What is MA to you?

Discussion in 'Off Topic Area' started by Martial One, Apr 25, 2005.


What is MA to you?

  1. art

    13 vote(s)
  2. sport

    9 vote(s)
  3. combat

    24 vote(s)
  4. way of life

    70 vote(s)
  5. combination of any above?

    110 vote(s)
  6. other

    5 vote(s)
  1. RFWright

    RFWright New Member

    A combination of all of the above.
  2. PowerTurtle

    PowerTurtle New Member

    I chose art, sport, and combat. The sport part is the best, I think.
  3. E.E.N.S.

    E.E.N.S. New Member

    Martial arts is in my blood - I chose combo...I see it as many many things.
  4. marcusknight

    marcusknight Valued Member

    its a way of life and combat
  5. Taiji Butterfly

    Taiji Butterfly Banned Banned

    Way of Life - all the other options involve others.
    I don't need the judgement of others, I have nothing to prove.
    My Way of Life is about Me, Myself and I lol
    N :Angel:
  6. marcusknight

    marcusknight Valued Member

    skitsophraniac alert (dam i cant spell) :woo:
  7. Taiji Butterfly

    Taiji Butterfly Banned Banned

    You mean schizophrenic lol :cool: :) and you are mistaken anyway :rolleyes:....
    it would be:
    multiple personality disorder :) :rolleyes: :love: :cool: :Alien: :p :Angel: ;)
    schizoid personality disorder :confused:
    or (most likely in my case imo):
    mono/megalomaniac :woo: :yeleyes:
    roflmao bwahahahahahahahah:yeleyes:
  8. Pacificshore

    Pacificshore Hit n RUN!

    Combo..cuz it just depends on my mood ;)
  9. Dancing Shadow

    Dancing Shadow New Member

    For me, it is an art, combat, and I believe it is a way of life... because it has changed mine in various ways.
  10. dori_kin_86

    dori_kin_86 Hu Flung Pu

    For me, Martial Arts are my way of learning combat, and improving myself. I train mainly for self-defence, basically one of my favorite quotes conscerning this mindset is "Train to live, don't live to train." (I forgot who said it first)
  11. Slindsay

    Slindsay All violence is necessary

    COmbination of the above, it's been about all of them to me at some point.
  12. thepunisher

    thepunisher Banned Banned

    MA-sport, art and....??

    For me MA's represent a sport, an art and a way to learn self-discipline, self-defence and maybe even help me with my self-confidence. I hope to gain from it fitness, flexibility and through earning my belt levels a confidence in my abilities. Also, a way to defend my friends and family if it ever comes to this. :)

  13. Coges

    Coges Valued Member

    For me its about art and combat. When seeing a beautifully articulated technique you could almost swear you were watching someone dancing but if you're on the other end of that technique you're pleading with them not to break something. Sport and fitness come into the equation as well, although with less focus as fitness I can do without any classes.
  14. tel

    tel absorb what is useful for

    a combo of all of them,with the list don't think u can have one without the other
  15. Jujitm

    Jujitm New Member

    A way of life though I feel the MA's are for combat when needed
  16. KSprenk

    KSprenk be

    I have no idea. When I try to think of why I like MA i come up with nothing. But I love it.
  17. Jesh

    Jesh Dutch Side Of The Force

    It's almost always a combo... your perspective changes as you grow older and train longer...
  18. Jujitm

    Jujitm New Member

  19. battlestone

    battlestone New Member

    martial arts is a way of life that effects every thing you do.
  20. Kalifallen

    Kalifallen looking for partner

    Way of Life

    Once when that is apart of you then it can be anything you want it to be. It is kind of like the 'combination of any above?' vote but it has added understanding of yourself and of others. Like a spiritual thing.

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