5 Year old, excess energy, needs an outlet!:p

Discussion in 'Judo' started by Jjf88, Oct 11, 2011.

  1. Jjf88

    Jjf88 Valued Member

    Looks like the judo isn't running anymore :( so we've got the number for a karate club that seems really popular, been running next to my Thai club for as long as I can remember.
  2. dlloyd

    dlloyd Valued Member

    Karate is good for kids. Great for giving balance and tai sabaki.

    5 is kind of on the young side for Judo anyway (the youngest we take them in our club is 8). A lot of kids really don't have the attention span or coordination to be able to do judo at that age.
  3. Herbo

    Herbo Valued Member

    Can I ask why the judo isn't running? I train with one of the coaches of that class :s
  4. Sommikori

    Sommikori Banned Banned

    Hi... I am new out here... I want to know that what is this forum all about... And what are we supposed to post in here... I shall be grateful on knowing...!
  5. ZORA

    ZORA Valued Member

    Hi I have two boys aged 5 & 9 who practice Kugatsu karate at scotstoun leisure center and would recomend that club .
    I agree with Koyo that Judo is great for kids , A lot of rolling around and fun .There is a good Judo club in the Donald D center in Drumchapel .
    Be wary of clubs who double grade and push students through belts ,at this age it should be martial arts training and a lot of fun for that age group .


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