Ivanko Super Gripper

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by jroe52, Apr 1, 2004.

  1. jroe52

    jroe52 Valued Member



    bought this online, for 30$ with shipping. very nice product. it does not feel cheap, though it looks like its from 1970 because of the green metalic paint hehe.

    what i like is it comes with two springs, easing the tension of the excersize. you can spread the force across two springs instead of using one spring and stretching it out.

    this piece of equipment is good for working your forearms and your grip. it lets you start at a low weight and progress your way up! kind of nice. the store hand grips are worthless, they usually are less then 30 pounds and may build problems or waste time then create strength, speed, or whatever your goal is.

    i can't use it to much because my shoulder is injured, sending pain throughout my arm. i like it though, buy some athletic tape to make the handles nicer. what i like is that it helps you know how strong your grip is. if you can do 135pounds, thats showing you have a 135 grip ( i believe at least). what i mean is, if you use a ghetto gripper thats 20-30lbs all the time, you'll never know if you are progressing and have a 200lb grip.
  2. jroe52

    jroe52 Valued Member

  3. fixationdarknes

    fixationdarknes Valued Member

  4. Prophet

    Prophet ♥ H&F ♥

  5. fixationdarknes

    fixationdarknes Valued Member

    lol well then those people should buy those cheaper grippers from stores like Sport Chalet first and work their way up with those 30-40 lb. ones.
  6. jroe52

    jroe52 Valued Member

    it is good when the 5$ ones become to ghetto for you. the small ones can lead to hand problems from overusing your muscles (do not use to do 100's of reps because its easy).

    i never owned one more then 20 pound pressure, but i was easily able to do the lowest setting and progress to the middle on the super gripper.
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2005
  7. Ad McG

    Ad McG Troll-killer Supporter

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