Great pullup article

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by YODA, Apr 5, 2003.

  1. YODA

    YODA The Woofing Admin Supporter

    Hi MAPers

    From Girivek Magazine

    The Application and Creation of Pullup Power, Part I:
    Using Muscle Coordination to Apply Power

    by John Allstadt

    Pullups have long been a staple exercise in the training of a wide variety of strength athletes. Wrestlers, rock climbers, strongman competitors, gymnasts, martial artists, and bodybuilders all use chinning movements, and for good reason: done properly, chins and pullups build tremendous strength, size, and power in virtually every muscle of the upper body. The lats, shoulders, biceps, forearms, and grip are all thoroughly taxed with a good set of pullups, and the serratus, pectorals, and abdominals share plenty of the load as well. On top of this, pullups performed in conjunction with various overhead presses are a great aid in creating muscle balance in the smaller muscles of the shoulder girdle.
    Alas, many of you reading this are already well aware of the numerous benefits of pullups, so perhaps I am preaching to the choir! I simply thought it would be appropriate to reiterate the reasons that we as strength athletes practice pullups, so that there would be a good reason to answer the question that many of you have been asking: how can I apply the most power to my chins and pullups so as to reap the biggest benefits and ultimately improve my pullup performance? Like the exercise itself, applying power to your pullups is really quite simple.

    Although this may sound like generic advice gleamed straight from the pages of mainstream muscle magazines, it is still extremely important for proper pullup technique. If you can't get your lats to work while doing pullups, forget about achieving anything even remotely close to your ultimate pullup potential.
    When I first began doing pullups, I used the following technique to teach my lats how to work: Grip the bar with a thumbless grip, hands just slightly wider than shoulder width. Now, imagine that you have had both arms amputated from the elbows up, and that your hands and forearms are hooks attaching your elbows to the pullup bar. In this manner, you will be forced to initiate the pull with your elbows, the goal being to activate your lats before your biceps kick in. If you do this properly, and are indeed pulling from your elbows only, you will feel a strong contraction in your "armpit" muscles. Congratulations! You have just activated the strongest muscle in the upperbody, the latissimus dorsi. Once you know how to use your lats, it is simply a matter of bringing the biceps back into the movement and using the combined power of both muscles to pull yourself up to the bar.

    This is where things start to differ from the generic bodybuilding advice. The bodybuilding magazines would have you attempt to continue pulling with the lats to the exclusion of the biceps for the remainder of the pullup, in a fradulent attempt to "isolate" this large muscle group. The problem is, the human body simply does not conform to the principles of isolation. You will be much stronger on pullups if you let the muscles work as they are supposed to: in conjunction with one another.
    Learning to initiate the pull from the lats does not mean the lats should be the only muscle working. On the contrary, the biceps can, and should, take up their fair share of the load. Simply put, both the biceps and lats should be contracting in a synchronized manner (the serratus, shoulders, and pectorals should be contracting quite hard to, although you won't "feel" them to the same extent as the lats and biceps), so that the body has the maximum number of "engines" (muscles) working to complete the pullup.

    As in any lift, your pullup strength will be enhanced if you can generate a high amount of muscular tension throughout the body and the target muscles. See what happens when you take the following steps:

    1. Squeeze the bar as if you are hanging on for dear life (still a thumbless grip).
    2. Squeeze your buttocks as if bracing for a Singapore style caning.
    3. Squeeze your abs as though Mike Tyson was about to give you his best shot.
    4. Squeeze your lats, forearms, and biceps, chest, shoulders, and serratus, and any other muscle of the upper body you have control over.
    5. Now pull yourself up with all your might!

    If everything goes according to plan, you will have generated so much tension that you practically slingshot yourself up to the pullup bar. On the negative portion of the repetition, you should be generating this tension all over again. Think of your lats and biceps as thick rubber bands that are being stretched to their maximum length. Don't move artificially slow during the negative, but slow enough to build the tension to a high level.
    Once you have reached the bottom of the pullup..... KABOOM!! immediately reverse direction and use all that stored tension to slingshot yourself up again.

