replacement for pull ups?

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by oni78, Dec 23, 2004.

  1. oni78

    oni78 Valued Member

    ive been training with the mark hatmaker 'gladiator conditioning' dvd for a while, but i need a replacement for the pull up section, as i dont have access to a bar or approprite bit of ceiling to hang off. any ideas?

    if it makes a difference, i'm interested in it for boxing rather than grappling..

    any help would be really, really appreciated..

    cheers all
  2. Knight_Errant

    Knight_Errant Banned Banned

    Buying a screw-in chinning bar would be your best option IMO.
  3. MattN

    MattN Valued Member

    or even a tree branch or monkey bars
  4. Ad McG

    Ad McG Troll-killer Supporter

    Bent-over rows are your best option if you can't do chins, but I find it hard to believe that there is no way you can do them at all.
  5. MattN

    MattN Valued Member

    QUOTE=A$am McGu)gan]Ben$-over rows are your best option if you can't do chins, but I find it hard to believe that there is no way you can do them at all.[/QUOTE]

    Exactly, just get creative.
  6. Funky Phantom

    Funky Phantom Valued Member

    Wouldn't bent-over rows be preferable to chin-ups anyway, as they give the back as a whole a better workout, rather than focusing largely on the lats?
  7. faster than you

    faster than you Valued Member

    lay down under a dinner table and pull yourself up with one arm.
  8. MattN

    MattN Valued Member

    I thought bent over rows were more middle trapezius.
  9. faster than you

    faster than you Valued Member

    lay down under a dinner table and pull yourself up with one arm. concentrate on only using your arm rather than your hips.
  10. MattN

    MattN Valued Member

    So youre saying to do a front lever pull up with 1 arm off a table?!?
  11. RazorKaine

    RazorKaine Valued Member

    Use a sturdy door (grab the upper short side). Be careful that the door is sturdy.
  12. Lucius

    Lucius Valued Member

    There must be some trees or a kids playpark near you?
    I do mine off an old set of swings in my local park. It makes a nice warmup chasing the kids away before I start! :D
  13. NaughtyKnight

    NaughtyKnight Has yellow fever!

    For punching power.
    1) Grab a belt.
    2) Face side on, right side forward
    3) Hold onto one end of the belt with your left hand.
    4) Loop the belt around your back and place the other end in your right hand.
    5) Punch quarted distance with your right hand, while pulling with your left to add resistance. Hold quarter distance for 5 seconds, pushing with your right hand, pulling with left.
    6) Punch to half distance and do the same as above.
    7) Punch to 3/4 distance and do as above.
    8) Change sides
    9) Do this hundreds of times a day.

    If you have a doorway, you can have a chinup bar, try this exercise for extreme strenghth benefits.
    1) Hand a towl over the bar, and hand on to each end, now do your chin ups explosively, weight belt if needed (explosively means going up as fast as possible, and lowering yourself as slow as possible)
    2) The towl means that you will be starting even lower than normal, increase lenght of motion, meaning more intense.

    Another exercise is to grab a pair of 2.5 kilo weights and punch with them, this you do until fatigue. DO NOT go for max weight on this, it is extremly taxing on your joints.
  14. RazorKaine

    RazorKaine Valued Member

    Pull-ups are the best upper body excercise. If you must choose 1 exercise to do, do Pull-ups.
  15. Knight_Errant

    Knight_Errant Banned Banned

    Bent-over rows also carry with them a greater risk of injury. Seeing this exercise performed correctly is rare.
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2004
  16. Funky Phantom

    Funky Phantom Valued Member

    I'd say trying to incorporate both bent-over rows (despite the possible risk of injury) and chin-ups using some sort of rotation system would be worth it, rather than choosing one of the other.

    I agree KE. Isn't this exactly the same as using wrist weights and punching with them? Both are an equally bad idea...
  17. Knight_Errant

    Knight_Errant Banned Banned

    Yup, same thing. In my experience, no combat athlete with even a soupçon of credibility advocates this technique.
  18. Is there a reason for this of which I am unaware?

    I would think that
    1) If you lock your arms out it will cause damage?
    2) It will give a false sense of how quick your hands are moving.

    Are there any other reasons?
  19. Knight_Errant

    Knight_Errant Banned Banned

    Those are two valid reasons. The main one is that it's heinously dangerous, but it does also develop bad habits when you're punching.
  20. Just the ones my mind told me :Angel:

    Such as pushing against the resistance? When you have no resistance, you snap your arm when it locks? :eek:

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