4th kyu preparation thread

Discussion in 'Aikido' started by Blast, Apr 29, 2009.

  1. Blast

    Blast Valued Member

    greetings fellow aikidokas,

    half may I'll have my 4th kyu test. This means that I'm going to prepare myself for it. 6th kyu and 5th kyu was pretty easy, not too many techniques that I had to use, but this time there are a lot of them.

    The sensei gave me a list of the techniques I have to perform last lesson. After that we spend the entire lesson doing 4th kyu techniques. We didn't do them all and we (I) didn't have time to learn some techniques we don't see very often or techniques I just didn't train enough. This is the list how it is written on the page:

    Tachi waza (I presume this means standing while doing the techniques)

    -shomenuchi sankyo (omote + ura)
    -shomenuchi uchikaiten sankyo
    -yokomenuchi shihonage (omote + ura)
    -yokomenuchi iriminage (omote + ura)
    -yokomenuchi tenshinage
    -yokomenuchi kotegaeshi
    -yokomenuchi udekiminage
    -chudantsuki udekiminage
    -chudantsuki hijikimeosae
    -jodantsuki ikkyo (omote + ura)
    -ryotedori shihonage (omote + ura)
    -ryotedori tenshinage
    -ryotedori udekiminage
    -ryotedori ikkyo (omote + ura)
    -katatedori nikyo (omote + ura)
    -katateyotedori kotegaeshi

    suwari waza (so this should mean on the knees)
    shomenuchi nikyo (omote + ura)
    katadori nikyo (omote + ura)
    ryotedori kokyuho

    + everything for 6th and 5th kyu

    I have some general questions about what I have to know. By some techniques is not written both omote and ura, but can't you do both with the most ones? Also, we are kind of a multistyle club, but we're a member of aikikai aikido, so does it matter if I use a slightly different ikkyo then the aikikai form, because I don't know which one is from which style.

    Besides that, I still have trouble executing a few which is not so regularly practised in my dojo:

    - yokomen tenshinage : I can execute it with the grab of the wrists, but when I have to use it on yokomen, I fail horribly. Any quick tip?

    - chudantsuki hijikimeosae : I practised this only about err... 4 times! And that was last lesson. And I think I already forgot a part of it. I can get to where you have the arm against your own body, but then I don't know what to do anymore.

    - katateyotedori kotegaeshi : kotegaeshi shouldn't be a problem, but I don't know what katateyotedori is.

    - katatedori nikyo (omote + ura)
    suwari waza
    - shomenuchi nikyo (omote + ura)
    - katadori nikyo (omote + ura)

    I'l not good at nikyo. If I'm not mistaking the omote form does not require you to get the wrist against your chest/shoulder, so that should be all right. But ura... I sure still got to practise that one (poor little sister...:evil:).
    Also, is katadori a shoulder grab?

    - ryotedori kokyuho : question: is this just the normal kokyo ho we execute at the end of the lesson, or is it one or more of all the possible kokyo ho throwing things?

    I already have a little bit stress, but I hope I will pass the test. So now I'm going to practise some bokken suburi for proper body movement while I'm hoping someone will respond and answer some question(s).

    Greetings, Blast
  2. koyo

    koyo Passed away, but always remembered. RIP.

    Yokomen tenchi nage.

    Turn your forward foot out at an angle to align your hip with the cut you are about to execute on the attacking arm so you get the power of the hip in to the technique.

    Cut STRONGLY down to chudan and powerfully over their shoulder AT THE SAME MOMENT.
    The power comes from the hip but the "secret" of aikido lies in the TRIANGLES.

    See Chiba shihan and the aiki bunnies thread for ude katame

    I think you mean katateryote dori (means two hands holding)

    Kokyu ho is the basic executed depending on how he holds.pushing pulling or simply grabbing strong.

    Don't worry about terminology. The sensei should be looking at you posture and ability to unbalance more than anything else. Good luck.

    regards koyo

    off to training.

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    Last edited: Apr 29, 2009

    KOKORO KAI Valued Member

    Yea good luck blast
  4. Blast

    Blast Valued Member

    Tonight I'm going to tell the sensei which I still have trouble with so I can practise them in the dojo. After reading Koyo's post I'm less worried about what it is I have to do and I'm going to focus more about how I am going to do it. Though, my sensei told me it will be okay, and if I wasn't ready for this test he wouldn't let me do it anyway.

    KOKORO KAI Valued Member

    Blast the information that Koyo has given is 100%.I do not think you can do too much wrong if you take it on board.
  6. Blast

    Blast Valued Member

    Big news: my test will be tuesday, so that means I only have 2 days left, and that's a lot faster then I expected. I guess the faster I do the test the better... but this means I only have 2 more days to prepare.
    Yesterday, I told the 4 techniques I still wanted to practice before the test, and I can practise them right before I do my test, so that should do it.

    I don't think I have to do anything with the bokken or jo. They didn't told me about that, but now I'm not entirely sure if I have to use my jo and bokken. Does anyone know?
  7. koyo

    koyo Passed away, but always remembered. RIP.

