What is chi mapulation?

Discussion in 'Internal Martial Arts' started by ghost121, Feb 17, 2006.

  1. ghost121

    ghost121 New Member

    What is chi mapulation?
  2. onyomi

    onyomi 差不多先生

    Qi manipulation is using the breath, mind or bodily movement to direct the qi/energy.
  3. RobP

    RobP Valued Member

    Or...it's a way of controlling students......... :rolleyes:
  4. ghost121

    ghost121 New Member

    I don't believe that your joking right?
  5. onyomi

    onyomi 差不多先生

    Yes, he's joking. Unfortunately, I can't get too mad at him because there are so many fake qigong teachers out there nowadays wasting their students' time, taking their money and, in severe cases, brainwashing them. What's worse, these charlatans give people the mistaken impression that all qigong is some kind of con or superstition.

    The ability to move your qi around your body at will is real. That is what I assume you mean by qi manipulation. If you mean "controlling other people and making them dance around by using your qi power" then that is most definitely fake. You could also call acupuncture "qi manipulation" in that it is designed to heal disease by increasing the flow in certain qi channels.
  6. airweaver

    airweaver Valued Member

    chi manipulation is about feeling your body with awareness.

    the NEW section at www.astraldynamics.com will answer all your questions, though not in oriental terminology/beleifs.

    example... feel, NOT VISUALISE but *FEEL* a mouse crawling up your arm, feel its little nails digging into your skin, feel it scutter, feel its weight.
    that mentally recreated feeling is a small and subtle chi manipulation exercise..

    its really that simple.
    its just a case of refining your sense of body awareness until you can direct the feelings with more freedom and knowing.

    following bruces NEW system on astral dynamics.com for a while awakened me to the reality of the energy body,practising his the tecniques gave me loads of crazy/vivid/lucid dreams and psychic experiences.

    this came mostly from condensing each breath into the center of my forhead, they dont this area the 3rd eye for no reason. theres a certain spot in the center of your brain between the ears or so that when you focus 100% of your attention on you feel formless and like your shooting through a tunnel.
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2006
  7. cloudz

    cloudz Valued Member

    You might wanna watch that airweaver, can't be good for your eyesight. I mean who needs 3 eyes anyway ?

    still I guess it's cheaper than drugs :p

    Unless it's the 'eye of the tiger' man , I'm just not interested.

    Rocky!, Rocky!, Rocky!


    Seriously though that sounds interesting... if I'm sober long enough I might give it a try :D

    I thought the third eye was closer to the forehead area ?. When you touch foreheads (between eyes) with someone there is a funny tingling sensation there that is interesting.
    But it doesn't work with headbutts! so must be done co operatively, preferably with someone that smells fresh and is cute. Toddlers are good, they are also good to practice taichi chuan on as they don't fight back...much. And chi blasts work real good on them. :D
  8. airweaver

    airweaver Valued Member

    i think it starts at the forhead but goes back into the head until it reaches the point where the spine connects with the skull, theres a few hot spots in and around the head which can be explored with bruces NEW system.
  9. Hyena

    Hyena New Member

    My master once used his chi to heal a minor cut before our eyes.
  10. cheesypeas

    cheesypeas Moved on

    Could you give more details please.
  11. airweaver

    airweaver Valued Member

    hmmm healing like that is rare but i dont think its impossible, in my experience healing works by condensing chi into the area, over and over again so it becomes more dense with each breath..

    so look at it like this,

    chi = breath

    healing = directing breath to injured area

    breath stimulates the blood and contains oxygen

    injured area has a continuos and focused supply of oxygen and white blood cells.

    so if you sprain your hand, with repeating breaths going into the area (use NEW awareness actions, like -feeling- a sponge go back and forth over it)
    you consciously increase the amount of fresh oxygen and blood to the injury. If you didnt and let it heal on its own, then the healing process would take longer because the mind and all its energy isnt focused there.

    but to heal a wound instantly sounds pretty interesting, if i were him i would cut myself, then heal myself straight away and show it to as many people as i could in the hope of one day getting on tv because of it and showing people the power we all have.
  12. Hyena

    Hyena New Member

    During our class, he cut himself while he was working in his office.
    He came out and showed us the cut, then told us to take a close look.
    Without touching it, he managed to stop the bleeding and when he wiped the blood away, it looked like something that had had at least half a day to heal.
    I work as a film student, and I know gore effects from real life, and I can tell you that this was not fake in any way.
  13. Sandus

    Sandus Moved Himself On

    Video it. If you're a film student you should have access to cameras. If he can do it, he wouldn't be opposed to cutting himself for a demonstration. I think all of us would like to see this.
  14. Hyena

    Hyena New Member

    He is not a massochist and I doubt that he would go chopping on himself just to please people. Using Chi manipulation to heal yourself when you are injured naturally is something quite different than cutting yourself for the fun of it.
    Like I said, it looked like it had happened a half-day ago, but nothing too dramatic. It's not like it healed to a scar before our eyes or anything, but it did look better.
  15. Sandus

    Sandus Moved Himself On

    This statement is a cop-out and raises red flags. This is a chance for him to promote himself and his art. If it's really possible, I don't see why he wouldn't jump at the chance.
  16. Hyena

    Hyena New Member

    Are you saying that if you could heal yourself slightly, you would go around cutting the heck out of yourself? It's not like he can't feel it when he is hurt. Causing yourself pain is not the first indicator of mental health, and I would leave in an instant if he kept chopping on himself just to impress people.
    Besides, there is already plenty of proof already out there, even if it is not tied directly to the term "Chi".
    Everybody hears stories from time to time about how people can heal themselves through the power of positive thinking, and I know of at least one story of a cancer patient who took up Chi exercises and used Chi manipulation to help cure himself.

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