What's wrong with High Kicks?

Discussion in 'General Martial Arts Discussion' started by pgm316, Feb 27, 2003.

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  1. Cain

    Cain New Member

    As most of you would say, depends on the situation :p

  2. Andy Murray

    Andy Murray Sadly passed away. Rest In Peace.

    Hi Cain,

    No-one is saying they are useless. Never disregard anything you have spent time training. It's just that you might want to look for simpler/safer methods to apply if you don't have them already.

    TKD training of kicks is superb, but most people here would suggest supplementing the system with good hand and ground skills.
  3. Cain

    Cain New Member

    In that case I would choose to go with you :D

  4. Andy Murray

    Andy Murray Sadly passed away. Rest In Peace.

    OK Cain, but I don't kiss on first dates :D

    You might want to ask Yoda though, cos he knows the ground stuff which I don't (I also heard he's easy)!
  5. Andy Murray

    Andy Murray Sadly passed away. Rest In Peace.

    Anyone here remember the ads for 'Chuck Norris Stretch Jeans'.

    Anyone confess to buying a pair?

    Just wondered.

  6. Mr Heel Hook

    Mr Heel Hook New Member


    I bought 76 pairs, but that's besides the point. Um, I don't think the "high kick" has too much street value because they rarely seem to hit the target. In my opinion, most are simply meant to look flashy and display stretching ability. Not to say some don't have a good or decent value, but how many times have you seen a fight end (UFC-PRIDE-KINGoftheRING-Bar room brawl-Mugging-K-Mart supper sale) with a jumping spinning heel hick while snapping out the other leg to drill it in the mans temple before he hits the ground? (Yes, yes, I am playful exaggerating a bit so please excuse me) I think good hand speed, driving knees, and most importantly ground work (hey, what can I say, I am a Jiu-Jitsu guy!) are the most important factors in "reality" fighting.:D
  7. Andy Murray

    Andy Murray Sadly passed away. Rest In Peace.

    Hey HH,

    You ever tried high kicks n stuff like that?

    (not a trick question, just curious)
  8. Mr Heel Hook

    Mr Heel Hook New Member

    Yes, I can. I still have a nasty looking Hook kick though I stopped Kung Fu almost 6 years ago. (long-fist style)
  9. Mr Heel Hook

    Mr Heel Hook New Member

    And I mean nasty as in...ugly...so ugly:cry:
  10. Andy Murray

    Andy Murray Sadly passed away. Rest In Peace.

    Do you find your Kung Fu stuff absolutely useless, or is there anything salvageable in there for you?
  11. TkdWarrior

    TkdWarrior Valued Member

    <TKD training of kicks is superb, but most people here would suggest supplementing the system with good hand and ground skills.>
    it's truth, ain't it?
    man i do hate it when i hear ppl talk about TKD is only kicking(even TKD students).
    frankly speaking i wouldn't mind suggesting supplementing ur system with lots of cross training... n if u look at those post where ppl ask for MA style help, i rarely suggest TKD because i know wat is kind of situation out there.
    if they r in Delhi then i'll ONLY suggest TKD because i know how things r here.
    i always try not be baised on my opinions...
  12. Andy Murray

    Andy Murray Sadly passed away. Rest In Peace.

    Hey TKD Warrior,

    I know it's not only kicking, but it's a bit like a T Rex, the forelimbs are small, and don't get used a great deal in everyday life :D

    Were you suggesting I should crosstrain, or everyone should crosstrain?
  13. Mr Heel Hook

    Mr Heel Hook New Member

    Ummm...no I wouldnt say I forgo all I have learned. I still some of the punch catches, and alllll the low kicks. But like said, you HAVE to cross train these days to be a good fighter.
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2003
  14. TkdWarrior

    TkdWarrior Valued Member

    Andy :
    Were you suggesting I should crosstrain, or everyone should crosstrain?

    no i m saying just understand ur(me for myself) art ;) :D
  15. Helm

    Helm New Member

    Hmm yessh crosstraining is important, but ofcourse a Ju Jitsu guy's high kicks won't be as effective as a TKD guys high kicks. For this reason Ju Jitsu guy thinks high kicks suck the wang, TKD guy being a kicker thinks they can be used.

    Legs being the TKD guys best weapons and most reliable weapons, he can kick to the head. For him its an option. As a generalisation, its not.
  16. Mr Heel Hook

    Mr Heel Hook New Member

    That is true my friend. True that his kicks might be better then mine. However, to me at least, that doesnt change the fact that they would mostly be null in most fights. They simply rarely work I think.
  17. Andy Murray

    Andy Murray Sadly passed away. Rest In Peace.

    Thinning this out a bit;

    How would you TKD guys deal with the JJ guy shooting in on you, cos if you kick, you've seperated your legs making the takedown easier, and given the guy more options?

    How would you JJ guys deal with someone trying to kick you in the face, and are you worried about taking a knee to the face when you shoot?
  18. Mr Heel Hook

    Mr Heel Hook New Member

    Hmmm...am I worried about a knee in the face? Not really, It's simple to block just by the style of shooting. I wouldnt waste much time on my feet with a tkd guy. No, I would close the distance ASAP.
  19. Andy Murray

    Andy Murray Sadly passed away. Rest In Peace.

    Can you tell us some of the basics of the Gracie BJJ strategy in approaching a new opponent of unknown quality HH?
  20. Mr Heel Hook

    Mr Heel Hook New Member

    Well, one thing is to keep your left leg forward lined up with your opponent and your right leg back. A somewhat typical stance by most martial arts standards. The only difference I can think of is it won't be as wide...and that's a maybe. Your arms should be of course in front of you. Ready to punch, trap, or clinch. With that front leg, you command the distance of your opponent. If he gets to close, stomp kick the meat of his lead legs thigh. The back is very rigid while doing this to be able to back and sway from harms way. Keep him guessing on what you are doing by keeping him weary with that lead leg. After a few well placed (or even not so well kicks) you will either make that legs sore and have him worry about knee damage, or he won't want a part of it and will make you come closer. After a time, you fake your intentions and throw that other stomping kick. But rather then pull back this time you lunge forward with a spring, your base a bit low and off to the side ever so slightly. What you want to do is wrap him up, preferably keeping tight to one arm by pinning it to his own side. The other arm slinks around his waist to his lower back. You keep your face to the side you have pinned so as not to take blows to the face. While all that is going on, keep your right knee off to the side a bit towards lets say the left (cause you have his right arm pinned) Your whole body should be slightly off to the left while hugging him tightly to you. The point of the knee and the positioning is this: The knee, where it is will keep you safe from groin shots, the stance while keeping your base low and off to the side a bit will keep him from firm footing. More then likely he will be trying to pull away from you, or punch you desperately in the back of the head. Both of which will make the take down one hundred times easier.

    I hope that crude explanation will help a bit. :woo: <--that face doesn't apply. I just friggin love it!
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