What's your style

Discussion in 'Internal Martial Arts' started by gerard, Aug 20, 2004.


What's your style

  1. Taijiquan

  2. BaguaZhang

  3. Xingyiquan

  4. YiChuan

  5. Liu He Ba Fa

  6. Xinyiquan

  7. Bagua Taijiquan

    0 vote(s)
  8. Yin Yang Bapanzhang

    0 vote(s)
  9. Xinyi Liuhe Quan

  10. Aikido

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. gerard

    gerard Valued Member

    Sorry if I left out some variations of the main styles. The poll options were tied up to 10!

    Have fun.
  2. Colin Linz

    Colin Linz Valued Member

    Why only one Japanese art?
  3. gerard

    gerard Valued Member

    Easy, simply because I have affinity toward Chinese culture :love:

    Also it would have been unfair leaving Japan out of the equation so I mentioned the most popular Japanese IMA. BTW the poll options are limiting. Sorry :cry:

    Gan bei.
  4. Dojo

    Dojo Shotokan fanatic

    Judo, Shotokan? They are as popular, maybe more.
    Perhaps you could have done a poll with other categories. :p Or call it What Chinese style you do ... It was nicer, than leaving lots of well-known styles aside (I have in mind .. MT, TKD, TSD and many others).

    And btw .. there aren't just Chinese and Japanese styles in the world :D
  5. daftyman

    daftyman A 4oz can of whoop-ass!

    I think folks are getting mixed up with what's your style as a 'global' topic and what's your IMA style? :D
  6. gerard

    gerard Valued Member

    Thanks for pointing this out. People tend to get confused easily.

  7. gerard

    gerard Valued Member

    IMA were developed in China first, so I stick to tradition and my personal affinity toward China.
  8. Dojo

    Dojo Shotokan fanatic

    Then maybe you could have asked what's your IMA style from the title. It could have spared us the effort :Angel: and your time wasted while trying to make me understand .. :) I got it now. I'm leaving the place ...
  9. gerard

    gerard Valued Member

    Mate, you really baffle me.

    Do you mind reading the following?

    Martial Arts Planet > Styles > Internal Martial Arts > What's your style

    Am I now self-explanatory? :bang:
  10. Dojo

    Dojo Shotokan fanatic

    Yep .. sorry :cry:
    I never search the categories. I go for new posts and open what seems to be interesting. Sorry again :eek:
  11. gerard

    gerard Valued Member

    Dojo, u don't need 2 just scroll up this page n u will see there what i just meant.

    Take care.
  12. shaolin_hendrix

    shaolin_hendrix Hooray for Zoidberg!

    is xingyi liuquan the same as liu hsing chuan? if not, then forget my vote for it.
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2004
  13. leke

    leke New Member

    Bagua Taijiquan

    What's Bagua Taijiquan, I know Bagua & Taijiquan but never heard of both as a style.
  14. MartialArtsSnob

    MartialArtsSnob New Member

    My favorite internal style would be "Chimpooooooooooo Do!"

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