supplements for free !!

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by JKD_forever, Jun 2, 2005.

  1. JKD_forever

    JKD_forever DEADLIFT!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I love my friends. Friends are great. My friend works in suppl. store so he offered me stuff....for free. I think they couldn't sell it or something. I said.... HELL... YEAH. Free stuff is great. haha
    aaaaanyway, i got some glutamine powder, fish oil, protein, etc. Usual stuff you see. But i also got something called HMB (XTREME PRO HMB from Sports Nutrition) or (this took a while to type) Calcium B-Hydroxy B-Methyl butyrate monohydrate. Now i heard few things about this stuff, but can someone give more insight, if you used it already , thx!
    Is it Xmas yet lol.
  2. nForce

    nForce Banned Banned

    thought you were gonna tell us were we could get free suppliments then :(
  3. Sgt_Major

    Sgt_Major Ex Global Mod Supporter

    do a search on for HMB they sell it too
  4. Ad McG

    Ad McG Troll-killer Supporter

    HMB = pretty much pointless IMO.
  5. YODA

    YODA The Woofing Admin Supporter

    There's always eBay :D
  6. KickChick

    KickChick Valued Member

    Basically HMB: B-hydroxy B-methylbutyrate monohydrate is the metabolite of the amino acid leucine. By supplementing with HMB you may:
    *Minimize protein breakdown and damage to muscle cells
    *Help the body maintain an anabolic state
    *Improve body composition
  7. Taliesin

    Taliesin Valued Member

    There's an intereting article here:
    that appears to suggest that it's good if you can afford it (a problem you don't seem to have). The website looks like a credible source and quotes genuine scientific studies as evidence.

    On the other hand, a search here:
    reveals little but scepticism about HMB.

    Which version should you believe ? I certainly don't know :bang: :bang:

    If I had a free supply, I'd give it a go during a phase of intense resistance training and see what happens.
  8. the core

    the core New Member

    HMB works very well. I use it with creatine and it has helped me build good muscle. I find a system of things together works well. HMB is getting a bum rap and it is not pointless. Just make sure what your taking is a good product.
  9. Ad McG

    Ad McG Troll-killer Supporter

    It's getting a bum rap because it is pretty much a bum product. I would post a link to a discussion on t-nation, but there is a bit of inappropriate language that I can't link to :)

    Trust me - it's crap. Sell it to some mug who will pay for it.
  10. Combatant

    Combatant Monsiour Fitness himself.

    Hehe......this is where YODAs suggestion comes in useful- loadsa mugs on there. :yeleyes:
  11. the core

    the core New Member

    To each his own. The HMB I take works and that's all the proof I need. just because you say it does not work and you can point me to some articles on it, that back your story does not always mean that it is true. When my body tells me something works, i stick with it. I trust no one but myself.
  12. Ad McG

    Ad McG Troll-killer Supporter

    To be honest mate, don't get offended or anything but it's mugs like you who give money to the corporate whores who promote these useless products. You are getting raped for little or no extra results. I would bet all the money in the world that your gains are down to everything else that you have done/consumed, and that HMB alone had nothing to do with it. It's like NO products - they don't work! It's simple science, proven in the lab and in the gym.
  13. the core

    the core New Member

    Please don't pretend to know me at all. Its guys like you that have read to many articles and think they know what's best for everyone. I am sure you are quite informed and have much knowledge on these subjects. Of course I am going to be offended. What I take is put together by doctors with years of experiance driven by the science. So spare me with what you think you know about me.
  14. Ad McG

    Ad McG Troll-killer Supporter

    Why do people act like one person is COMPLETELY different to everyone else. We are all the same species with the same metabolic pathways - yes, there are big variations between people, but the basics remain the same. How do you actually KNOW that HMB has done anything for you? You don't, because unless you tried exactly the same workout regime when you felt exactly the same and did exactly the same things, minus the HMB, then you cannot know that it has any definite effect. Buying HMB is peeing your money down the drain, it is simply an amino acid metabolite that does not have much of an influence on anything. If you fail to see that, then hey you just carry on wasting your money on something you THINK has a function.
  15. the core

    the core New Member

    Gee Adam, thanks for giving me permission to do what I want. I do notice a difference when I am on and of my HMB formula. I know what HMB is and it does its job. Thanx again for letting me live in your world.
  16. harhar

    harhar I hate semaphores

    placebo buddy.
  17. Ad McG

    Ad McG Troll-killer Supporter

  18. Prophet

    Prophet ♥ H&F ♥

    Man, placebos are acctually pretty powerful eh?
  19. the core

    the core New Member

    Supplement HMB (beta Hydroxy-Methyl-Butyrate)

    Description HMB (beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate) is a metabolite of the amino acid leucine. HMB is found in the diet in small amounts in some protein-rich foods such as fish and milk. Depending on total protein and leucine intake, HMB production in the body may average about ¼ to 1 gram per day.

    Claims Increased protein synthesis
    Builds muscle
    Decreased muscle breakdown
    Prevents muscle catabolism
    Increased strength
    Enhanced fat burning

    Theory HMB is thought to be the active form of leucine - an amino acid that plays a role in regulating protein metabolism. In theory, if you supply HMB as a supplement, you may be able to reduce muscle breakdown during intense exercise.

