zen judo

Discussion in 'Judo' started by Southpaw535, Apr 18, 2009.

  1. Southpaw535

    Southpaw535 Well-Known Member Moderator Supporter

    Evening Peoples!!
    I'm considering either judo or karate to cross train with mma and I think judo isn't a terrible choice. Basically my local club either practices or is affiliated to Zen judo (I say either since I havn't the foggiest if its a style or group) so I was wondering if
    1. This means anything to you?
    2. Is judo a good idea with mma?
    Oh before i forget, club website:

    Cheers a lot
  2. Southpaw535

    Southpaw535 Well-Known Member Moderator Supporter

    You might not need to answer this. My email just got returned to me which normally isn't a good sign is it?
  3. Giovanni

    Giovanni Well-Known Member Supporter

    zen judo?

    based on your club's website though, looks like you get some judo-like training already, no?
  4. Southpaw535

    Southpaw535 Well-Known Member Moderator Supporter

    You mean South Coast? I'll be honest, I don't do the wreslting sessions where we might use judo since they pretty much leave me unable to walk the next day and my school has a LOT of stairs. God I hate admitting how unfit I am.
  5. Giovanni

    Giovanni Well-Known Member Supporter

    well judo training can be really challenging. a good kind of challenging, but can be physically demanding.
  6. Late for dinner

    Late for dinner Valued Member

    Zen Judo is a group that feels it is closer to how judo was performed before sport became such a big component. Their philosophy and methods reflect this. Not sure how much different their techniques are but you might find some things from a different viewpoint than the majority here in the UK.

    Some would agree with their approach, others not.

    I belive this group is a smaller member of the groups thatmake up the BJA. Could be incorrect.

    You might talk to Mike Budo who I believe comes from a Zen Budo background. I have just started with one of the more mainstream clubs...50% nei wazza, 50% tachi wazza... lots of randori. Good fun!!

    Best of luck... the easiest thing to do would be to look on the BJA website and see what clubs are available in your area.

    cheers, powchoy
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2009
  7. Southpaw535

    Southpaw535 Well-Known Member Moderator Supporter

  8. mike.Budo

    mike.Budo Valued Member

    Greetings each
    Thanks for that . We follow the kyu shin do Philosophy Ie kinshiro Abbe who I believe was one of kano's chief pupils. there is more work on the technique rather than finding the ability to fight , In my view if the techiques are correct then the ability to fight is already there .If you are in MMA and are competing ,or wish to compete either Judo or Jujitsu would be of benefit .In the long term it is what's best for you as an individual . Hope that is of some use to you my friend.
    Yours in the spirit of Budo
  9. Southpaw535

    Southpaw535 Well-Known Member Moderator Supporter

    Thanks a lot Mike. I have some experience in jujitsu and my school is very grappling based so with regard to my MMA i think Judo would benefit, especially with the throws. Other than that though I blew off judo when I first started as just doing hip throws with no practicality. I've changed my opinion a lot recently and it just sounds like a fun art
  10. Frodocious

    Frodocious She who MUST be obeyed! Moderator Supporter

    I think Judo is an excellent compliment to MMA - BUT it will hurt (particularly as you admit to not being very fit) and you have to be prepared to stick with it! There is no point going to 1 session then qutting the next day because your muscles ache - you will get that with any new sport for the first few sessions.
  11. MacWombat

    MacWombat Valued Member

    I'm confused. Your school has wrestling/judo, but you don't want to do it because you're not fit enough, but another judo school would be acceptable because...it has less stairs?
  12. cloudz

    cloudz Valued Member

    MW, he's in the uk and he's still in school as in high school. Over here our schools don't have wrestling or judo taught. Though there may be some school judo around I don't know - but unlikely I would think. There are plenty of judo clubs though.
  13. MacWombat

    MacWombat Valued Member

    No I meant at his MMA school.
  14. Kraen

    Kraen Valued Member

    And I'm fairly sure he meant at his high school.

  15. MacWombat

    MacWombat Valued Member

    Oh his High school has a lot of stairs.

    Ok, that makes even less sense then. Why not just save money and do the wrestling/grappling sessions at your MMA school?
  16. Southpaw535

    Southpaw535 Well-Known Member Moderator Supporter

    Alright that made me sound very bad. I did mean at my mma gym btw. A couple of reasons really, the one I imagine I'm going to get flak for is other than a woman the next heaviest person at my gym has about 12-14 kilos over me and from what I gather a judo school is more likely to have people in my weight class to train with. The stairs comment was more of a joke than a serious observation but I was finding it quite hard to walk after wrestling.
    Secondly thanks to various reasons I have a lot less money o spend at the moment and while my gym costs me £18 a month I have to travel to another island and the ferries and bus fare come to more than a session at judo would cost.
    The reason I think judo would be better is i did purely takedown sessions at bjj when I was even less fit and I did okay at it. I was stiff afterwards but I felt good. Also my local school trains on thursdays which is the one day I can't go to mma as its a closed session for fighters so it would mean I could still train. And finally as judo's pretty well rounded from what i've seen and heard or at least and I like the idea of being able to train on 1. learning fun takedowns but also being able to do ground fighting which is my gym's major focus so it wouldn't hurt to get extra work in.
  17. Frodocious

    Frodocious She who MUST be obeyed! Moderator Supporter

    I think that is actually a fairly good reason for doing Judo and is one of the reasons I do Judo, as up till recently there was only 1 other woman at my BJJ class and she didn't turn up regularly. It's always nice to have people your own size to train with, it makes monitoring progress a little easier!

    The rest of your reasons are also good - as long as you stick with training and are prepared for some pain!
  18. Southpaw535

    Southpaw535 Well-Known Member Moderator Supporter

    Since I left bjj i re-read my thread about it and all the criticism and realised I'd chickened out once it got hard. I felt a twit for it and have really tried to put more passion in my training and I've found something i really like in mma so I;m reasonably happy about sticking with it. As for the pain bit I find a strange pleasure in being slammed and thrown :D
  19. Frodocious

    Frodocious She who MUST be obeyed! Moderator Supporter

    Good man! I hope you don't think I'm having a go at you for quitting! I just want you to realise that your fitness level will affect any art you train in and, at the start, most styles will cause some DOMS. I'm glad you seem to have found something you enjoy in MMA and are prepared to suffer for your art! ;) :)
  20. Southpaw535

    Southpaw535 Well-Known Member Moderator Supporter

    haha I guess its just an outlet for my stress and aggression but I'm not a psychiatrist. Cheers Frodo, I would pay you but i'm a bit skint. Do you take pretzels?

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