Taijiquan at school

Discussion in 'Tai chi' started by samuri-man, Feb 3, 2006.

  1. samuri-man

    samuri-man New Member

    yes im doing taijiquan yang style if that helps at my school as a sport choice with my friends who after my deliberation are into martial arts
  2. Sandus

    Sandus Moved Himself On

    What language is this?
  3. El Medico

    El Medico Valued Member

    And I thought the US education system was in trouble regarding the English language,
    Well.if it's a sport choice,let's hope they "sport" by having matches instead of t'ui shou competitions. :woo:
  4. steve Rowe

    steve Rowe Valued Member

    It's because they spend too much time doing tai chi and not enough doing English... :D
  5. sparrow

    sparrow Chirp!

    I'm surprised that you are being so scathing - not everyone is blessed with the ability to express themselves in writing. I'm particularly suprised that a moderator would be so sarcastic. Others would do well to do a refresher course in punctuation be ore critiscising. Without falling into the trap of being offensive myself, perhaps English is not the poster's first language. Shame on you. I'd be interested to know more - a friend of mine is looking for information on Tai Chi in schools, so samuri-man, you would be welcome to contact me. I'm sorry everyone else has been so rude...
  6. Sandus

    Sandus Moved Himself On

    He's from Australia and I've spoken to him before. When posting, we ask that you proofread your posts to make sure they are comprehensible before you submit them, as a courtesy to those who read them. If you do not, you are being discourteous and might be subject to a bit of rudeness... :D
  7. TaiChiFox

    TaiChiFox New Member

    Well, I had no trouble understanding it :D
    And come on people, as if proper English writing tells anything about a person besides he's sloppy in writing :)

    @El Medico: What you mean by matches? SanShou? I wouldn't dare SanShou with TaiChi until my 10th year for the fact that I'd be then be doing anything but TaiChi out there. More like a mix of ChinNa and ShuaiChiao.
    Pushing hands is great :cool:
  8. El Medico

    El Medico Valued Member

    ---------- Sparrow-OK,for my part I bend the knee and accept the ruler across my knuckles.But I think scathing is a bit much.I thought we were just kidding around.But your point is well taken. :eek:
    ------------ Samuri-I apologize for any offense.Was there something you wanted in regards to your post?
    ------------ Fox-Samuri's in high school.I was just kidding,in regards to the word "sport".Wasn't really advocating bloodsport in gym class. I know push hands is great,just don't think much of push hands tourneys.(However,one of my teachers won the '89 Singapore grand championship,which I am only telling you because chin na and throws were allowed,not because my teacher winning something says anything about me).As for the ten year thing,my opinions on the subject of various types of sparring/matches are in other posts,if you want to bother to look them up.---- I understood what he said,too.But the point of his statement?Tho' I should have asked him that before.
  9. samuri-man

    samuri-man New Member

    i was just trying to see if anyone knows of this yang style,but i'v had a lesson of it and it turns out the my drama teacter is the one who teaches it,and he's quite good, matched me in push hands (good for a man of his age) and i'm used to holding my ground,he said his sifu was also a kung-fu sifu, so its a bit of a mix and we do bunkai (surprisingly) oh and sparrow, what did you want to know?
  10. tcgohan

    tcgohan New Member

    taiji yang style is just fine :D if you need help you know what to do!

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