Your true name...

Discussion in 'General Martial Arts Discussion' started by Jim, Feb 17, 2004.


Making me sign off with my real name would make it so that...

  1. I wouldn't come here any more

    1 vote(s)
  2. I would continue to do what I do

    55 vote(s)
  3. I'd still come, but I wouldn't comply with the new rule

    16 vote(s)
  1. Jim

    Jim New Member

    If MAP made/asked you to sign each post with your real name, would it alter the way you post or the topics you posted in? Would it stop you from coming here all together? Please explain your answer.

    The idea being that on signing up you would state that this is your real name and the honesty implied would be reliant on your own integrity (as you of course have in being a martial artist).
  2. El Tejon

    El Tejon MAP'scrazyuncle

    Why? You can just go to my website and see my smiling face.

    How is the inclusion of "Kirk Freeman" in every post going to impact me??? :confused:
  3. Guerilla Fists

    Guerilla Fists New Member

    I would not only disobey the new rule but I would sign as other people. Mischeif, mayhem, my work here is done.
  4. Aegis

    Aegis River Guardian Admin Supporter

    I'd be happy to supply my name. I don't have any issue with people hunting me down and...

    paranoia starts here....
  5. Saz

    Saz Nerd Admin

    Most people here know my real name anyway. I'd quite happily out it in my sig, and have done in the past.

    Making it compulsory would be another matter though.
  6. Adam

    Adam New Member

    I wouldn't be a member of the forum at all, not because I'm afraid of posting what I say under my real identity, but because I don't know who might be looking and getting personal details about me.
  7. TigerAnsTKDLove

    TigerAnsTKDLove Ex-TKD'er 2005.

    i would feel odd... if i had to sign on with my real name. i know i would watch the threads i post and the posts that i respond too.
  8. YODA

    YODA The Woofing Admin Supporter

    Well - for a start - everything you read as a parent about keeping your kids safe online says DO NOT let them use their real name under ANY circumstances.

    We have kids as young as 12-13 here.
  9. Zamfoo

    Zamfoo Valued Member

    Yay Yoda from mr. 13 over here. I'm not really afraid just there are some vreepy people out there and I don't like putting my name out there for people to see. My last name is REALLY REALLY rare i mean i can google it and all i get is my relatives. Having only a psuedonym adds a kinda mystery to it too. :D Nobody knows the true name of Zamfoo!
  10. Greg-VT

    Greg-VT Peasant

    I would'nt have a problem with supplying my own name. Its nearly complete in my sig anyway.

    Yeah, sure. I'd do it.

    And no, I don't think It would change the way I post. Maybe you've noticed, but I post differently everyweek anyway. Some times I'm very cheeky, reserved, freindly, or informative.... it changes. So... you proberly would'nt notice a difference from that:D.

    So no, it wouldn't change the way I post.
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2004
  11. YODA

    YODA The Woofing Admin Supporter

    Don't worry Zamfoo - this forum will not be requiring you to reveal your real name.

    We have a requirement for staff members to tell us their real name - heck I even have home adresses and/or phone numbers for most of them :D
  12. Lanakin

    Lanakin It's all about discipline

    If they asked us to do that, I don't think I'd comply.

    But then, I would if they only asked for the first name..

  13. aikiMac

    aikiMac aikido + boxing = very good Moderator Supporter

    Ya, what Yoda said. This is a family forum.

    But I did briefly join a forum (Sword Forum International) where your full "real" name is required in every post. But I don't think any children would know what to write at that sort of site. The subject matter made it adult-only, and I feel comfortable with the sort of people who are attracted to a site like that.

    But back to the point -- ya, what Yoda said. This is a family forum. Real names are a bad idea.
  14. Zamfoo

    Zamfoo Valued Member

    I had no fear I knew someone would share my view. The name thing is what keeps me away from E-Budo. Once I pass my green belt test maybe :D
  15. Senior Moment

    Senior Moment Valued Member

    You have to understand that "it is not paranoia if they are really out to get you"....but you didn't hear that from me.

  16. Ad McG

    Ad McG Troll-killer Supporter

    Screw screen names! :D

    Yes, McGuigan is my real name, and no I am not related to Barry, thank you.
  17. totality

    totality New Member

    were i forced to add "mike williams" to all of my posts, nothing would change. except i might try to be more sarcastic and cruel.
  18. toothpaste100

    toothpaste100 Banned In 60 Seconds

    I'm too tall for petafiles to find attractive :D , I have no fear of posting my name in my posts.... if it wasn't for those ninjas monitoring my isp.

    -Christina Sanchez....
  19. sas24

    sas24 New Member

    Gotta go with Yoda. I work at a K-8 school district and there's a lot of "don't give any child's name, picture, etc. " stuff going around. It's all coming from the state and they are getting it from the feds. There have to be more than a few parents out there that (if they knew) would not want there children just putting there full names out on the web. I've only been here a few weeks and I've already given my email address and location out.

  20. Kenpo Kicker

    Kenpo Kicker New Member

    I like having nicknames but if a name is required I don't really care.

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