Six Pack?

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by JediMasterChris, Apr 10, 2003.

  1. JediMasterChris

    JediMasterChris Columbo

    Alright, I just started working out just basic exercises about a year ago,and have seen really good results with all of my muscles but my abs, I stopped doing ab exercises last month because I don't want to hurt myself. I have been doing 75-90 sit ups at once every 3 days, and It has not helped at all really as far as appearance, If I flex my stomach I can tell that it is pretty hard but you just can't see it, I read earlier on these forums that you should burn fat for a six pack to be visible but I am 14 years old 6" 138lbs and I don't think I really have a problem with weight,I am a pretty lean person so I think loosing weight is out of the question, does anybody have tips on this for me?

    :woo: ---Chris---:woo:
  2. YODA

    YODA The Woofing Admin Supporter

    Sounds like you need to build some muscle mate :D Abs too!
  3. Cain

    Cain New Member

    Try this site it has some *really* killer exercises -

    go to the bottom of the page and you will see links called workouts and exercises

  4. Cougar_v203

    Cougar_v203 4th surgery....Complete!

  5. JediMasterChris

    JediMasterChris Columbo

    Wow guys thanks,I will have a look.
  6. YODA

    YODA The Woofing Admin Supporter

    Yes - The Scrappers Workouts are awesome! I've made them a major part of my conditioning programme.
  7. JediMasterChris

    JediMasterChris Columbo

    Yes,I have found this very useful,both of these websites were very good, the 2nd one had alot of really good stretches for parts of the body.Thanks.
  8. Saz

    Saz Nerd Admin

    Good site! :)

    I find those ab cradles quite good, when used with normal sit-ups/crunches.
  9. rossboxing

    rossboxing New Member


    Just remember that performing crunches alone will not lead to a six-pack. Abdominal exercise does not specifically target the fat that lies around the abdomen. There is no such thing as spot reducing. Fat comes off uniformly. You must integrate a complete training program that includes abdominal exercise, proper nutrition, strength training, and aerobic/anaerobic conditioning.

    Also, add some variety to your abdominal routine. Try more challenging movements such as v-ups, chinnies, russian twists, and stationary movements such as the plank.

    I recently published a new book on bodyweight strength training and conditioning. The routines are designed for anyone engaged in combat sports such as boxing, grappling, etc...

    There are plenty of core training routines included in the book.

    There is more info at:

    Good luck

    Boxing Training Info
  10. JediMasterChris

    JediMasterChris Columbo

    Thanks ross...but I don't think body fat is a I said before,I am pretty skinny, I just need to build some muscle I think. :woo:
  11. rossboxing

    rossboxing New Member


    OK Jedi, but be sure to add the more explosive exercises such as v-ups, chinnies, and russian twists. These exercises are much more beneficial than the traditional crunch.

    Also, as mentioned, the plank is an excellent exercise to strengthen the entire core. The plank will test your willpower and core strength!

    Good luck and keep training hard!

  12. JediMasterChris

    JediMasterChris Columbo

    Will do, thank you for the advice.:woo:
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2003
  13. Mr Fight

    Mr Fight Valued Member

    Abs are very resilient muscles as in they take alot to fatigue. Sounds like you need to eat more food to make the muscles bigger and train abs every day.
  14. Freeform

    Freeform Fully operational War-Pig Supporter

    I have what I feel is a very good abdominal workout I do every weekday, I lifted it from 'Martial Arts Athlete' by Dr Tom Seabourne. I've got good strong ab's but not this flat 'washboard' look. I've got that slightly 'sticky out' look you tend to get on bodybuilders, and I'll admitt to a slight bit of 'padding'.

    My question is, are there different excersices to ensure you get that so desired washboard look?

  15. Guitarboy1212

    Guitarboy1212 New Member

    Hey jedi, i have the exact same problem as you. Heres a bit of advice, you said you trained your abs every 3 day. well your abs are the only muscles on your body that your supposed to work EVERY day. And i have a question for you. If your a martial artist, then why would you care about a six pack. It's not gonna help you become a better martial artist, just look better.
  16. JediMasterChris

    JediMasterChris Columbo

    Abs are very important for a martial artist...The abdomen is where your chi is stored is it not?
  17. JediMasterChris

    JediMasterChris Columbo

    I was unaware you could train abs every day...thanks I will do that.
  18. Guitarboy1212

    Guitarboy1212 New Member

    Yes the abs are VERY important for the martial artist, but you can have stronger abs than the guy with the six pack. But if you really want a six pack i should tell you that you won't get one if you don't train your lower back.
  19. JediMasterChris

    JediMasterChris Columbo

    I know,and I do. I am trying to train most of my muscles not just my arms. But while we are on the issue of working out....will hamstring exercises help me jump higher???Does anyone know any ways of jumping higher?:confused:
  20. YODA

    YODA The Woofing Admin Supporter

    The best way to jump higher is to practice jumping higher (not as daft as it sounds)

    Plyometrics are good if you're up to them.

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