. If the reports are true and he got choked out, big deal...it is not like we ever stop learning in life. If you are going to try to say that if someone has ideals and he does not live up to each and every one of them (only a couple of rumoured incidents do not therein make a pattern BTW) throughout his lifetime that he cannot be trusted, then I would say you must not trust many people. We are all human and you or I are not qualified to make judgements on his or anyone elses life with the little information you do have.

    As far as Martial Arts, there is enough information to give him his creds, and move on...I would offer you the same courtesy if you were in the same position...
  10. Florida Warlock

    Florida Warlock Banned Banned

    I never said I knew the whole story. And just because you met him doesn't mean you know him. Or does he live down the street?

    And who cares if someone can choke him out, it's not as if anyone's expecting him to be untouchable, he can always improve his skills as can anyone.

    You really don't know the whole story, and the people that trained with him that you say you trained with probably don't either. I'm not saying I know more than you, I'm saying that unless you know someone yourself you shouldn't judge them.

    I'd say more, but Mario's post pretty much covers what I've said and more.

    Merry Christmas everyone else. :)
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2004
  11. Matt_Bernius

    Matt_Bernius a student and a teacher

    The choke out story was telling because, as I understand it LaBelle choked him out twice. And both were because Segal first claimed he couldn't be put out and then claimed that LaBelle started before he was ready. The sad part is that he didn't seem to learn anything from the experience.

    What it gets to is painting a complete picture of a person, warts and all. Something we, as Americans, are quite uncomfortable with.

    - Matt
  12. aikiMac

    aikiMac aikido + boxing = very good Moderator Supporter

    Why do you even think he was choked out? I ask because I have no reason to believe the story is true. I've never met anyone who was there, and I've never read it in a magazine article where sources would be cited.

    Maybe someone has a reliable source??
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2004
  13. Matt_Bernius

    Matt_Bernius a student and a teacher


    Prehaps it is a case of wanting to believe a story. I've been told this story by a number of unrelated sources most of whom I respect.

    However, a quick google didn't reveal a definative source. Perhaps one of these days if I ever run into LeBell I can ask.

    - Matt
  14. Kwajman

    Kwajman Penguin in paradise....

    I'm kind of the same thought. Everyone has heard it, but never from Seagal or LeBelle. It wouldn't surprise me though if it were true.
  15. aikiMac

    aikiMac aikido + boxing = very good Moderator Supporter

    Ya, I've heard it many times too, but, you know, "if everyone says it, it must be true" really isn't a true statement. Not really.

    If you do meet Judo Gene or one of his close students, do ask! (Really, I'd ask him if I met him.)
  16. silentwarrior

    silentwarrior Valued Member

    I am gonna have to agree with Mike. I saw an A and E biography a while ago that told about how he left his wife in Japan to pursue the movies. Now if this were a regular guy that wasn't in the public eye then i would say leave him alone, but the fact is that he is in the public eye and he perpuates all these wholesome values in his movie's and in the media and then turn's around and contradicts himself in real life. However he should be somewhat respected for his Martial Art accomplishments.
  17. DAT

    DAT Valued Member

    I saw the updated bio the other night and although it did have some nice archival video it was simply a promo for his upcoming movie shot in Japan. He gave access in exchange for promotional exposure.

    I agree with the fact that his opportunistic attitude with his sensei's daughter and the lack of nurturing of his children with this women is atrocious behavior. Especially from someone who professes to help children. Also, the fact that a video crew was curiously present to document all his visits to his Thai orphanage and other charities goes against the true spirit of celebrity charity. I would have more respect for him if he did all these things out of view of videographers and photographers.

    Having said all that, he is a gifted and dedicated martial artist and hopefully he has made ammends for his previous shortcomings. We all see things a lot differently as we age and mature. He seems to be a work in progress. I commend him for his spiritual journey and his views of human and environmental harmony. I just hope his Japanese children get some of this compassion and charity.

    Finally, there has been much written about his style of Aikido. It does seem to be more aggressive than most. I'd like to know more about its roots, philosophy and who continues teaching this style in the U.S. One other thing that bothers me is that his loyal martial arts brothers who helped run his dojos here and in Japan are no longer associated with him which speaks volumes. So, in summary we have a gifted martial artist who has had the pleasure and honor to study with great teachers and who has left countless broken personal and professional relationships in his wake all while professing buddist philosophies. Quite a complex character. I guess that's what makes him an interesting character.
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2004
  18. Andy Cap

    Andy Cap Valued Member

    I wish I had seen it. My real issue with Seagal as it is with a few of the on screen martial artists is the lack of humility. Seagal comes off as a total arrogant ass on screen. Totally contradictory to the aiki way. Nothing passive about him in his movies. Most are based on revenge which most certainly is not an aiki tenet.

    As for skeleton, yes we all have them, and they are most certainly amplified when youget on screen.
  19. aikiwolfie

    aikiwolfie ... Supporter

    Given that he's such a bad actor I didn't think that many people cared all that much. Amazing the things you learn on here.

    So far as his Aikido goes, from what I've seen in his movies I wasn't that impressed. I don't ever remember being taught 9mm nage or the uzi kata. Must be a high grade only class.

    I personally wouldn't have him as my hero or idol. Each new movie is worse than the last in terms of storey line, plot and acting and containses less and less Aikido. Not to mention he also seems to get fatter every time. Not much to look up to really.

    Sorry I just don't see what all the fuss is about. :)
  20. Kwajman

    Kwajman Penguin in paradise....

    Actually he is a real arrogant ass in real life. A lot of people are. I guess thats one of those skeletons we deal with.

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