4th Saburi position

Discussion in 'Aikido' started by Dave Humm, Oct 21, 2004.

  1. Dave Humm

    Dave Humm Serving Queen and Country


    Kind of 4th Saburi position (the foot/body positioning not the actual ken movement) relative to uke, whats that physical movement called? I've heard it refered to as "tenshin" - Moving rearwards but out to an angle relative to uke.

    If it is "tenshin" whats the translation into english?



  2. bambeer

    bambeer Whatareyoudoingrightnow

    Its definately called "tenshin", yet strangely in years of practice I have never heard of a definate translation. I have heard it desrcibed as a movement roughly 45degrees off the line and back.

    According to the book- "Best Aikido" by doshu, "tenshin" means, "sweeping body movement".

    We practice this as a wrist grab and escape/lead as well as with boken.


    Last edited: Oct 21, 2004
  3. bambeer

    bambeer Whatareyoudoingrightnow

    After talking with a native speaker, she told me that the kanji can be read as:
    "ten"= revolving TEN
    "shin"= body SHIN

    Then I found it in a google search.
    Hope this helps.

  4. kiaiki

    kiaiki Valued Member

    Only got 'tenchi' which means 'heaven and earth' (up and down)
    or 'tenchi -nage' which is 'heaven and earth throw'.
    Are you sure it is not 'tai no henko ni' - body turning away from tori.
    Otherwise, i'm afraid we used very 'non japanese' terms such as 'moving off line'.
    Don't think our styles share a common vocab.
  5. Dave Humm

    Dave Humm Serving Queen and Country

    Many thanks for that mate.... Appreciated :)
  6. bambeer

    bambeer Whatareyoudoingrightnow

    my pleasure.

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