
Discussion in 'Ninjutsu' started by chaosemthod, Jun 10, 2004.

  1. chaosemthod

    chaosemthod New Member

    Anyone in here try some torinoko or edan? My torinoko cloud is about 6x6ft. is this about the right amount? any feedback would be great thanks.
  2. Albert

    Albert Banned Banned

    What are you talking about...clouds? huh... Theres a cloud outisde bigger than 6x6 rite now in the sky. I WIN! :)
  3. chaosemthod

    chaosemthod New Member

    torinoko is a flash/smoke bomb.........duh!
  4. hatsie

    hatsie Active Member Supporter

    iv'e heard of/trained with metsibush, but not flash bangs. i thought it was just the sas that used them?
  5. chaosemthod

    chaosemthod New Member

    that reminds me, if you use flour as a metsubishi, the cloud produced by it is flammable also for an even better advantage.

    The torinoko is very much used as well.

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