Why is sugar so bad?

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by Shortfuse, Jul 5, 2004.

  1. Shortfuse

    Shortfuse King of Hearts

    how much sugar can you take in a day? why is it so bad now? there seems to be a big fuss over it now with carbs becoming the number one enemy? my great grandmother had diabetes, my grandma has it, my mom has it, one of m cousins was at serious risk of getting it, and my doctor swore when i was little that i would get it because back then i was large.

    when i lost all that weight no one made as big a deal as before, andmy blood suge was fine, or however you want to put it, but i havent been able to go to the doctor since november and wont be able to go until late august.

    in the past few days i consumed couple of hundred grams of sugar in skittles nd wouldlike to know how much sugar i can eat and why people are o afraid of it
  2. Togakure

    Togakure New Member

    Sugar isnt bad, refined sugar is

    When your body breaks down foods, it makes sugar itself, injesting refined sugar directly confuses your body, such intakes of massive sugar where never intentended to enter the human body, we will evolve to match our food but it will take time, and only those who injest refined sugar 'sensibly' will survive it most probably.

    The same goes for salt, you dont need to put salt on your food if you are buying it in cans or mass produced, most likely it has a massive ammount of salt in it already, when you have a meal and put more on you are making it even worse.

    80% of salt and sugar intake comes from what is already in a pre produced meal, and not what you sprinkle on it.

    Why? sugar is cheap, salt is cheap, other products (such as herbs) are very exspensive compared to them.

    And thus massives ammount of sugar and salt are added to pre-prepared meals, and I mean MASSIVE ammounts, you would be amazed.

    The answer?

    Make your own meals, not practical for some no, it takes time yes.

    But it extends your life and your quality of life, what would you rather have, a fast meal for 40 years, or healthy lifestyle and wits about you for 80/100 years (is likely to be ALOT longer given how medical technoligy is advancing, if you keep yourself healthy)

    We have become lazy and reliant, we have to start taking responsiblity for our health.

    diabeties can be a genetic thing, but it can also be an abuse thing, abuse your body with sugar and salt, and it will start to reject you (you will lose limbs).

    Diabeties can be combated by living very healthily, decide what you would like most, and stick by it.

    Keep off the skittles mate, or limit it to 1 bar of chocolate or (sweetie) things a week, and you should be pretty fine.

    If you buy cereal buy sugar free and salt free cereal, and put BROWN suggar on it to flavour it (if you must)

    I prefer to have natural sweetness of raisens or sultana's (even honey is better then sugar), the less refined and 'manufactured' somthing you eat is, the better it is for you.
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2004
  3. Shortfuse

    Shortfuse King of Hearts

    thanks! thats the first bit of info on sugar i have had in a while! allthough i dont eat fast food just skittles, how much refined sugar can you take?
  4. Togakure

    Togakure New Member

    With a genetic condition (and it seems genetic since a long line in your family have diabeties)

    It is best to try and avoid refined sugar all together.

    Of course that isnt practical in alot of cases, and can be very costly (depending how you define your health)

    I would say avoid refined sugar as much as you can, as much as an alchoholic would avoid alchohol, but I am a not doctor, next time you see your Dr, tell him your family history and your concerns, he will most likely give you a diet sheet, and if you stick to it, you will be fine (better than fine, youll be pretty damned healthy)

    If you want a more loose kind of diet to stick to, I would recomenend eating lots of vegitables and looking very closely at product packeting, if it contains, glucose, sugar, startch, try to avoid it, (startch is not so bad however, but it does produce alot of sugar).

    Give yourself a 'treat' day every week where you will give yourself somthing sugary to keep yourself on the line the rest of the week, it has worked well for others, but again, consult your Dr, as I dont know your family history.

    All the best.
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2004
  5. Shortfuse

    Shortfuse King of Hearts

    Thank you very much! thats helps so much and dulled some of my worries a bit
  6. Togakure

    Togakure New Member

    I'm glad I could help :)
  7. harhar

    harhar I hate semaphores

    brown sugar is refined too btw. Just as bad as white sugar. And starch is good for you. Rice, whole wheat bread, potatoes, etc all contain starch. Starch is what is known as the "better" type of sugar, a complex carbohydrate that you will actually make use of during physical exercise.

    edit: togakure, how come before you were advising him to avoid refined sugar and later tell him to avoid glucose?? glucose is carbohydrates, including all the different types of sugar, both good and bad.
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2004
  8. Albert

    Albert Banned Banned

    Ugh, everybody knows that if you eat sugar you will grow 3 heads and then explode.
  9. d33pthought

    d33pthought New Member

    I love reviving months-old threads just to post some assinine comment.

    Thanks to my parents' insistence on healthy eating, I am now almost incapable of eating conventional non-pie and most non-cake pastries. I just had my first donut in about a year and a half and I got sick to my stomach.
  10. akira2000

    akira2000 Valued Member

    The GOAL is to it MORE complex carbs and LESS simple carbs.
    Complex carbs: pasta, rice, vegetables, bread .....
    Simple carbs: sugar(any color), honey, fruits .....

    If you want to be healthy, try to eat less simple carbs and more complex carbs.
    If you want more info, just google: complex vs simple carbohydrate.

    Good luck :D
  11. laruz114

    laruz114 New Member

    Well I just Googled it and a page said that the whole simple carbs=bad and complex=good thing has no scientific backing at all.
  12. akira2000

    akira2000 Valued Member

    Please, dont bother me unless you have something meaningful to say.
  13. laruz114

    laruz114 New Member

    After googling the exact thing you said to Google here's what the first two sites said.
    Somehow, simple carbohydrates have become known as the "bad" carbohydrates, while complex carbohydrates seem to be designated as the "good" carbohydrates. But there is no real scientific or nutritional justification for these descriptions.
    In the past few years, simple carbohydrates have become known as the 'bad' carbs, while complex carbs seem to be designated as the 'good' ones. Although this is based on more hype than science...
  14. akira2000

    akira2000 Valued Member

    There are few problems with simple carbs. One of them is that your body consumes it immediately, thus your blood sugar level climbs fast up. This process also quickly boosting your insulin levels.

    Complex carbs = slow digestion, giving a more time-released supply of energy and resulting in fewer peaks and valleys in blood sugar levels.
  15. munkiejunkie

    munkiejunkie sanity's requiem

    sugar sugar doo doo do do do, oh honey honey doo doo do do do :D
  16. d33pthought

    d33pthought New Member

    honey all da way, yo.

    Simple sugars are the mono, di, and (I think) oligosaccharides. These are what you find in fruits and vegetables. The polysaccharides are your starches, which you find in potatoes and bread and stuff. These tend to last longer in your body because, well, they're bigger.
  17. akira2000

    akira2000 Valued Member

    Most of the vegetables are complex carbs, not simple ones.
  18. d33pthought

    d33pthought New Member

  19. Ad McG

    Ad McG Troll-killer Supporter

    Short, easy summary:

    Processed simple sugars are basically not good because they promote a long chain of events leading to all kinds of things like hunger pangs, lethargy, mood swings and continued heavy use can promote the onset of diseases like diabetes. Having your blood sugar and therefore insulin and other hormone levels see-sawing all the time is not good.
  20. d33pthought

    d33pthought New Member

    Indeed, processed simple sugars are very bad. For that matter, pretty much every processed food isn't that great for you.

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