    There you have a few basic techniques that when applied to your pullups will make a world of difference in your strength and power. All of the above can be applied to any type of heavy pullup, chin, parallel grip chin, one arm pullup, towel pullup, you name it! In the next installment I will go into detail on a couple of advanced exercises that capitalize on the above techniques and will develop incredible ballistic pullup power. Until then, practice the above techniques and you should be adding pounds to your best weighted pullup in no time.
  2. r4bid

    r4bid New Member

    Thanks a bunch Yoda. I have been doing pullups for a while now but I never really thought about how little I am actually using my lats. I am going to try the visualization exercise(the hooks) that this guy suggested to get the good old latissimus dorsi into play.

    One question though, he reccomends shotting up, you told me it was good to have about a two second pull up component, which is better?
  3. Cain

    Cain New Member

    Fantastic peice from 'the Yoda archives' :D great article

  4. YODA

    YODA The Woofing Admin Supporter

    Depends on what stage you are at...

    If you can do more than 10 good clean pull ups I'd say go for the 2 second positive phase.
  5. r4bid

    r4bid New Member

    Well right now I can do about 7 for my first two sets and maybe closer to 6 for my final set. I am doing two seconds up four seconds down.
  6. Mo Lung

    Mo Lung Hard work!

    Great stuff!

  7. Bon

    Bon Banned Banned

    Awesome article!

    Thanks, YODA
  8. dredleviathan

    dredleviathan New Member

    So does anyone know of a decent pullup bar you can buy for home use?

    I've seen a few of the extendible ones that you put in your door frame but heard a few horror stories about them splitting the door frame (a distincrt possibility at aroung 90kgs)?

  9. r4bid

    r4bid New Member

    Dredleviathan: I have one of those ones that extends into holders that you screw into your doorframe. As long as you don't over tighten it and your doorframe is wide enough then you should be fine. I have an everlast one, it costed around twenty dollars can support my 200 pound father with no problems.
  10. S.I.D

    S.I.D Valued Member

    Hey Yoda gr8 article :)
    I dont do regular pullups but i do them when i see any bar which can support my weight ;) i can d o3 sets of 5 reps.
    I use to do in my school days on a single bar(gymnastic bar donno the exact name), when i do pullups i grip the bar with my palms facing forward. I have seen many ppl doing in this mannar.

    Wht method do u suggest Palm facing forward or backward ?

    I'll be taking a pullup bar in few days so plz help me :)
  11. Combatant

    Combatant Monsiour Fitness himself.

    Good find YODA! Chin ups have been my favourite for a long time now. :)
  12. harhar

    harhar I hate semaphores

    do both. Palms facing you will be easier since you are using more of your biceps
  13. Ad McG

    Ad McG Troll-killer Supporter

    Nice, there's some good articles on the rest of that site as well. Never seen that site before, seems pretty good. The articles are a little on the short side but I suppose it makes it a bit easier to take in.
  14. tom pain

    tom pain I want Chewbacc for good

    Geat article man!

    I've been doing pull-ups for a while down the gym now, and while I can't do loads on the off (about 8-9 in a row) I've managed my first few one-handed ones:D:D My best is 3 in a row with my right hand - strange seeing as I'm left handed :confused:
  15. Shortfuse

    Shortfuse King of Hearts

    nice article! i have a question though, when you do a pull up do you go all the way down, dangerously close to lock out? and whats a good rep range for someone who cant do 10 straight or with a chair under to support you
  16. El Tejon

    El Tejon MAP'scrazyuncle

    Outstanding. Thanks, Yoda.
  17. Ad McG

    Ad McG Troll-killer Supporter

    I'm assuming by the fact that you can do 8-9, you are doing those two-arm-one-arm pull ups :D I remember some guy telling me he could do one-arm pull ups years ago, then proceeded to do 2 reps of "one-armers" on footy net whilst holding the arm :rolleyes: It's cheating. The one-armers that guy is talking about are really done with one arm only :D If you want to work upto these, I would advise something similar to this movement, but use a towel slung over the bar. Grip the bar with one hand, and the towel with the other. Significantly harder :D
  18. Cain

    Cain New Member

    Yeah, I can go 8 as a fresher and did 15 at my max pull ups, but never got even close to doing a quarter of a one armed pull up :eek:

  19. tom pain

    tom pain I want Chewbacc for good

    The multiple rep ones are the two-arm-one-arm ones, but seeing as I'm left-handed and have done everything with my left-hand, do a few of those pull-ups with my right is pretty decent I feel. Doing a fully one arm pull-up I managed to touch the bar with my nose, but couldn't get my chin over the bar.
  20. harhar

    harhar I hate semaphores

    one arm pull ups == two arm pull ups * 20 :p

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