Ukraine say's Russia has invaded

Discussion in 'Off Topic Area' started by Rhythmkiller, Feb 28, 2014.

  1. Southpaw535

    Southpaw535 Well-Known Member Moderator Supporter

    Interestingly apparently "Lithuania and Latvia have invoked article 4 of the NATO treaty" forcing a meeting of NATO for what is apparently only the 4th time in its history.

    I'm seeing that word for word everywhere I've checked for it though so I have no idea if its real or just something someone posted once and now its being shared a'la standard internet practice.

    edit: Also I imagine its because the West, especially America, is still hung up on the Cold War mentality of Russia being the Big Bad (I get they're not saints don't worry) but why has Venezuela been ignored in the news? They've been getting the same crap in protests for months but I haven't seen a word about it on the proper networks.
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2014
  2. Bozza Bostik

    Bozza Bostik Antichrist on Button Moon

    Lithuania and Latvia have had trouble with their Russian citizens in the past (IIRC), so they're probably a bit worried right now that it might cause flare ups in their own countries.
  3. Ben Gash CLF

    Ben Gash CLF Valued Member

    Then you've not been paying attention
  4. Ben Gash CLF

    Ben Gash CLF Valued Member

    Syria was a very different situation with no clear goal for intervention and no obvious exit strategy. It's just a mess.
    This is a much more clear cut situation with very definite worries for the European nations and the US.
    Combined with Ukraine (which is a long way from being militarily weak) those three would likely beat the Russians, especially if "beat" means stop incursions into Ukraine. While it's unlikely we'd successfully invade Russia, without the old USSR and Warsaw pact countries Russia has nowhere near the military might it had during the cold war. Also although on paper it can still field impressive numbers the bulk of them are conscripts and reservists.
  5. Bozza Bostik

    Bozza Bostik Antichrist on Button Moon

    I was just wondering about the state of the Russian military. From what little I know, they are a very unhappy and a not too eager bunch of conscripts and reservists.

    Damn predictive text. I nearly wrote, "bunch of constipation". Funny considering my location!
  6. holyheadjch

    holyheadjch Valued Member


    It's not on the table and if the US or the UK even hints at it being on the table, the citizens of that country need to organise a coup of their own.

    Ukraine cannot be allowed to become the flashpoint that kicked off World War III. It cannot.

    Russia didn't go to war when the US invaded Afghanistan. Russia didn't go to war when the US invaded Iraq. Russia didn't go to war when the US invaded Serbia or when they got involved in Libya or any the other hundred countries America has molested over the last few decades.

    We owe Russia a little non-intervention.
  7. Dead_pool

    Dead_pool Spes mea in nihil Deus MAP 2017 Moi Award

  8. Dead_pool

    Dead_pool Spes mea in nihil Deus MAP 2017 Moi Award

    Big Nevile chamberlain fan are we.

    This is why the UN and NATO exists.
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2014
  9. holyheadjch

    holyheadjch Valued Member

    No, I'm a big fan on my entire family not being killed. You may disagree, that's your choice.
    No, the UN and NATO exist to prevent World War III, not to start it.

    There's a reason why Ukraine aren't in NATO - this is that reason.

    Whatever Russia do in Ukraine will pale in comparison to what the US lets Israel get away with. It's only because its Russia that we even care.
  10. Southpaw535

    Southpaw535 Well-Known Member Moderator Supporter

    Tad dramatic. I did have a chuckle though since I'm studying the Cold War and just got done reading about how the fears of being called an appeaser influenced the suggestion of attacking Russia during the Cuban Missile Crisis.

    This is a very good point though, aside from the fact that Ukraine isn't a NATO member. It might be best friends with them, but that doesn't guarantee it anything. Technically NATO doesn't have any obligation to help them. The UN is also quite famously a bit toothless. I don't envy Ban Ki Moon his job, but the UN isn't going to do much in the short term except push for talks. Which, if Russia invades properly, will probably lead to them getting the Crimea anyway like I said earlier.

    Throw in that I'm fairly sure the UN can't do anything militarily without the UN Security Council's say so. I wonder what caveats they have for if one of the members of the council is the one being judged on.
  11. Ben Gash CLF

    Ben Gash CLF Valued Member

    Russian expansionism will lead to a resumption of the cold war. This in turn may or may not lead to world war 3. As things stand the threat of military action from the rest of the world will curb Russian ambitions. Lack of said threat will encourage them to make increasing landgrabs. Once they've consumed enough countries and conscripted their young men then they'll be an even bigger problem.
    There are comparisons to be made here with the annexation of the Rhineland. Failure to act decisively now could well lead to much more serious problems in the next few years.
  12. Southpaw535

    Southpaw535 Well-Known Member Moderator Supporter

    How are we going from Russia potentially using its forces to influence an area that is a Russian majority and seems to be Pro-Russian control anyway to Russia empire building unless the West threatens to blow them up?
  13. Ben Gash CLF

    Ben Gash CLF Valued Member

    That was the German narrative for their invasion of the Rhineland. It's an aggressive expansionist act against another sovereign nation.
  14. Southpaw535

    Southpaw535 Well-Known Member Moderator Supporter

    WW2 isn't an area I know a huge amount about so I'll have to take your word for it that the situations are the same. However that still relies on Putin's desires for international domination being the same as Hitler's and I'm still struggling with that.
  15. holyheadjch

    holyheadjch Valued Member

    Yes, because Russia is a country well known for it's reasonable response to threats.

    What you are proposing would actually be the restart of the Cold War. It is hilarious that you think threats are a way to stop it - you do know what the Cold War was, right?
    At the moment, there has been no land grab and no suggestion of a land grab. So far the only thing they are even hinting at is a peacekeeping operation and maybe a forced regime change and I don't think even the US or the UK have the balls to call out another nation for that kind of behaviour.
    No there's not, you're being overly dramatic. Russia has seen a friendly government in a neighbouring country overthrown in favour of an unfriendly government. They have significant investments in Ukraine and are understandably unhappy about the situation - who would want an unfriendly and unstable neighbour?

    The mere idea of threatening military action against Russia is insane.

    This is none of our business and it should remain none of our business.
  16. holyheadjch

    holyheadjch Valued Member

    It's not the same. It's not even remotely the same thing.
  17. Ben Gash CLF

    Ben Gash CLF Valued Member

    The Ukrainians had functioning government and were starting to stabilise until the Russians got involved.
  18. Ben Gash CLF

    Ben Gash CLF Valued Member

    Not to mention there wasn't a massed armed insurrection so peace keeping is unnecessary.
  19. holyheadjch

    holyheadjch Valued Member

    Crimeans might disagree with you.

    The Crimean peninsula is massively pro-Russian, they probably welcome the Russian intervention into what they see (rightly or wrongly) as a coup.
  20. Van Zandt

    Van Zandt Mr. High Kick

    ^ This.

    I had a week's holiday in Crimea (staying in Yevpatoria) and was surprised anyone still thought it was part of Ukraine proper given the sheer number of Russian flags on display.

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