    Scientific Support There is some evidence that HMB reduces muscle catabolism and may protect against muscle damage. For example, creatine kinase, an indicator of muscle damage, is reduced following exercise is subjects consuming HMB. This may indicate a reduced level of muscle damage and could lead to improved muscle function. Research in animals (cattle, pigs and poultry) and humans suggests that HMB can increase muscle mass and strength. Leucine is also a common additive to chicken feed (which is normally low in this amino acid) for the purpose of improving the muscle tissue and providing bigger chicken breasts for dinner

    HMB has also been tested by NASA as a dietary approach to preventing the muscle wasting associated with prolonged spaceflight. Supplementation with 1.5-3.0 grams of HMB daily during weight training for 3 weeks increased muscle mass and strength and decreased the rise in exercise induced muscle damage. In one study, untrained subjects lifted weights for 4 weeks with or without 1.5 to 3 grams of HMB per day. The HMB supplements resulted in significant improvements in muscle mass and strength as well as significant decreases in muscle breakdown compared with placebo subjects. Even in trained athletes, HMB supplements of about 3 grams per day resulted in a significant increase in muscle mass and strength as well as a decrease in body fat.

    One study looked at HMB supplements (versus placebo) in 39 men and 36 women (aged 20-40 years). Subjects received 3 grams of HMB per day while training 3 times per week for 4 weeks. In the HMB group, blood levels of creatine phosphokinase (an indicator of muscle damage) were reduced compared to the placebo group, and both upper body strength and fat-free mass were increased. Overall, the study showed that a short-term period of HMB supplementation can increase upper body strength and minimize muscle damage when combined with an exercise program in both men and women.

    Safety No side effects have been reported in animal studies (which have used large doses of HMB for several weeks) or in human studies of as much as 4 grams per day.

    Value Athletes trying to minimize protein losses and muscle breakdown may want to consider HMB - particularly during very high intensity periods of training.

    Dosage Recommended dose depends on training intensity - from 1 gram/day on rest days and easy days to about 3 grams on heavy training days.

    References 1. Clark RH, Feleke G, Din M, Yasmin T, Singh G, Khan FA, Rathmacher JA. Nutritional treatment for acquired immunodeficiency virus-associated wasting using beta-hydroxy beta-methylbutyrate, glutamine, and arginine: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2000 May-Jun;24(3):133-9.

    2. Clarkson PM, Rawson ES. Nutritional supplements to increase muscle mass. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr. 1999 Jul;39(4):317-28.

    3. Kreider RB, Ferreira M, Wilson M, Almada AL. Effects of calcium beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate (HMB) supplementation during resistance-training on markers of catabolism, body composition and strength. Int J Sports Med. 1999 Nov;20(8):503-9.

    4. Kreider RB. Dietary supplements and the promotion of muscle growth with resistance exercise. Sports Med. 1999 Feb;27(2):97-110.

    5. Mero A. Leucine supplementation and intensive training. Sports Med. 1999 Jun;27(6):347-58.

    6. Nissen S, Sharp R, Ray M, Rathmacher JA, Rice D, Fuller JC Jr, Connelly AS, Abumrad N. Effect of leucine metabolite beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate on muscle metabolism during resistance-exercise training. J Appl Physiol. 1996 Nov;81(5):2095-104.

    7. Nissen S, Sharp RL, Panton L, Vukovich M, Trappe S, Fuller JC Jr. beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate (HMB) supplementation in humans is safe and may decrease cardiovascular risk factors. J Nutr. 2000 Aug;130(8):1937-45.

    8. Panton LB, Rathmacher JA, Baier S, Nissen S. Nutritional supplementation of the leucine metabolite beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate (hmb) during resistance training. Nutrition. 2000 Sep;16(9):734-

    4-9. 9. Papet I, Ostaszewski P, Glomot F, Obled C, Faure M, Bayle G, Nissen S, Arnal M, Grizard J. The effect of a high dose of 3-hydroxy-3-methylbutyrate on protein metabolism in growing lambs. Br J Nutr. 1997 Jun;77(6):885-96.

    10. Slater GJ, Jenkins D. Beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate (HMB) supplementation and the promotion of muscle growth and strength. Sports Med. 2000 Aug;30(2):105-16.
  20. Ad McG

    Ad McG Troll-killer Supporter

    It's great that you have found sources for your info, something that I am always whining about on here! However, it's funny that that is a review from 2000 which means it is essentially 5 years behind which was a time when usage of it was quite common - it is not so common now as it has slowly edged out of the market because people recognise that it isn't worth it. More recent studies have shown that it's use is minimal, I would go and find them but I have a ton more revision to do :)

    Check around t-nation for stuff about HMB. Although it may have SOME effect on your training, it's effect is MINIMAL and simply isn't close to being worth the cost compared to many other supplements. If you are already taking other appropriate supplements, then you will not need it and it won't do anything if you take it away. There are at least 20 more products that I would recommend over HMB off the top of my head. I'm only out to save people money here mate, not rag on anyone. I would much rather get a couple quid on ebay for it than use it.

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