    Unless you have a structured syllabus in aiki ken and jo..all that should be asked is basic suburi (single cut practice)

    Stay calm and loose and keep good posture. I am sure you will pass.

    regards koyo

    KOKORO KAI Valued Member

    Koyo told my dad many many years ago that a grading does not make the man. The man makes the grading.
  9. Blast

    Blast Valued Member

    I'll keep those things in mind. Thanks for the advice.
  10. Blast

    Blast Valued Member

    So I did my test yesterday, and this is how it went.

    First of all, I had to go by bycicle to class. This is normally not a problem, but this time it was. My good bicycle's tyres are complete crap and I can't remember how many times I had to repair them. So I had to use my mountainbike, an old mountainbike with not really good pumped up tyres. Normally I should pump them up, but you can't pump them up with a normal pump, so that was out of the question.

    So I started cycling, with my bag of clothes and bag of training weapons. This went pretty slow and was a lot more exhausting then I thought it would be (tyres!).

    But I arrived in time of course. I asked some final questions to my sensei and then we started normal class, as always, warm up, rolling,...

    After this we did some techniques I still had some trouble with. I was already sweating, partly because of the heat, and I trained. I was getting more nervous and nervous by the minute. Then, when my sensei realised we couldn't try everything out in time, we started...

    I could choose which partner I wanted to do the test with. The first thing he said was shomen uchi ikyo. Normally I wouldn't hesitate to perform it, but I was too nervous to understand it. It took me at least 2 seconds to figure out I had to do ikyo. I started, very nervous, a little bit clumsy, and I'm pretty sure everyone could hear me breathing. This was not good. (side note: this might look a little bit more dramatic then it actually was :p).

    After a few ikyos the sensei told me to calm down. And so I did at the surface, but inside me I was still nervous. The test continued, and I was doing okay. Besides a clumsy nikyo or some other technique a few times, it was fine. The other problem I had was ikyo. I always did 3 time omote and then the sensei told me to do ura. This really bothered me about how I could forget everytime I did ikyo to do 2 time omote and 2 times ura.

    After a while, the sensei told me to do kokyo ho. I thought: It's almost done, just kokyo ho, which is no problem, and then it's over. So I did kokyo ho, the way I expected me to do.

    The next thing that happened shocked me from the inside out! (No, not really, just making it a bit more dramatic, but it did surprise me). The sensei told me to get a bokken. Someone quickly gave me one, and a split second, while I was getting the bokken, I though about what Koyo said: he can only ask some suburi's. This was a small relief, cause I had no idea what to do else. So he told me to do suburi 1,2 and 3. They were no problem at all, and I think I performed them very well. Then he told me something which I really had no clue what to do...

    "Do the cut we did last lesson", he said. Last lesson we did the first out of 5 ..., out of 5 I don't know what's it called, and a lot of other cuts. So I didn't know what to do!

    He saw that and he told me to do just taisabaki while cutting. I did that and I made different moves. shomen and yokomen, with taisabaki 1, 2 and 3.

    After this, it was done. After the greeting he immediately said this:

    I don't have to think about it, it was a good examination. Congratulations 4th kyu. I was happy and the other students clapped.

    So I passed! In the end, I think these tests are good, because you're too nervous to think about how you would do this or that technique and you'll just do them like you would do them unexpectedly. (I got the feeling this is a strange sentence, but I don't know how else to express it).

    So, I like to thank Koyo and Kokoro Kai for the advice.

    KOKORO KAI Valued Member

    Well done
  12. koyo

    koyo Passed away, but always remembered. RIP.

    Well done so now work on your Mushin (unmoveable mind) .

    Remember when you can keep calm when everybody else is panicking.

    It means you are not FACING ME!!!!!!!:evil::evil::):):)

    Regards koyo
    Last edited: May 9, 2009
  13. Kraen

    Kraen Valued Member

    Congrats. It always feels good to pass with flying colours.

  14. ZORA

    ZORA Valued Member

    ahh so thats why my hairs grey!!!!!!!

    Zora : )
  15. koyo

    koyo Passed away, but always remembered. RIP.

    Who are you calling an ahh so:mad:

    regards koyo

    Zora is one of only four females EVER to grade black in my club.THAT was when her hair turned grey.
    Again well done Blast.
    Last edited: May 9, 2009
  16. ZORA

    ZORA Valued Member

    not me ,wouldnt do anything like that


    KOKORO KAI Valued Member

    My dad's hair turned grey every time Koyo applied a technique on him
  18. ZORA

    ZORA Valued Member

    I did try and take that message off ,but not fast enough for Koyo!!!!
    How are you getting on with the dvds?

    kind regards
  19. Blast

    Blast Valued Member

    Thanks for the responses. I guess it's time to work on my unmoveable mind... In fact, I actually recently started with it but I didn't integrate it in the dojo, but on the street I'm having some encounters where an unmoveable mind might come in handy if needed...

    But thanks for the help!

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